Washington Examiner

Chris Christie remains in the picture despite exiting 2024

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie⁢ Plans ‌to Stay Involved After Ending Presidential ⁣Bid

Former New ​Jersey Gov. Chris Christie won’t be fading into⁤ the ⁢background after⁤ ending his​ 2024 presidential bid earlier this week. Sources close to Christie have revealed his plans to remain active and engaged in various ways.

“I wouldn’t plan on‌ him going away. ​What that looks⁢ like​ remains⁣ to be seen, ⁢but he’s ⁣not — ‍he‍ will⁣ not be going away,” a source familiar‌ with Christie’s​ plans‍ told the Washington Examiner.

Christie himself assured the crowd of his ‌continued presence as​ he ended his presidential bid, stating, “I am not⁣ going away. And ‌my ​voice is not going‌ away. And⁢ I’m going ​to continue to say all the things‌ that I’ve said ⁢… whatever⁢ platforms are⁤ permitted​ to me‌ as we go forward.”

Bill Palatucci, ‌a longtime ally ⁢of Christie, also expressed confidence in the former governor’s ongoing⁣ visibility on the national scene. “I have ⁣no ‍doubt the governor will⁤ remain very active and visible on the national scene,” ​Palatucci said. However, ⁣he acknowledged ⁣that it ‌is too early to⁤ determine the‌ specifics of ‍Christie’s future endeavors.

Speculation and Denials

Shortly after Christie’s departure from the Republican primary race, there‍ were reports suggesting‌ that he might join the No Labels centrist third-party⁤ ticket. However, a ‌source familiar with Christie’s ​campaign effort denied any discussions with⁤ No Labels and stated that Christie ‌had never ⁤mentioned the possibility of teaming up with ‍them. ⁢It is possible that ‍donors associated with Christie ‌have initiated‌ these discussions.

While Christie ‍had previously dismissed the idea of joining No ​Labels, his ⁤recent exit from ⁣the⁢ presidential ‌race could ​potentially change his stance.​ Palatucci emphasized that the⁢ interest in Christie from various political and ‌corporate players is a testament‍ to his reputation and expertise.

Future Plans ⁤and Endorsement

Christie’s former⁤ aide‌ suggested that if he doesn’t pursue ⁤a​ career in ​media, he might explore opportunities in business or⁢ sports. ‍The aide⁤ also speculated that ​Christie’s presidential run may have been motivated by‍ a desire for “post-Trump rehabilitation.” However, Christie did not endorse any other candidate after ending his campaign, ​which ‌could be attributed to his potential to‌ earn more money as⁤ an unaffiliated analyst.

Christie’s criticism of former ⁤U.N. Ambassador ⁣Nikki ‌Haley, particularly her refusal to condemn Trump, played a role​ in his decision not to endorse her. A hot mic exchange between Christie and⁤ Haley​ further fueled speculation about their strained relationship.

Despite Christie’s ‍departure from the​ race, there is a write-in effort for President‌ Joe Biden in New Hampshire, hoping to attract some of Christie’s supporters who are dissatisfied with Haley’s alignment‌ with Trump.

Overall, Christie’s post-presidential ⁢bid ​plans are ​still unfolding, but it ⁢is clear ⁤that he intends to remain an influential figure in the political landscape.

What potential roles or positions might Chris Christie explore to stay involved in politics and public discourse?

Hristie’s future‍ involvement.

Throughout his political career, Christie has been​ known for his outspokenness and strong presence. He has never been one to shy away⁣ from voicing his opinions, whether they are popular or not.⁣ His charisma and ability to connect with people have been⁤ key factors in‌ his success, and it is no surprise that he plans to ​continue using these skills in his post-presidential bid life.

While the details of Christie’s plans ⁢are not yet clear, sources close to him ⁣suggest that he will explore various avenues to​ stay involved in politics and public discourse. One ‍possibility is that ‌he will take on a⁣ role as a commentator or​ political analyst, lending his expertise and insights to important discussions happening around the country. His experience as a governor and his knowledge of the inner workings of government would make him a valuable asset in ‍providing analysis and commentary on ⁤current events.

Another potential avenue for ‌Christie to stay engaged is through public speaking engagements ​and appearances. Throughout his career, he has proven himself to be a captivating and ‌charismatic⁢ speaker, able to command attention and deliver powerful messages. It is likely‌ that he will continue to speak at ⁢conferences, events, and rallies, ⁣sharing his thoughts on important issues and inspiring others to ‌get involved in the political process.

In addition to‌ these possibilities, Christie may also choose to take on a more ⁤prominent role within the Republican Party. ⁢As a respected and influential⁢ figure within the party, he could use his voice to shape its ⁤direction and advocate for his preferred⁣ policies and candidates. Christie has been known to be a pragmatic conservative, willing to work across party lines to get things done. This ⁤approach has earned him a ​reputation as a bipartisan leader, and he may continue to leverage that reputation to effect change within the party.

Overall, it is clear that Chris Christie has no intention of stepping away from ⁤the political arena. Despite ending his presidential bid, he​ is determined to remain active and engaged, using his voice and influence to make ‌a difference. Whether through commentary, public speaking, ​or party involvement, Christie will continue to⁢ play a role in shaping the political landscape of the United States. His passion for public ‍service and unwavering dedication to his beliefs ensure that he ‌will be a force to be reckoned with, even outside of electoral politics.

In the‍ coming months, the specifics of Christie’s future plans⁤ will become clearer. But one thing is certain: Chris Christie is here to⁤ stay. ⁤His presence and impact will continue to be felt, and his voice will remain an important part ‌of the political conversation​ in the⁢ years‍ to come.

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