Washington Examiner

Pollster John Zogby cautions against a Biden war that the majority opposes

This week’s White House Report Card: Biden Mulls More Attacks on Terrorist Targets

President Joe Biden and his national security team⁣ are considering further attacks on ‌terrorist targets in Iraq and‍ Syria.‌ These strikes are part of a broader retaliation against an Iran-backed group that the president believes is responsible for⁢ the recent deaths of three ‍U.S. soldiers.

Biden, ‍currently at his Delaware home, will‍ later fly to headline ⁤a political event ‌in Los Angeles with black entertainment leaders. This is an⁢ effort ‍to boost his support‌ among minority‌ voters.

Concerns ‍Over Escalating U.S. Involvement in Middle East Conflicts

According to pollster John Zogby, there are concerns among Americans about the increasing U.S. involvement in‍ conflicts in the Middle East. The U.S. has already launched⁣ 125 ⁣bombing strikes on 85 targets of Iran-backed militant bases in Iraq and Syria, with the White House promising that this is just‌ the beginning.

Zogby warns that this ‌escalation could​ lead to a wider regional war, ⁢which⁤ goes against the desires of the American people. He gives ⁣the current situation a grade of “C plus.”

Positive Economic News: ‌Job ‍Growth and Wage ⁣Increase

January ⁢saw the creation of an impressive 353,000 new jobs, almost double what economists had predicted. Additionally, wages grew by over half a percent, ending the year with a 4.5% increase, well above the 3.2% rate of ⁢inflation.

Former President Donald Trump’s chief economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, and CNBC’s Rick Santelli praised these positive developments. It’s only⁣ a matter of time before voters⁤ start to notice the⁣ improving economy. Despite this, few are attributing⁤ this ‍good news⁢ to President Biden, but consumer spending ⁣continues‍ to drive economic growth.

Mixed Poll Results ⁢and ‌Concerns‌ Over Escalation in the Middle ⁣East

In the latest general election polls,‍ Trump leads in three, Biden leads in two, and one is​ tied. However, job approval numbers vary ⁣widely, averaging‌ at 41%.

While the‌ economy shows ⁢signs of improvement, the U.S. has launched⁣ numerous bombing strikes on​ Iran-backed militant bases in Iraq​ and Syria. This escalation worries⁣ many Americans who do not want⁢ to see a wider regional war.

Biden’s Troubles and⁣ Controversial Actions

President Biden​ continues to face challenges and make controversial‌ decisions. He⁤ and his administration⁣ are being criticized ​for their handling of the⁤ Middle East conflicts and their reluctance to directly ⁣confront Iran.

Furthermore, Biden made a false statement to a grieving family, claiming that ‍he lost his son ⁤in Iraq.⁤ This is just one of many ​lies he has been caught in.

There are ‌also concerns about Biden’s⁤ policies ​regarding illegal⁣ immigration. He ⁢is reportedly using taxpayer money to pay for the‌ expenses​ of illegal immigrants‌ entering the ‌U.S.

In addition, Biden is pressuring Israel into a potentially ‍unfavorable deal for peace ⁤in ⁣Gaza and considering recognizing a Palestinian “state” that does not ​exist.

Other smaller ⁤issues include mislabeling‌ affluent ‍areas as low-income to receive more funding for electric car charging stations and delaying approval⁣ for natural gas export projects to appease climate change activists.

Overall, ​Biden’s‌ actions and ​decisions have‌ raised serious concerns and ⁣earned ‌him a failing⁤ grade.

Source: Washington⁣ Examiner

How is President Biden strategically targeting and engaging with minority voters, and what impact could this have on his political success in future elections

Mprovement​ in employment and wages, which could benefit President Biden in the long run.

‌Overall Grade:‌ B-

Despite the positive economic news, concerns over escalating U.S. involvement in Middle East conflicts persist. President Biden’s⁤ consideration of further attacks on terrorist targets is raising questions about the potential⁤ consequences and the desires of the American people. Pollster John Zogby warns⁢ of the ‌possibility of a wider regional war, which is not in line with the wishes of the public. As ⁤a result, the current situation receives a grade of “C plus.”

On the economic front, January brought ⁤encouraging news with the creation of 353,000 new jobs, surpassing economists’ predictions. This significant job growth is a promising sign for the recovery of the American economy. Furthermore, wages saw a 4.5% increase, outpacing⁤ the rate of inflation. Former President Donald Trump’s chief economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, and CNBC’s Rick Santelli have commended these positive ‍developments, implying that they​ could positively impact President Biden’s popularity among ⁤voters.

However, ⁣despite the positive economic news, concerns remain regarding the potential consequences of further attacks on terrorist targets in the‍ Middle East. The U.S. has already launched numerous bombing strikes on Iran-backed militant bases, prompting fears ⁢of a wider regional conflict. Pollster John Zogby, highlighting the concerns of the American people,‍ gives the current situation a ⁢grade⁤ of “C plus.” This suggests that there is room for improvement in‌ terms of addressing and mitigating these concerns.

The potential ⁢consequences ‍of escalating U.S. involvement in Middle East conflicts cannot be underestimated. As⁤ previous experiences‍ have shown, military interventions⁤ in ‌the region can lead to prolonged and⁤ complex engagements with significant human and financial costs. It is crucial for President Biden and his national security team to carefully weigh ⁤the potential benefits​ against the risks and​ ensure that any actions taken‍ align with the broader national and international objectives.

Additionally, President Biden’s focus on boosting his support ‌among minority voters⁢ holds political significance. The event in​ Los⁤ Angeles with black entertainment ​leaders highlights ⁢his efforts to build stronger​ relationships and ​garner support within this crucial demographic. Recognizing the importance of‌ minority voters in shaping the political landscape, especially​ in swing⁣ states, reflects President Biden’s strategic approach towards consolidating his political standing and increasing his ‍chances of success in future elections.

Overall, while positive⁤ economic news provides⁤ a⁤ boost for President Biden, concerns over escalating U.S. involvement in Middle East conflicts warrant attention. The current situation receives a grade ‌of “B-” due to ‌the promising economic indicators and efforts to engage with minority voters, but also the need for caution and consideration in ‌addressing ‍security challenges⁣ in the Middle East. ‍The coming weeks will reveal how President Biden navigates these issues and maintains a ⁢balance between economic progress and national security interests.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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