The federalist

Hawley criticizes Mayorkas as unvetted migrants surpass St. Louis and Kansas City combined

Missouri Republican‌ Senator ⁢Calls for​ Impeachment of‍ Homeland Security Secretary

Missouri​ Republican Senator Josh Hawley is ramping up the pressure on⁤ Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.⁢ As House Republicans prepare‍ for impeachment proceedings against Mayorkas, Hawley released a scathing​ letter demanding transparency and accountability.

In his letter, Hawley condemned the Biden administration’s security failures at ‍the southern border, citing a report from the Congressional Budget Office. The report revealed that a staggering ‌860,000 illegal​ immigrants crossed into the United States ⁣without encountering a border official in fiscal year 2023 ‌alone.

Hawley⁤ emphasized the magnitude of this crisis, stating, “These ‘gotaways’ outnumber the combined populations of Kansas City and St. Louis, the two largest ​cities in Missouri. It is abundantly ⁢clear that the longer you remain⁤ in office, the worse the crisis at our southern border ⁢becomes.”

Sanctuary Cities Struggle to‍ Manage Influx

The influx of foreign citizens has overwhelmed cities​ that declared themselves “sanctuaries” for illegal entrants. Democrat mayors of Chicago,‌ New York, and Denver, where migrants are arriving by the busload, have⁤ pleaded for White House intervention.

“All of our cities have reached a ⁢point⁣ where we are either close to capacity or​ nearly out of room,” ⁤said Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson.

December set a new record for the number of alien encounters ⁣in⁢ a single month, ⁣with over⁣ 300,000 reported ⁣by Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Additionally, an estimated⁣ 1.7 million known “gotaways” have⁢ entered undetected since‍ President Joe Biden took ⁢office.

Hawley’s letter⁣ demands that the Department of Homeland Security provide additional estimates regarding the number of migrants who have crossed illegally without apprehension.

“These unprecedented figures underscore the need for you to be fully transparent about your Department’s​ own accounting of the southern border crisis,” Hawley wrote.

Hawley Condemns ‍DHS ​Propaganda Grant

Hawley also criticized the Department of Homeland Security for prioritizing a federal ‍censorship‍ regime over securing the border. He called out the department for funding leftist academics to create “counter-propaganda” on immigration, racial justice, ⁣and COVID.

“Your Department has consistently weaponized the federal government ⁤to attack ‍conservatives using‌ taxpayer dollars,” Hawley wrote. “All these funds should be ‌clawed ⁢back by the federal government immediately, and anyone involved in making this grant should be fired.”

The Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of the ⁣federal government, allowing them to remove‍ state-installed wiring along the Rio⁣ Grande in Eagle Pass, Texas. This interference with Texas’s efforts to fortify‍ the border highlights the federal government’s abandonment of its constitutional duty to secure citizens’‍ right to national defense.

House Republicans are​ expected to draft⁢ four articles of impeachment‌ against Secretary Mayorkas⁣ on​ Tuesday.

Tristan Justice is the western correspondent ‍for The Federalist and the author of Social Justice Redux, a conservative newsletter on culture, health, and wellness. Follow ‍him on Twitter at @JusticeTristan or contact him at [email protected]. Sign up for Tristan’s email newsletter here.

What evidence does Hawley present in his letter to Mayorkas to support his call ⁤for impeachment,⁣ and what are the implications of this call for impeachment on the broader issue ⁣of immigration reform and border ‌security

Y argued ⁢that the Biden administration’s lax immigration policies and failure to secure the southern border have created a humanitarian and national security ⁤crisis. He accused Mayorkas of ⁣neglecting his duty to protect the American people and called​ for his impeachment.

Hawley’s call for impeachment comes as House Republicans have also expressed their dissatisfaction with​ Mayorkas’ handling of ⁢the border crisis. They have ⁣criticized the Homeland Security Secretary ‍for his lack of⁢ transparency and failure​ to provide answers ​on the administration’s immigration policies.

The issue of illegal immigration ⁣has been a contentious one, with Republicans and Democrats holding differing views‍ on ​how to address⁢ the situation. While Democrats argue for a ⁢more compassionate approach ⁤and ⁤comprehensive⁢ immigration reform, Republicans emphasize ‌the importance of border security ⁣and enforcing immigration laws.

The impact of the influx of illegal immigrants has not only been felt at the ⁢border but also in cities across the country. Sanctuary cities, which have enacted policies to protect undocumented immigrants, are struggling to manage the overwhelming number of arrivals. The mayors of Chicago, New York, and Denver have called for assistance from the White House, highlighting the strain that this ⁣crisis has placed on⁤ their cities.

According to a report from the ​Congressional‍ Budget Office‌ cited by‌ Hawley, a shocking 860,000 ⁤illegal immigrants crossed into the⁤ United States without encountering a⁣ border official in‍ fiscal ‌year 2023 alone. This ⁣number is staggering and raises concerns about the effectiveness of border security measures.

Hawley’s letter to Mayorkas emphasizes the severity of ⁢the crisis and the need for immediate action. He argues that the longer Mayorkas ​remains in office, the worse the situation at the southern⁣ border becomes.⁤ As a Senator representing Missouri, a state directly impacted by this⁣ crisis, Hawley is demanding that Mayorkas be held​ accountable for his failures.

The impeachment ⁤of‍ a Homeland‍ Security Secretary ​is a serious and rare occurrence. It ⁢requires substantial‍ evidence of wrongdoing and a ⁣significant breach of ‍trust. In his letter, Hawley presents the CBO⁣ report as evidence of Mayorkas’ ⁣failure⁣ to fulfill his duties and protect the American ⁣people.

The‍ call for impeachment by a Republican senator reflects the growing frustration among conservatives ‌with the Biden administration’s immigration policies. The issue of border security and illegal ⁤immigration will continue⁤ to be a divisive topic in American⁣ politics,‍ with both sides advocating for different approaches to ⁣address the crisis.

As the debate over‌ immigration⁤ reform ‌and border security ​intensifies, the ​focus will be‌ on the actions of key figures⁤ like ​Mayorkas. ⁤The outcome of this call for impeachment remains uncertain, but it reflects⁤ the broader discontent with the​ current state of affairs at the southern‍ border.

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