The federalist

Toby Keith honored American soldiers through words and actions

We never met, but I love Toby Keith. Not just his music, but⁣ the man.‍ This is my⁤ short anecdote that ​explains why.‍

In 2004 my son was on his first of about a dozen combat deployments to the Mideast. He was then a 2nd Lieutenant with the ⁤10th⁢ Mountain Division. It was the first of his many⁣ extended separations from his wonderful wife and, later, his precious son and⁤ daughter. ⁢My wife and I traveled to Ft. Drum to visit with him and his ⁤wife,⁤ and to be there when he boarded the plane, headed to war. ‌

While ⁢there, I met a few members of ​his unit. One of my enduring recollections was of the support given ‌to soldiers and their families by the Battalion Command Sergeant Major’s wife as they said their goodbyes, not knowing what the future held ⁤for any of them.

Not long ‌after⁤ the battalion‍ deployed, they were engaged in ‍street fighting in Baghdad and⁤ suffered their first KIAs. Like all parents of deployed soldiers, I lived on pins and needles, reading and watching the news for any developments that could change our lives.

At ‌the time, many​ people were repeating the mantra, “I support the troops,” but ⁤not everyone could or ⁤did act on that. I wanted to make some small ‍gesture to show support for the families that the soldiers had left behind, to show that people they did not even know appreciated their sacrifice, too.

At the time ⁢I was a ⁢partner in a major international law firm. I spoke with the firm’s chairman, Gordon Rainey who is an Army veteran, and we came up with a plan. It was not a huge thing, but a way⁤ just to⁣ show that other people appreciated and had not forgotten the soldiers’ families⁤ back home.

Gordon and I collaborated on a letter of support to the wives and families of every soldier in the battalion. Gordon signed it as chairman on behalf of our firm. I made arrangements⁤ to have the ⁢letter, together⁢ with a small package of appreciation, delivered to the wives ⁣of every soldier in the battalion at Ft. Drum in upstate New York.

The other items I wanted to‍ include in our ‍little packages for the wives ⁢were a single yellow rose‌ and a CD with Toby Keith’s hit song, “American Soldier,” which had just ‍been released the prior November.

By 2004 Toby ⁢Keith was already a megastar with multiple ⁤No. 1​ hits, including songs with pure American and patriotic themes, such as “Courtesy of the Red,⁤ White and Blue.” But I thought that the ‍words of “American Soldier,” which Toby co-wrote, were particularly appropriate ⁢for the battalion’s wives ⁣and families at that difficult time. Read the complete lyrics below.

Because ‍these CDs were coming from a law firm that was fastidious about such things, ​I knew⁣ that we⁤ had to get permission to make all the CDs with a copyrighted song. Not having any contacts in the Nashville ⁤music industry, I just approached the ‌problem ‍directly. I wrote to Toby Keith, explained the⁤ situation, and asked ⁣his approval to make hundreds of copies of “American Soldier” to send to the soldiers’ families.

I was not sure whether I would get a response. A famous artist like Toby Keith gets hundreds of letters from fans all over the world. Even with the aid of staff, he can’t read, much less⁣ respond to them all. But he did. Toby wrote back, kindly permitting us to make as many copies of “American Soldier” as we needed to‌ show our support for the military families.

So, that is my‌ small story of a thoughtful and patriotic gesture by one of our‍ greatest entertainers. In the overall scheme ⁤of things, it was a small matter. Toby made many trips to Iraq, Afghanistan, deployed ​warships, and other venues to put on USO shows for the troops. He doubtlessly did not dwell on my request or even‌ remember it later.​ But he allowed us to show our small measure of tangible support and appreciation for deployed soldiers’ families. To ‌me that ​was a very big thing.

So, thank you, Toby Keith. You are a patriot who ⁢will be missed.

An American Soldier

I’m just

Why did the‌ author choose Toby Keith’s song, “American Soldier,” to include in the gesture of​ appreciation?

Title: A Small‌ Gesture of Appreciation: Supporting the Families of American Soldiers


In times of conflict and‍ war, the sacrifices made by soldiers and their families often⁣ go ⁢unnoticed. ‌This ⁣is a story ⁣of a small yet meaningful gesture made to show support and ⁣appreciation to the families of American soldiers during a challenging time. ⁢It⁢ highlights the power‌ of ⁤empathy and the impact one person can have⁢ on the lives ‍of others.

The Power of Music and Support:

In 2004, the author’s son,‍ a soldier with the 10th Mountain Division, embarked on ⁣his first combat deployment. As a concerned parent, ⁣the author ⁢realized the immense⁣ emotional burden faced by the families left behind. Seeking to provide solace‌ and acknowledgment, ⁣an idea was‍ conceived to express⁣ support through a letter of appreciation.

To amplify the gesture,⁤ the​ author ​decided to⁢ include a yellow rose and a CD containing Toby Keith’s hit song, “American Soldier.” The song, with its ‌patriotic message and poignant⁢ lyrics, ⁣seemed the ⁣perfect choice to connect with ‍the wives ⁤and families of ⁣the​ deployed soldiers.

The Significance of Toby Keith’s Song:

Toby Keith, already a renowned country music artist, had previously released songs with patriotic themes, resonating ‍strongly with American values. The song⁤ “American Soldier” was ‍co-written by ​Keith himself and captured the essence of sacrifice, duty,⁢ and loyalty‌ experienced⁤ by⁢ those who serve.

The ⁣Impact of the⁢ Gesture:

Despite the⁤ small⁤ scale⁢ of the⁣ gesture, it carried immense meaning for the recipients. It provided a much-needed reminder that their ​sacrifices were not forgotten, and that the wider community ​appreciated and supported them during⁤ their loved ones’ ​deployments.


Through a simple act of empathy and support, the author and his colleague ‍managed to‌ touch the hearts of‌ the ​families‌ of American soldiers.⁢ This story ​serves as a⁣ reminder​ of the‍ power of individuals to make a difference and⁣ uplift others during challenging times. It also underscores the value of music in conveying ⁢emotions, bridging gaps, and fostering a sense of unity and appreciation among diverse⁤ communities.

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