Washington Examiner

Larry Hogan endorses Nikki Haley ahead of Iowa caucuses

Former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan Endorses Nikki Haley for President

Former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan‍ made a bold endorsement on Sunday, ⁤throwing his support⁢ behind Republican presidential candidate Nikki‍ Haley just ahead of‌ the Iowa caucuses. Hogan, appearing on CNN’s State of the ⁤Union, confidently stated that Haley has the momentum to secure a strong second-place finish in Iowa. He also emphasized that a successful performance in Iowa could pave the way for⁤ Haley to win in New Hampshire and gain crucial momentum heading into her home state of South ​Carolina.

“What this race is all about is to try to nominate the strongest possible nominee for November. I’m convinced the momentum is with Nikki Haley,” Hogan declared. “It is time for the party to get behind Nikki Haley.”

Polls currently indicate that former President Donald​ Trump is poised to⁤ win the Iowa caucuses by a significant margin. However, this hasn’t deterred Haley or Florida Governor Ron DeSantis from campaigning vigorously across the state, even‌ in the face of freezing temperatures and ‌blizzard conditions during the final weekend of the contest.

Both Haley and ‍DeSantis have a lot riding on Monday’s caucuses. A strong showing by either candidate could⁣ potentially slow down Haley’s momentum, which she will need to defeat Trump in New Hampshire.‍ Without a solid performance there, winning in her home state of South Carolina will become even more challenging for Haley.

Hogan, who has been a vocal critic of former President Trump, expressed his desire to avoid a chaotic primary⁣ race that would only benefit Trump. He stressed the importance of selecting the strongest nominee for November, and according ⁣to polls, that nominee is Nikki Haley.

Watch the endorsement:

Former Gov. @LarryHogan endorses @NikkiHaley‌ on #CNNSOTU: “It’s time for the party to get⁢ behind Nikki Haley.”

For more information, click here to read the full article from⁣ The Washington Examiner.

How does Hogan’s endorsement of ⁣Haley impact her credibility ‍and support within the party?

Nikki Haley. Hogan, a prominent figure in the Republican party, announced his endorsement through an ‌op-ed in The Washington Post on Sunday.

Hogan’s endorsement ​comes as​ a significant development in the race for ​the Republican nomination. As a popular ‍and successful former governor, Hogan’s support carries weight within the party and ​could potentially influence other Republican officials and voters.

In his op-ed, Hogan praised ⁢Nikki Haley’s leadership qualities and her ability to bring people together. He ⁢highlighted her⁢ experience as‍ Ambassador to the United Nations under the Trump administration, ⁣where⁤ she distinguished ⁣herself as a strong and effective advocate for American interests on the global stage.

Hogan lauded Haley’s commitment to ⁣fiscal responsibility, noting her successful track record of cutting wasteful spending and balancing budgets. He also‍ emphasized her focus on job creation and economic growth, which he believes will ⁣be pivotal in rebuilding the economy in a post-pandemic world.

Moreover, Hogan commended Haley’s dedication to expanding access⁣ to quality education. He emphasized her support for school choice and her belief in empowering​ parents to make the best⁤ educational decisions for their children.

In ​endorsing Haley, Hogan acknowledged the need for​ a fresh ⁢perspective and new leadership within the Republican party. He praised her straightforward and‌ pragmatic approach, contrasting it with what he perceives as divisive and extreme rhetoric from some members of the party.

Hogan’s endorsement ⁢of Haley showcases his continued commitment to a more moderate and inclusive approach⁤ to governance. Throughout his tenure as governor ‍of Maryland, Hogan was known for his bipartisan efforts and willingness to work across‍ the aisle for the betterment of⁢ the state.

Former Governor Hogan’s endorsement may prove to be a turning point in the Republican primary race. As a respected figure within the ‍party, his support ⁣could sway undecided voters and provide a significant boost to Haley’s⁤ campaign.

It is worth noting that‌ Hogan himself was considered a⁢ potential presidential candidate for the Republican party. His decision to endorse Haley instead speaks volumes about his confidence in her ability to lead​ and unite the party.

The importance of endorsements in​ political campaigns cannot be understated. They provide candidates with credibility, validate their platforms, and can significantly impact public opinion. Hogan’s endorsement adds to a growing list of high-profile Republicans who have backed Nikki Haley, further solidifying her stature within the party.

As the race for the Republican nomination intensifies, Nikki ​Haley will‍ undoubtedly leverage Hogan’s endorsement to gain momentum and broaden her support base. With his seal of approval, Haley’s campaign can appeal to a wider range of Republican voters, including those who prioritize pragmatism, unity, ⁢and⁢ inclusive leadership.

As the former Maryland governor aligns himself with ​Nikki Haley’s presidential bid, it remains to be seen how this⁤ endorsement will influence the wider Republican landscape. Will it give Haley the edge she needs to‌ secure the nomination, or will it spark a ⁢larger conversation about ⁤the future direction of the Republican party?

One thing is certain: Hogan’s endorsement of Nikki Haley for⁣ president has injected new energy into the race and reshaped the dynamics ⁣of the Republican primary. ‍The⁤ coming weeks and ⁢months will reveal how this endorsement impacts ⁤the trajectory of Haley’s campaign and ⁣the broader Republican party as a whole.

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