Washington Examiner

Nikki Haley adopts DeSantis-like approach, highlights gubernatorial achievements to sway voters

Former U.N. Ambassador ⁢Nikki Haley Takes a Page from Ron DeSantis’ Playbook ⁢in⁣ South Carolina

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is employing a new⁤ strategy to gain ground ​on former President Donald Trump in her home state of ⁣South Carolina. Her approach ‍closely mirrors‌ that of former presidential candidate Gov.⁤ Ron​ DeSantis (R-FL), who recently ​suspended his campaign.

Haley is ​leveraging ⁣her previous role as South Carolina governor ⁣to remind voters of her accomplishments in ‌the state before joining⁣ the ⁣Trump administration.‍ This‍ refined strategy echoes DeSantis’ focus on his conservative record⁣ leading Florida, aiming to convince Republicans⁤ that he was the best candidate⁤ to run the country.

While DeSantis halted his ⁤campaign after⁤ a disappointing performance in the Iowa Republican caucuses, strategists believe this setback​ could work in ‍Haley’s favor as ⁣she stakes her presidential hopes on the upcoming primary in ​South Carolina.

According to John Mark Hansen, a political science professor at the University of Chicago, this‍ strategy is a long‍ shot but likely Haley’s best chance. Todd Belt, director of the political management master’s program‌ at George‍ Washington University, notes that South Carolina voters have recently supported Trump-aligned‍ politicians,‌ so‍ Haley is attempting to reconnect with those who haven’t voted for her in a while.

Haley’s new ad campaign, titled “It’s A ⁣Great Day In South⁤ Carolina,” aims to combat Trump’s falsehoods and remind voters ‌of her successes as governor. In a video highlighting​ her accomplishments, Haley⁢ emphasizes cutting taxes, passing tough immigration and voter ID⁤ laws, and moving⁢ people from welfare to work.

While Haley faces an uphill ‍battle, her tactic could show ⁤promise. ‌Columbia University political science professor Robert Shapiro⁢ suggests that she emphasize her past⁣ as governor and contrast​ it with Trump’s failure‍ to‍ deliver on his promises. ⁣Republican strategist Doug Heye acknowledges the significant ground ⁢Haley needs to make up but believes this‌ argument could ​sway undecided South Carolina ⁢voters.

In a recent poll,​ more than half ⁣of​ Republican primary voters in ⁢South Carolina plan to vote for Trump,‌ while Haley trails​ with 32%‍ support. However, her‌ numbers have increased by 18 points. While Haley’s strategy ‌resembles DeSantis’, some political‍ scientists and Republican strategists argue⁣ that the key difference is Haley’s focus on her home state.

According to Susan Del⁤ Percio, a Republican⁢ strategist,‍ DeSantis was selling the Florida blueprint to‍ America, while Haley aims to jog South⁣ Carolinians’ memories⁣ ahead of the primary. DeSantis’ attempt to use this tactic failed because he couldn’t make his record ⁢in Florida relatable‍ to Iowa ‍voters.

While some are skeptical ⁤about ‌the potential for Haley’s move to boost her support, University at⁢ Buffalo associate professor of political science Jacob Neiheisel believes that​ big comebacks are rare in politics.⁢ He suggests that it would take more ‍than reminding Republicans of her record as governor‌ to change ⁤their minds. However, the 2024 race could see a significant shift due​ to external factors, such as the advanced ages of ‍the top candidates and Trump’s legal battles.

Even if Haley’s strategy proves effective in South Carolina, there‍ is no ​guarantee that it will ⁤resonate with the rest of the country. Lisa Bryant,‌ political science department chairwoman at​ California⁣ State University, Fresno, points out that South Carolina is not known as an economic‌ powerhouse like Florida, Texas, or California. This makes it harder⁤ for voters to‌ see the transition from governor to president for​ a ⁤former South Carolina governor.

Kyle Kondik, ⁣managing editor of ⁣Sabato’s⁣ Crystal Ball at‌ the ⁤University⁢ of⁢ Virginia Center for Politics, adds that ‌presidential politics ‌primarily revolve around⁤ national issues, which is why a gubernatorial ⁢record didn’t‍ propel DeSantis ‍forward. Throughout the GOP presidential‌ cycle, home state⁢ candidates have not‌ received⁣ significant boosts​ in polling.

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⁤How does ⁤Haley plan to address concerns about her previous support for ⁢the Confederate flag and unite a divided‍ country

S strategy may not ⁤be ⁤enough to fully surpass Trump, it could ⁢position her as a strong contender and solidify her support in the state.

One key challenge for Haley is striking the right balance between distancing herself from⁣ Trump and appealing to his supporters. While she has been critical of Trump’s actions, particularly ​his handling of​ the January 6th ‍Capitol insurrection, Haley ‍also remains popular among Republican voters who still identify with Trump’s agenda. This delicate tightrope walk requires Haley to carefully⁤ navigate the political landscape, showcasing her own achievements while avoiding alienating Trump‍ loyalists.

Another factor that could impact ‍Haley’s chances is the overall political climate in ​South Carolina. As ⁣a traditionally conservative state, winning the Republican primary is ⁤crucial for any candidate hoping to ⁣secure the party’s nomination. With Trump’s influence still strong within the‌ party, Haley will need to prove ⁣that she is the candidate who can best represent their interests while also ​appealing to more moderate voters.

Furthermore, Haley will need to address concerns about her previous⁣ support for the Confederate flag during her governorship.​ While she ultimately called for its removal in 2015 following the Charleston church shooting, critics argue that her initial defense of the flag could alienate⁣ voters, particularly in the current ⁢political climate where⁢ issues of racial equity and justice are at the forefront. Haley will need to address this controversy head-on and present a‌ compelling argument for why she should be trusted as a ⁣leader who can⁣ unite a divided country.

Overall, Nikki Haley’s decision to adopt a strategy‌ similar to Ron DeSantis in South​ Carolina is a calculated ⁤move to regain momentum and position herself as a viable challenger to Trump. While she faces numerous ⁣challenges, including Trump’s continued influence within the party​ and her own controversies, Haley’s emphasis on her record as governor and​ distinction from​ Trump’s failed promises ⁢may⁤ resonate with ​undecided voters in the state.‍ Ultimately, the upcoming primary in South Carolina‌ will be a critical test ⁤for Haley’s presidential ⁤aspirations, and only time will tell if her new playbook proves ‍effective.

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