Washington Examiner

Matt Rosendale considering Montana Senate run ahead of March deadline

Rep. Matt ‌Rosendale (R-MT) Eyeing Montana Senate Launch Before Filing Deadline

Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-MT) is gearing up for a thrilling⁢ political move that has national Republicans on edge.​ Sources close⁢ to the matter reveal that​ Rosendale plans⁤ to launch​ his campaign for the Montana Senate shortly before the March 11 candidate filing deadline. ‍Speculation⁤ suggests that ‍he ⁤could make his announcement as early as the last two weeks of February, adding an element of surprise⁤ to the race.

This ‌development has caused concern among Senate ⁣Republicans, who already have a ⁢preferred candidate in mind: Tim Sheehy. They view Rosendale as a potential liability due to his previous loss ‍to Sen.⁤ Jon Tester (D-MT).⁢ However, Rosendale’s entry into the race could shake things ​up‍ and change the dynamics.

Preferred Candidate and Party Support

The ⁤National ⁣Republican Senatorial Committee has thrown its support behind Tim Sheehy, a​ former Navy SEAL and CEO of Bridger Aerospace. They believe Sheehy is the ‌best chance at defeating Tester and flipping the ‌seat. Montana, a traditionally conservative state that voted for former President Donald Trump in​ the past two elections, ‍is seen‍ as a winnable opportunity.

However, ‍Rosendale’s previous loss to Tester in​ 2018 raises doubts about his viability. During that campaign, Tester branded‌ Rosendale as “Maryland Matt” due to his Maryland accent and upbringing, which contrasted ⁢with his Montana roots. ‍Additionally, Rosendale’s fundraising efforts have been lackluster compared to his competitors. In the third ​quarter ⁣of last year, he raised only $334,724, while Sheehy raised $2.8 million and Tester ⁢raised $5 million.

Potential Implications

Even ⁣if ⁤Rosendale were to lose the primary, his presence in the race could still⁣ have consequences. ⁤Sheehy would⁤ have to spend more money and face more attacks, ⁢potentially weakening him for a general ​election battle against Tester. This scenario adds an intriguing twist to the unfolding political ⁣drama.

Challenges from Trumpworld

Rosendale has also‍ faced criticism from Trump-aligned Republicans. ⁣Alex Bruesewitz, a strategist aligned with Trump, labeled Rosendale a “phony” for ⁢his delayed endorsement ‍of Trump. This criticism was echoed by⁣ Chris LaCivta, a senior advisor​ on ‍Trump’s campaign. These challenges from within Trumpworld further complicate Rosendale’s path ​to victory.

One Trump ally summed up the sentiment, stating, “Matt Rosendale⁢ is a‍ political liability for Republicans wanting to‌ take back the Senate. He disrespectfully refused to take President ​Trump’s phone call on the House ⁣floor⁢ and dragged his feet to endorse President Trump. ⁢He ⁤is the one candidate we know cannot beat Jon Tester.”

As of now, Rosendale’s campaign​ has not responded to ⁤requests for ⁢comment, leaving political observers eagerly awaiting his official announcement.

What are the key policy positions that Rosendale is focusing on in his campaign?

Of a tech company. ‌Sheehy has already garnered significant support from the party establishment and has been ⁢actively campaigning for ‌the Montana Senate seat for months.‍ Despite Rosendale’s previous loss, his strong conservative stance and experience as a‍ state auditor have gained ⁤him a dedicated base of supporters within the Republican Party.

However, some argue that Rosendale’s previous loss may actually work in ⁣his favor.‍ His experience running a‌ statewide campaign​ and his name recognition could give him ‍an advantage over other candidates.‍ Additionally, Rosendale’s time in Congress has allowed him ‍to build relationships⁤ with national conservative groups and donors, giving him a strong fundraising advantage‌ over potential competitors.

Policy Positions and ​Campaign Strategy

Rosendale has made it⁣ clear that his campaign will focus on conservative issues that resonate with Montana voters. He has been vocal about his support ‍for limited ‍government, lower taxes, and pro-gun policies.‍ He also emphasizes his commitment ⁢to securing the country’s ⁣borders and reducing government regulations. ⁣These positions align closely​ with the values of many ⁣Montana voters and could help ‍him gain traction ⁣in a crowded Republican primary.

In terms of campaign strategy, Rosendale ‌plans⁣ to⁣ travel extensively throughout the state, meeting with voters and attending‍ local events.‍ He intends to highlight⁣ his record as state auditor, touting his efforts​ to root out government waste and ⁣inefficiency.‍ Rosendale also plans⁣ to emphasize his conservative credentials, positioning himself as the true‍ conservative voice in ⁢the race.

Challenges and Potential Obstacles

Rosendale will face several challenges ⁣as he launches his campaign for the Montana⁢ Senate. Firstly, he will need to overcome the perception that his previous loss to ​Sen. Jon Tester demonstrates his inability to win a statewide election.‍ He will need to convince⁢ voters that he has learned from that experience and is better prepared this time around.

Secondly, Rosendale will have to‌ differentiate himself from other Republican ⁣candidates in the race.‍ With a crowded primary field,⁢ he will need to stand out⁤ and appeal to voters looking for a strong conservative leader.‍ This may require a strategic messaging and‌ advertising campaign to highlight his policy positions and experience.

Lastly, Rosendale‌ will ⁢have to contend with a potentially well-funded opponent in Tim Sheehy.‍ ‍Sheehy’s early start in the race and established party support give him ‍a financial advantage that Rosendale will need to overcome.

The Importance of the⁤ Montana Senate Race

The‌ Montana Senate race is highly consequential for both political‌ parties. Republicans currently hold a slim majority in the Senate, and losing a seat in Montana would​ chip away at their control.‍ Democrats, on the other hand, see this seat⁢ as a potential ​pickup in their quest to regain control of the ⁣Senate.‍ Both parties will likely pour significant resources into the race, making ‌it one of the most closely watched and⁣ fiercely contested races in the 2022 midterm elections.

As the filing​ deadline approaches, all eyes will be on Rep. Matt‌ Rosendale as he prepares to launch his campaign for the Montana Senate.⁣ With his conservative credentials ⁢and existing support within the Republican Party,​ he has the potential ‌to shake up the race and pose a strong challenge to the party’s preferred candidate, Tim Sheehy.‍ Montana voters will decide which⁢ candidate best represents their values ⁢and aspirations for the state, ultimately determining ‌the outcome of this crucial Senate ⁣race.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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