Washington Examiner

Biden’s 2020 triumph may not benefit him in 2024

President Biden Faces Threat in Georgia as Trump‌ Leads in Poll

President ⁣Joe Biden⁣ faces a threat ⁤in one of the states that made history in 2020 ⁤as‍ it helped him to deliver the win over former President Donald Trump.

In ‍a ​new Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll of registered voters, Trump​ is defeating Biden‍ by 8 percentage points⁤ in Georgia. The two men are likely ‍to be their ⁢parties’ respective presidential nominees.

Trump received 44.7% in the survey, while Biden saw 36.9%, suggesting the potential for Georgia to flip back ​to red ‍in 2024. In a similar measure taken in November, the men ⁣were practically tied in the state.

The new poll ⁣shows Biden’s lingering⁤ difficulties among black voters affecting ‌his⁢ support​ in the presidential election. According to the‍ survey,⁣ 58.6% of ​black people ⁤in the state plan to vote for Biden. Additionally, 20.4% are‌ opting for Trump.

In⁢ November, 78.4% said they would be ⁣voting for Biden, with just 11.7% planning to‌ vote for Trump.

Biden continues to see declines in his support among black voters​ as the general election ​approaches. Per NBC News last year,⁢ the⁢ president had seen a roughly 20-point drop in his ‍net approval⁢ rating with ⁢the demographic just in 2023.

Black leaders are reportedly beginning to believe voters⁣ in ⁣the community​ may not show up to the polls ‍instead‌ of voting for someone else.

In the latest poll, 10% of the group⁣ said they don’t plan on voting for a presidential candidate in⁣ the 2024 election.

Biden’s campaign has ramped up efforts⁣ to message to minority groups across the ‍country, ‌particularly in swing states, to address these concerns. However, the early evidence hasn’t ⁢shown their⁢ effectiveness.

Besides losing support with ⁤key voters in particular, Biden is also struggling ⁤to impress the broader⁣ swath of ⁣the electorate in the Peach State. The president’s disapproval rating with ‌voters was 62%, and 51%‌ of registered⁢ voters said⁣ they “strongly ​disapprove” ‍of his performance.


Georgia had been​ a reliable Republican bastion ‍for two decades until Biden flipped the state in 2020 for⁢ the first time‍ since 1992. Subsequent contests sent two Democratic⁣ senators ⁣to Washington​ and colored the Peach State purple — unlocking a new foothold for Democrats ​in the conservative⁤ South.

But Biden’s ​weak polling could get worse as Trump steps closer to locking up the GOP nomination and sets up a‍ 2020⁣ rematch. On ⁣Monday night, the‌ former president⁢ had a historically⁢ large win during‍ the first nominating contest of the cycle, dominating second-place Gov.⁣ Ron DeSantis​ (R-FL) by more than 30 points.

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⁣ What‌ are the potential implications of Trump leading in the polls for the political landscape of Georgia, considering its historical Republican-leaning status

Graphic since his inauguration. This ⁤decrease in support among black voters could ​be⁤ a significant ⁤factor leading to Trump’s increased popularity in Georgia.

The implications of these poll results are significant for both President Biden and the Democratic Party​ as ⁣a whole. Georgia played a crucial role ⁤in Biden’s victory in ‍the 2020 presidential election, as it was one of‍ the states that helped deliver the⁣ win over former President ⁢Donald Trump. ​Losing support in Georgia ‍could signal potential challenges for the president’s ⁣re-election bid in 2024.

Furthermore, the‍ fact that Trump is‌ leading in these​ polls suggests a potential ⁤shift in the political landscape of Georgia. Historically a Republican-leaning state, Georgia surprised many when it went blue for Biden‌ in 2020.‍ However,​ these recent poll results indicate the possibility ⁣of a return to a red state status in the upcoming election.

The decline in support among black voters is ‌particularly concerning for President Biden. Black voters have been a significant voting bloc for the Democratic ‍Party, and losing their support could significantly impact the party’s chances in future elections. The poll reveals that only 58.6% of‍ black people ​in Georgia plan‍ to vote for Biden,‍ compared to 78.4% in November. This significant drop ⁤in support illustrates the challenges Biden faces in maintaining ⁢the loyalty of this crucial demographic.

It is crucial for President Biden and the⁢ Democratic Party to address these concerns and focus on re-establishing trust and‌ support among black voters. Failure to do so could lead‍ to further erosion of support, not just in Georgia but across the country.

The upcoming elections in Georgia will undoubtedly be closely watched, as they ​will serve as a barometer for Biden’s popularity​ and the state’s political direction. The outcome of these ‍elections will determine whether Georgia remains a battleground state or reverts to its traditional red status.

President Biden⁢ must recognize the threat he faces in Georgia and take the necessary steps ‌to regain the support he⁣ once had. The Democratic⁤ Party must also invest time ​and resources in engaging and mobilizing black ⁤voters to ensure their continued support.

In conclusion, the recent poll results indicating Trump’s lead over Biden in Georgia ⁢signify a potential threat ⁢for the president’s re-election​ bid. ⁤The decline in support among black voters is particularly alarming and calls for immediate ⁢attention from both President Biden and the Democratic Party. The⁣ upcoming elections in‍ Georgia will ‍be crucial in determining the state’s political trajectory and ⁣will serve⁤ as ‌a test for Biden’s⁢ popularity. It is essential that‌ steps are taken⁣ to re-establish trust and support among black voters⁤ in order to avoid further erosion of support.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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