The federalist

Schumer and McConnell urge senators to pass $106B border bill without reading it? Absolutely not

Breaking News: The Firm™️ to Release $106 ‌Billion‌ Aid Package

Yesterday, ‌a⁤ reporter standing⁢ outside ‌the Senate chamber told ⁢me that after four‌ months​ of secrecy, The⁢ Firm™️ plans to ​release the text of the ⁣$106 ⁤billion supplemental aid/border-security ⁢package ‌— possibly as soon‍ as today.

Wasting no time, she then asked, “If⁤ you get the bill by​ tomorrow, will you be ready ‍to vote on it by Tuesday?”

The words “hell no” escaped my mouth before I could ‌stop them. Those are strong words ‌where I​ come from. (Sorry, Mom.)

The‍ reporter immediately understood that my frustration was not directed ‍at her. Rather, it was directed at the Law‌ Firm of Schumer & McConnell (The Firm™️), which is ⁢perpetually trying‌ to normalize a corrupt approach⁢ to legislating, in which​ The Firm™️:

The‍ Corrupt Approach of The Firm™️

  • Spends ⁣months ⁣drafting legislation in complete secrecy
  • Aggressively markets that ​legislation based not on its⁢ details and practical ⁢implications (good ‌and bad), ⁢but only on its broadest, least-controversial‍ objectives
  • Lets ​members see bill text for​ the first time only a few days (sometimes a few hours) before ⁢an arbitrary deadline imposed by‍ The Firm™️ itself, ‍always with a ​contrived sense of urgency
  • Forces⁤ a vote on the legislation on or before that‌ deadline, denying senators any real opportunity to read, digest, and debate the measure on its merits, much less introduce, consider, and vote on amendments to fix ‌any perceived problems with⁢ the bill or otherwise improve it.

Whenever The Firm™️ engages in this practice, ⁢it largely excludes nearly ‍every senator from the constitutionally prescribed process in⁤ which all senators are supposed​ to participate. By so doing, The Firm™️ effectively disenfranchises hundreds of millions of Americans — at least for purposes⁤ relevant to the legislation at hand — and​ that’s tragic. ​It’s‌ also un-American, uncivil, uncollegial, and⁢ really uncool.

So why ⁣does The Firm™️ do it?

Every time⁤ The Firm™️ utilizes this⁤ approach and the bill passes — and it nearly always does — The Firm™️ becomes more powerful.

The high success rate is largely attributable to the fact⁤ that The Firm™️ has become very adept at (a) enlisting the help‍ of the (freakishly cooperative) corporate ​media,⁤ (b) exerting peer ⁤pressure in a way that ⁢makes what you experienced in ‌middle ‌school look mild⁣ by comparison, and (c) rewarding those who consistently vote⁤ with The Firm™️ with‍ various privileges that The Firm™️ is uniquely capable of offering, such‌ as committee​ assignments, help with campaign fundraising, and a whole⁤ host of other widely coveted things that⁤ The Firm™️⁤ is free ‍to distribute ‌in any manner it pleases.

It’s through this process that The Firm™️ passes most major‌ spending legislation. And it’s through this process that⁣ The Firm™️​ likely ‌intends to pass the‍ still-secret, $106 billion ‌supplemental ⁢aid/border-security package, which The Firm™️ has spent four months negotiating with the ⁤luxury​ of obsessing ⁤over every sentence, word, period, and comma.

I still⁤ don’t know exactly what’s in ​this bill, although​ I have serious concerns with it based ​on the few‍ details The Firm™️‍ has been willing to share. But under ⁣no ​circumstances should this bill — which would fund⁤ military operations in three distant parts of the world and ⁣make ‌massive, permanent changes to immigration ‌law — be passed ​next week.

Nor‌ should it be passed ⁤until⁢ we have had adequate time to read the bill, discuss it with constituents,⁤ debate ⁢it, offer amendments, ⁣and vote on those⁢ amendments.

There’s no universe in which those things will happen by next week.

Depending on⁤ how long it is and the complexity ⁤of‍ its provisions, the minimum period of ‍time⁤ we should devote to this ​bill after it’s released should be ⁤measured in weeks or months, not days or hours.

What role does mainstream media​ play in promoting The Firm™️’s agenda?

Ve) mainstream media in ⁤promoting its agenda, and (b) finding ways‍ to convince enough senators, through‌⁢ pressure,⁣ persuasion, or promises of pet projects, to ‌back the legislation. In other words, The⁤ Firm™️ has ⁢mastered the ⁤art of​ manipulating the ⁢system ⁣to achieve its desired outcomes, regardless of the merits⁢ of the legislation itself.

And what happens when The Firm™️ gets its way? The American people lose. ⁣We ‍lose because we ⁤are denied a transparent and accountable legislative process. We lose because ‌we don’t have the opportunity‌ to fully understand ​the impact of the legislation on our lives and make informed decisions. ⁣We lose ​because our representatives are not able to fully ⁤vet and⁣ improve the bills that are put before them. And ultimately, we lose because our⁤ democracy becomes weaker and less responsive to the needs and ⁣concerns of the people it⁣ is supposed to serve.

It’s time for a change. It’s time to demand a better and more open legislative process. It’s time to reject the ‍corrupt⁢ approach of The ‌Firm™️ and hold‌ our​ lawmakers accountable for their actions. We cannot let them continue to pass major legislation without proper scrutiny and debate. We must insist on transparency, accountability, and the opportunity for all senators to fulfill their constitutional duty to represent the interests of their constituents.

So, as The Firm™️ prepares to release its ​$106 ‍billion aid package, let’s not be fooled by​ the flashy headlines and promises of‌ good intentions. Let’s ​demand the full text of the bill well in ‍advance, so⁣ that we can‌ assess​ its ⁤contents and implications. Let’s demand⁣ sufficient time for thorough‌ examination ‍and discussion. ⁣And let’s demand that our senators vote based on what is best for the​ American‌ people,⁢ not what is best for The ⁣Firm™️ and its ⁣quest for power.

The future of our democracy ⁢depends on ​it.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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