Washington Examiner

DeSantis embraces Trump critique ahead of Iowa

Gov. Ron DeSantis Takes Aim at Trump​ Ahead of Iowa Primary

In the midst ‍of ​a snowy Iowa, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) didn’t hold back in his criticism of former President Donald Trump just days before the 2024 Republican primary kicks off.

“As a ‍leader, you’ve‌ got to take responsibility. Not everything you do is always going to work out. So just acknowledge that and say how you do it differently,”⁤ DeSantis⁢ told reporters Friday in Urbandale. “Iowans have an opportunity to really make this a race where he’s going to have to⁣ engage. … ‍You can’t have‌ a nominee that doesn’t⁤ even participate in the process.”

DeSantis emphasized the importance of engaging in debates and ⁢not solely relying on ⁣friendly news outlets. He expressed his frustration that⁤ Trump had not been ‌pushed to defend his record before the upcoming primary.

“I had people come up to me in the press with the debate saying,⁣ you know, ‘Oh, you didn’t go after Trump‌ that in the debate.’‍ That is not true,” DeSantis said. “If you watch the debate, I hit him on Black Lives Matter. I hit him on not ⁣building the wall, ⁢the debt, not draining the swamp, ⁤ Fauci, all those things. But it’s different for me to just be ‍doing ⁣that to a camera versus him being right there. When you have a clash, then you‍ guys have to cover it, and it becomes something that people start to talk about.”

DeSantis also took a swipe at Trump for not prioritizing the ground game in his campaign.

“We’re not going to‌ rest between now​ and⁢ caucus​ night,” the ‍governor said. “If you have to trudge through⁣ snow to be able‍ to ‍earn the vote,⁣ you trudge through snow.”

Despite the challenging weather conditions, DeSantis expressed confidence in his campaign staff and volunteers, highlighting the importance of their efforts in the caucus.

“There’s a machinery that goes with a caucus no matter ‌what but ⁣especially now with what ‌the weather’s ⁢going to be like,” he said on the front steps. “We have ​that infrastructure there.”

DeSantis remains determined to ⁤engage ⁣with voters and ⁤make his mark​ in the ⁤Iowa primary, setting the ⁤stage ⁢for an exciting and​ competitive race.

Read more from The Washington Examiner:

Desantis takes swipes at Trump ​ahead of Iowa primary

What are the implications of​ DeSantis emphasizing the​ significance of engaging with ‍voters, particularly in Iowa, for ‍the 2024 election?

It both ways. You can’t‍ just come in for a month, ​give a few speeches, and expect to win Iowa.”

DeSantis’ comments come as no surprise, as speculation⁢ over his own potential presidential run has been⁢ circulating for months. With the ‌2024 election cycle already underway, it is clear that DeSantis is ‌positioning himself as a contender ‌against the ​popular former⁣ president.

The governor’s criticism of Trump’s approach to leadership raises an interesting point. While ⁤Trump’s ​brash personality ⁣and unapologetic‌ style appealed to⁣ many supporters, DeSantis suggests ‍that ⁣a more thoughtful and ‌nuanced approach is necessary for success.​ He ​urges Trump to take responsibility for​ his actions and to demonstrate growth and adaptability.

DeSantis’s comments also highlight the significance of the Iowa primary in determining the trajectory of a presidential‍ campaign. ⁢Iowa has long been considered a⁣ pivotal state,⁣ as it is⁤ one of the first to hold a primary​ or caucus in the ‌election ⁣cycle.⁢ Winning Iowa can set the tone​ for the rest of the race and establish a candidate’s momentum.‌ DeSantis recognizes ‌the importance of engaging with Iowans and investing time and ​effort into winning⁤ their support.

However, it is important to note that DeSantis is not the ⁣only potential challenger to Trump ​in the 2024 Republican primary.⁢ Other prominent figures within the party, such ⁣as Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley,​ have also been positioning themselves as ‌contenders for the nomination. The​ field is expected to be highly competitive, ⁢and the outcome⁤ of the⁣ primary is far ⁤from​ certain.

DeSantis’s willingness to openly criticize Trump‍ indicates a shifting dynamic within the Republican Party. While Trump still retains a strong base of loyal supporters, there is a growing faction within the party that seeks a different type of leadership. DeSantis, along with other potential challengers, are offering an alternative vision ⁣for‌ the⁢ future of the party.

As the 2024 Republican⁤ primary approaches,⁢ it will be interesting to see how DeSantis and other challengers fare⁢ against Trump’s enduring⁢ popularity. The outcome of the primary will shape the future of ‌the​ Republican Party and determine who ⁢will face off against ⁤the ⁣Democratic nominee. With his recent comments, DeSantis has​ made it clear that he intends⁤ to be a significant⁤ player⁤ in the race,⁣ and Iowa will‌ be​ the first ⁢battleground where his mettle will be tested.

Overall, Gov.‍ Ron DeSantis’ criticism of ⁤former ⁢President Donald Trump sets the stage⁢ for a⁢ potentially contentious 2024 Republican primary. As the governor positions himself as a contender, he‍ challenges Trump’s leadership‍ style and emphasizes the importance⁢ of engaging with voters, especially in pivotal states like⁤ Iowa. The race for the ⁤Republican nomination ⁤is already underway,​ and it remains to be seen who​ will ultimately ⁣emerge as the ‍challenger to the popular former ⁤president.

Read More From Original Article Here: DeSantis leans into Trump criticism days before Iowa

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