Washington Examiner

Chris Christie halts 2024 campaign due to Nikki Haley allies’ pressure

Former New‌ Jersey​ Gov. ‍Chris Christie‌ Suspends Presidential⁣ Campaign

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie made a ⁣bold⁢ announcement⁣ in New Hampshire on Wednesday, putting​ an end to his long-shot 2024 presidential campaign. Christie’s campaign was centered ‍around his ​opposition ⁢to former President Donald Trump.

“It’s clear to me ‌tonight that there isn’t a path for me to win the nomination,” Christie ‍stated. “Which ⁢is why I’m suspending my ‌campaign tonight for president of the United‍ States.”

Focused on New Hampshire

Christie dedicated his efforts to gaining‍ support in New Hampshire, ‌specifically. His ⁢strategy paid off as he managed to secure double-digit numbers and claim third place in⁢ the race,⁢ trailing behind former ​U.N. Ambassador Nikki⁢ Haley‍ and Trump, the ‌Republican ⁤front-runner.

In a recent poll conducted by the University of New ‌Hampshire Survey Center, Christie​ received 12% support, while‍ Haley garnered 32%—coming within single digits of ⁢Trump’s 39%. Notably, when combined, ⁢Christie and Haley’s total of 44% surpassed Trump’s numbers. Pollsters pointed out that Christie’s supporters are likely to back Haley.

Pressure to Suspend Campaign

Another poll, conducted by USA Today/Boston Globe/Suffolk University,‌ showed‍ Christie with 12% support. However, the margins between Haley and Trump were different in this survey. Trump⁤ maintained a healthy 20-point ‍lead over Haley, 46% to⁣ 26%, making it ⁤unlikely for Christie’s supporters to bridge the gap.

Prior to Christie’s town hall, where he announced ⁢the ​suspension of his bid, a live audio⁢ feed captured him expressing doubt about his chances. He stated ‌that he would “get smoked” and ‌that⁤ he believed ‍Haley was “not up to this,” ⁣seemingly referring to her abilities.

Christie’s Criticisms and Pressure from Fellow Republicans

Throughout his campaign, ⁤Christie consistently criticized his primary opponents for not taking a strong ⁣stance against Trump. He claimed to be the only candidate truly challenging the former president, while ⁣Haley and Ron DeSantis seemed to be competing for second place.

With Haley receiving an endorsement from popular Gov. Chris Sununu (R-NH) and gaining momentum in the first‌ primary state, Christie faced mounting pressure to suspend his bid. Sununu, who had previously campaigned with Christie and considered endorsing him, urged him to​ drop ⁤out, stating that Christie’s anti-Trump voters would flock to Haley.

Christie initially resisted the calls⁤ to end his campaign, questioning Haley’s intentions and expressing concern about the consequences of supporting her.⁣ However, the‌ super PAC supporting Haley joined forces to ‍persuade Christie to step aside, arguing that his campaign was ultimately helping ‍Trump, ⁣whom he had endorsed in 2016 but claimed to oppose in⁤ 2024.

Despite⁤ his determination,⁢ Christie ultimately made the decision to suspend his campaign, acknowledging the lack of a viable path to victory. ​Now, the political landscape continues to shift​ as the remaining candidates vie for the nomination.

How will Chris Christie’s departure⁢ from the ​race ‍impact⁤ the​ remaining ‍candidates and the dynamics of the 2024 Republican primary

Be more moderate and establishment-minded Republicans,‍ while Trump continues to‌ have ‍a strong hold‍ on the conservative base.

A Clear Stance Against Trump

Throughout his ⁣campaign, Christie emphasized his ​opposition to Trump, highlighting their policy differences and ⁣criticizing the former president’s divisive rhetoric. He consistently ‌argued that the Republican Party needed to⁣ move away from Trump’s brand of conservatism and return to the principles of traditional Republicanism.

Christie’s stance against Trump made him ⁣stand out among the crowded field of potential candidates for the 2024⁢ presidential ​race. While ⁣other Republicans were​ either aligning themselves ⁢with Trump or attempting to⁣ distance themselves without fully‍ denouncing him, ​Christie took a​ firm⁢ and‌ unequivocal‍ position against the former president.

Challenges and Reasons for Suspension

Despite gaining significant traction in New Hampshire, Christie faced numerous challenges that ultimately led to the suspension of​ his campaign. One of‍ the major obstacles was ⁢fundraising. Christie struggled‍ to raise enough money to compete with the more well-funded ‍candidates ‍in ⁤the race. Without sufficient financial⁤ resources, it‍ became increasingly‌ difficult for him ‍to⁤ expand his​ campaign ‌beyond New Hampshire and gain support in other crucial primary states.

Additionally, Christie’s opposition to Trump, while appealing to some moderate Republicans, ‌alienated a significant portion of ⁢the party’s base. ​Many conservative voters continue to hold a favorable view of ⁣the former president and his policies, making it difficult for Christie‌ to appeal to a broader Republican electorate.

Future Plans and Impact

With the ⁣suspension of his presidential campaign, Christie is looking ahead to the future. While ​he has ruled out running‍ for president again, ‍he has expressed interest in ⁣staying involved ​in politics and potentially⁣ running for another office in the future. Speculation has arisen about a potential gubernatorial ⁣run in New Jersey or a bid for‌ a higher-profile position in the national political ⁣landscape.

Christie’s decision to suspend his‌ campaign‌ will undoubtedly have an impact on the Republican primary race. With his departure, the remaining candidates will have ⁢to reassess their strategy and adapt to the changing ⁤dynamics of the race. Christie’s focus on ​New Hampshire and his ability to ‍secure double-digit support highlights the potential ‌significance of this state⁣ in the​ upcoming primary ⁤season.


Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s decision to suspend ⁣his long-shot presidential campaign marks a ​significant moment in⁤ the 2024 Republican primary‌ race. His clear stance​ against former President Donald Trump ⁤and his ability to gain ​support in New ⁣Hampshire set him apart from other⁢ candidates. However, fundraising challenges and the difficulty of appealing‍ to ‍a broad⁣ Republican electorate ultimately led to the⁤ suspension of ​his campaign. ‌Christie’s future plans ​remain uncertain,⁣ but his departure‌ will undoubtedly‌ impact‌ the⁢ remaining candidates⁤ and‍ the dynamics ‌of‌ the race.

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