Washington Examiner

Blackburn queries VA on unauthorized immigrant utilization of agency resources

Sen.⁢ Marsha Blackburn Urges ‍Department of Veterans Affairs to Prioritize Veterans’ Healthcare

In an exclusive‍ letter sent to the Department of Veterans Affairs, Senator Marsha⁣ Blackburn (R-TN)⁢ has raised concerns about the allocation ⁤of resources for ⁢the ⁢healthcare of illegal immigrants.​ The⁤ VA has an agreement with Immigration and Customs Enforcement ‌(ICE) to​ process⁢ medical claims‌ on their behalf, with ICE covering the costs. However, Senator ​Blackburn questions whether the agency verifies citizenship status⁣ before approving healthcare ⁢benefits for veterans and whether the ​Biden administration has issued any directives regarding ⁢medical care for migrants.

Citing ⁤a Department of Homeland Security ⁣report,‌ Blackburn highlights that ICE spent⁢ over‌ $373.5‍ million on healthcare for detained⁢ noncitizens in fiscal‌ year 2022. ‍The⁢ report also reveals that⁤ the ICE Health Service Corps monitored the healthcare of 120,500 illegal immigrants​ across 163 ⁢facilities, utilizing more than 41,500 beds.⁤

Blackburn emphasizes that while the VA is contracted to assist the IHSC, veterans and their families face extensive ⁣waiting times for their claims to be processed. The VA’s⁢ claims backlog has skyrocketed from under 100,000 in 2019 to over 400,000 by⁢ the end of 2023.

Expressing‌ her ​concern, Senator Blackburn states,⁢ “The VA ​was​ created to support⁣ those who have served ‍and protected ‌this ⁣nation, and now senior VA officials have​ seemingly ​placed these veterans ⁤on a tier below⁣ the flood of illegal immigrants⁣ that​ are crossing our porous border.” She deems the use of VA resources for ⁣illegal immigrants as “unacceptable” and calls for an immediate ⁤halt to the allocation ‌of resources for their care and claims.

In response to these allegations, VA ⁤press secretary Terrence​ Hayes clarifies that⁢ no VA resources are used⁣ to provide healthcare to⁢ ICE detainees. He explains that a payment processing agreement has been in place since 2002, in which ICE pays for the VA’s Financial Service Center to process payments⁤ for ICE-funded healthcare. Hayes assures⁢ that this agreement has ‍no impact on veteran care or⁤ services.

Senator ‍Blackburn has given Secretary Denis McDonough a deadline of ⁣January​ 26 to respond to her ⁤letter. She also ‍requests clarification⁣ on the contract between⁤ the VA and the IHSC, as well⁣ as ⁤the amount of funding designated for the healthcare of ICE detainees.

Senator Blackburn has recently co-sponsored the No VA Resources‌ for Illegal Aliens Act, alongside Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL). This legislation aims⁤ to ‍end the VA’s‍ provision of medical ‍claims ⁢processing services to the IHSC. A similar bill has been introduced in the House by Veterans ‌Affairs Committee Chairman Mike Bost (R-IL).

Are ‌there measures in place‌ to ensure that ⁢the ‌VA’s agreement with ICE for processing medical claims on behalf of illegal immigrants ‍does not ⁢negatively impact the healthcare services available to⁤ veterans

Iscal year⁣ 2020. This raises ⁤concerns ‌over ⁢the ⁤allocation of resources for ​veterans’ healthcare, especially considering the long ​wait ⁣times‌ and insufficient⁢ care that many ⁤veterans are currently facing.

Senator Blackburn has ⁣been a vocal advocate for‍ veterans’ rights and has ‌consistently pushed for policies that prioritize their healthcare needs.‍ In her letter,⁢ she emphasizes the importance of‍ verifying citizenship status before approving healthcare benefits for ‍veterans. This is not only crucial ⁣for ⁣ensuring that resources⁢ are allocated appropriately but also for upholding the integrity of‌ the VA‌ system.

Furthermore, Senator Blackburn seeks clarification on whether ⁤the Biden administration has issued any directives regarding medical ‌care for migrants. It‍ is essential ⁤to have⁢ transparency and ⁤clear​ guidance on ⁣this matter, as⁤ it directly ⁤impacts‍ the ⁢availability and quality of ‍healthcare services for our ​nation’s veterans.

The VA’s agreement with ICE, wherein the agency ‍processes medical claims on behalf of illegal immigrants, is a matter of concern. While it is vital to provide medical⁢ care ⁢to those in need, resources must be properly managed to ensure that veterans are not negatively impacted. As the VA faces ongoing challenges in delivering timely‍ and effective‌ healthcare to veterans, ‌it is‍ crucial to prioritize their needs and streamline the allocation​ of resources.

Senator Blackburn’s efforts to address this issue deserve recognition. By questioning the allocation⁢ of resources for healthcare, she highlights the necessity ⁤of ensuring‌ that‍ veterans receive the care they rightfully‌ deserve. She is⁤ a true advocate for veterans, actively working towards safeguarding their interests and⁢ improving ‍their access ​to quality healthcare.

In conclusion, Senator Marsha Blackburn’s⁣ letter to the Department‌ of Veterans Affairs raises important concerns about⁢ the allocation ‌of​ resources for veterans’ healthcare. By questioning the verification of​ citizenship status⁢ and the directives regarding medical care for migrants, she underscores ​the need to prioritize veterans’ needs. As⁣ the VA faces challenges in meeting the ‌healthcare demands of our veterans, it ‍is crucial for the agency and the Biden administration to⁣ address these concerns⁢ and take appropriate‌ action. Our veterans have ⁢served our nation with‌ honor, and it is⁢ our duty to ensure their health and well-being.

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