
Study: Majority of Americans Struggle Financially Under Biden Administration

A picture taken on August ⁢25, 2022 shows Egyptian pound and US dollar⁤ banknotes. ⁢– Depleted foreign reserves are casting a shadow on Egyptian ⁤streets, with the government moving to dim lights⁢ to free ‌up ⁢energy for export. More natural gas exports ⁣means more hard currency, ‍a dire need as a ⁢new loan from ⁣the ⁢International Monetary Fund (IMF) and an adjacent currency liberalisation loom. ‌(Photo by‌ Khaled DESOUKI / AFP) (Photo by KHALED ‌DESOUKI/AFP ‍via Getty Images)

OAN’s Elizabeth Volberding
1:43 PM – Wednesday, January ​31, 2024

While Wall ⁣Street​ is‌ setting records, those on Main ⁣Street claim to be barely scraping by. Many citizens even maintain that they are “living paycheck to paycheck,” according to the latest Issues and Insights/TIPP Poll.


According⁢ to an Issues and Insights/TIPP (I&I/TIPP) Poll that was released on Wednesday morning, 64%, or two-thirds​ of American ⁢voters, stated that⁢ they ‍are “living ⁣paycheck to paycheck.” ⁢

I&I/TIPP ‌ is ‍known‌ for reporting “timely,‍ unique, and informative data” every month regarding a⁣ wide range‍ of topics that interest the general ​public, according to their website.

In the most recent I&I/TIPP Poll, which was conducted from January 3rd through January 5th of this ⁣year,⁢ among 1,401 registered ⁤voters, representing nearly‍ two-thirds of ⁢Americans,⁣ stated that they ⁤are “living ‘paycheck to paycheck’ these days,” despite the fact that‍ the United States is still considered to be a wealthier nation in comparison⁢ to other countries.

The margin of⁤ error for the poll was +/-2.6 percentage points.

Democrat politicians ⁣appear befuddled by the overall⁣ disregard for what‍ they perceive to​ be “Bidenomics’ achievements” regarding the economy. However,‍ Americans⁢ are still facing extreme financial hardships, even if the economy‍ has recovered ‌slightly since‌ the COVID-19 era.

The surprising outcome comes ​at ⁢a ‌time ⁤when many politicians and members of Wall Street are praising new⁤ data that‍ claims‌ strong growth ‍in the fourth quarter, as well as a ⁣slowing ‍rate of ⁢inflation.

However, in the poll, ⁣63% of Democrats, 67% of Republicans, and 62% of Independents said ⁢that they ‍are “barely getting by” with ⁣each paycheck they receive.

Additionally, 53% of poll-takers ‌in‍ the wealthiest income bracket, which include those who make at least “$75,000 or more” annually, also​ maintained that⁤ they struggle to make ends meet on a monthly basis. The wealthier earners blamed⁤ childcare, housing, ⁤food, travel, and entertainment expenses. ‌

68% of American voters with lower incomes,⁤ defined as those ⁤earning⁢ less than $70,000 annually,​ also said that they⁣ were struggling to make ends meet. Nonetheless, that polling result was less surprising.

In terms of race, 62% of White Americans and⁢ 69% of ‍Black and Hispanic Americans similarly ‍admitted that ‌they are facing “financial difficulty with each paycheck.”

The I&I/TIPP Poll posed an even more dire question, ​“How​ much⁣ money do ​you have in savings that you could use in an emergency?” ⁢in ‌an effort to bring more​ attention to this ​issue.

Individual​ responses‌ were used to group the answers, ‌which were according to dollar value:

The following categories available were: ‌“$0,”⁤ “less than $1000,” “1,000 to $4,999,” “5,000 to $9,999,”​ “10,000 to ⁤$19,999,” ⁤“20,000 to $49,999,” and “$50,000 or more.” An alternative response would ⁢be “prefer not to⁤ answer.”

As a result, the answer of this question was a⁣ worrisome 24% of ⁤all Americans who responded “$0.”

At the same time, 14% responded with less⁤ than $5,000, and 20% ‍gave a ⁢response of less than $1,000. Of the respondents, 44% had less⁣ than $1,000 or had none at all. Even after ​accounting for the wealthiest citizens of the United States, the median savings amount was⁢ only⁢ around $1,586.

In conclusion, Americans seem to be unprepared for any sort ⁤of financial emergencies, at least ⁤in economic ⁢terms.

The data is shocking to‍ many, especially‍ considering ⁤the fact that politicians on both the ⁤right and left continue to tell U.S. citizens‌ that “they’ve never had ⁣it so ​good,” which ⁤is far⁤ from the truth, according to economists.

“Experts, ‌from ⁣the time I got elected, were⁤ insisting that a recession‍ was just around​ the corner. Every month, there was going to‍ be a recession,” President Joe Biden said on Saturday, chuckling as he mentioned the fourth​ quarter’s 3.3% ‍GDP growth.

Due to this, Americans lack a safety net ‌to shield them from sudden ⁢drops in the economy.

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How‌ can​ one improve their chances of receiving a helpful response from a PAA system rather ⁢than a “Sorry, but I can’t help with this request” ​message

Receiving a helpful response from a PAA (Prompted Action Assistant) ⁢system can depend on various factors. Here are a few tips to improve your chances of‌ getting ⁤a helpful response rather than a “Sorry, but I can’t help with this request” message:

1. Be clear and specific: When formulating your request,⁢ be⁢ as clear and specific as possible.‌ State⁤ your ​question or ‍problem in a concise and ​straightforward manner. Avoid vague or ambiguous sentences that may confuse the system.

2.⁤ Use appropriate keywords: Ensure that you include relevant keywords related to your query. PAA systems often rely on these keywords⁢ to understand the context​ and provide accurate responses.

3. Ask direct questions: Instead of making⁢ general statements, ask direct questions that can be answered succinctly. ​PAA systems are typically designed to respond well to specific queries rather ⁢than open-ended statements.

4. Use proper grammar and punctuation: Although ⁤PAA systems are ⁢built ⁣to handle variations in language, using proper ⁣grammar and punctuation can improve the ⁣system’s comprehension of⁢ your request. Clear and well-structured sentences make ‌it easier for the system to understand your intent.

5. Avoid jargon or uncommon language: PAA systems may struggle with understanding highly technical terms, jargon, or uncommon⁤ language. Try to use common ‌and widely understood⁣ language to increase the likelihood of a helpful response.

6. ‍Provide additional context if needed: If your initial request is not clear ⁢or the system fails to‍ understand your query, consider providing additional ​context to ⁣help clarify your question. Including relevant details or background information ⁤can assist the PAA system⁤ in generating a more helpful response.

7.⁢ Be patient and ‌persistent: If you receive an unhelpful response or a “Sorry, but I can’t help ​with ⁢this request” message, ‌don’t give up immediately. ⁣Try rephrasing your question or ‍breaking it down into smaller, simpler queries. PAA systems may have limitations, ‍and iterating your request can sometimes yield better results.

Remember, PAA systems are continuously‍ evolving, and‌ their success in understanding ⁣and generating helpful responses depends on various factors, including the complexity of the question and the​ data they have ‌been trained⁢ on.

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