
Chile forest fires claim 19 lives, emergency declared

Residents push ​a car ⁢away from a burning forest​ fire engulfing ‍homes in Villa Alemana, Valparaiso, Chile, Friday, Feb. 2, ‌2024. (Andres Pina, Aton Chile via ​AP)

OAN’s Abril ⁤Elfi

1:56 ‌PM – Saturday, February 3,⁣ 2024

A state of emergency has been declared in Chile as forest fires are spreading ⁢through the nation, killing at ⁢least ​19 people ‍so far and leaving thousands homeless.


Around 1,100 homes have been destroyed and ⁢ at least 19⁢ people have died as a‌ result of intense forest‍ fires encircling a heavily populated area of central ‌Chile, according to officials on Saturday.

Interior ‍Minister Carolina Tohá stated that, ‍as a result of this week’s abnormally high temperatures, ‌92 forest fires are presently raging in Chile’s south ‌and center.

She reported that since Friday, at least 19,770 acres had burned due to two fires that were close to the towns of Quilpué and Villa Alemana.

A fire was posing a threat to Viña del​ Mar,⁣ a ⁣coastal resort town⁣ that has already experienced ⁣significant damage to certain neighborhoods.

Many blocks ⁢of residences and ⁢businesses in the⁤ hillside ​neighborhood of⁣ Villa Independencia on the eastern edge of town were totally⁣ destroyed.⁤ The streets were littered with burned-out cars with shattered windows.

Rolando Fernández, one‌ of the residents who lost his home, spoke with the press, saying he has been⁣ left with ​nothing.

“I’ve⁣ been here for 32 years ⁣and never imagined this would happen,” Fernández‍ said. “I’ve worked my whole life,‌ and now I’m‌ left with nothing.”

To put out the fires, Tohá said that three shelters had been set up in the Valparaíso region and​ that over 450 firefighters and 19 helicopters had been sent to the ⁣area.

She also stated that rescue teams were still having trouble getting to the neighborhoods that had been⁢ hit ​the hardest. Neighborhoods on the ⁣outskirts of ​Viña del Mar have been affected by the fires that are burning in⁤ difficult-to-reach mountains.

Blackouts have been reported by officials as a consequence of‌ the fire. According to Tohá, three senior living facilities ⁢and⁢ four hospitals⁢ in ‍the⁤ Valparaíso ​area had to be evacuated, and the fire also destroyed two bus terminals.

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⁤How many people have been ‌affected by the ⁢fires and what measures are being taken to provide assistance?

A State of ⁤Emergency Declared in Chile as Forest Fires Rage On

Chile is currently facing a severe crisis as forest fires continue to spread⁤ across the nation, causing significant damage and loss of life. The government has declared ⁤a state of emergency ‌as‌ firefighters and rescue teams battle to contain the fires and provide assistance to affected communities.

As of now, at least 19 people have tragically lost their lives due to the fires, and thousands have been left homeless. Approximately 1,100 homes ‌have been ⁤destroyed, leaving families without⁢ shelter and basic necessities. The‌ scale of destruction is immense, and the impact on local communities is devastating.

The fires primarily engulfed a ⁣heavily populated area in⁤ central Chile. Reports indicate that a total of 92 fires are currently raging in the country’s‍ south and center.⁢ Interior‌ Minister Carolina Tohá​ attributed the unusually high temperatures this ⁢week as a major contributing factor ⁤to the rapid spread of​ the ‌fires.

Over 19,770 acres of land have already burned, with two major fires near⁢ the ​towns of Quilpué and‌ Villa Alemana causing the most destruction. The coastal resort town of Viña⁤ del Mar is also under threat,⁢ with certain neighborhoods already experiencing significant damage. Entire blocks of ‍residences and‌ businesses in the hillside neighborhood‍ of Villa Independencia have been completely⁢ destroyed, leaving debris and burned-out​ cars​ in‍ their wake.

The situation is dire for those who have lost everything in the fires. Rolando Fernández, a resident who lost his home, expressed his disbelief, saying, “I’ve been here for 32 years and never ‍imagined this would happen. I’ve worked my whole life, and now⁤ I’m⁤ left with ⁤nothing.” The emotional toll is immeasurable as⁢ families grapple with the​ loss of their⁣ homes,⁣ possessions, and, most importantly, their loved ones.

Efforts to extinguish the fires and provide relief are underway. Minister ‌Tohá reported that three shelters have been set up in the ⁣Valparaíso region, providing temporary accommodation for those displaced by the fires. Additionally, more ‍than 450 firefighters and 19 helicopters have been dispatched to the affected areas in an attempt to contain⁣ the fires. However, rescue teams are ⁣encountering difficulties reaching the hardest-hit neighborhoods, particularly those located in mountainous and challenging terrain.

The fires have also resulted in blackouts, further exacerbating the challenges faced by residents and emergency responders. The⁢ situation is fluid, and authorities are closely⁢ monitoring the fires’ progression and adapting their strategies accordingly.

International support and solidarity are crucial during this difficult time. The Chilean government has called‍ for assistance from neighboring countries and international organizations to help combat the fires and support affected communities. The global community must⁣ come together to extend a ⁤helping hand to those in need and provide the necessary ⁤resources to address this crisis effectively.

As⁢ the fires continue to rage on, it⁤ is imperative that the focus remains on the safety and well-being of the affected communities. Efforts to contain⁤ the fires,​ provide shelter, and support those who have lost everything require immediate attention ‌and⁢ action. The long-term impact of these fires on Chile’s environment, economy, and society will undoubtedly be far-reaching, necessitating a comprehensive recovery and rebuilding plan.

In the⁢ face of this tragedy, the ​strength ⁣and resilience of the Chilean⁤ people will undoubtedly shine through. ⁤However, ​the ‍support and solidarity of the international community will be instrumental in helping Chile overcome this crisis and begin the long process of rebuilding.

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