The federalist

Biden criticizes Texas for impeding border enforcement in Eagle Pass

The Biden administration blamed Texas for interfering⁢ with border ⁣enforcement by stationing its National Guard ​along the Rio Grande while Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s self-defense⁢ strategy is ⁤reducing illegal border ⁤crossings in parts of Eagle‌ Pass by the‌ thousands.

“The area where we have occupied⁤ this park in Eagle Pass, Texas, that ⁣we put up the razor wire, ‌there used ‍to ⁣be 3,000 ⁣or ⁣4,000 people crossing that area a ​day.​ For the past ⁢three days, we’ve averaged ‌just three people crossing that area,” Abbott confirmed ⁣on Monday to Fox News’ ⁣Maria‍ Bartiromo.

While data on this section of the large U.S. southern border only represents a small portion of the record-breaking number of‌ illegal immigrations making‌ their way into Texas, ⁣it also⁣ shows the Lone Star State’s effectiveness in slowing the influx of those ​crossers⁢ into certain high-traffic areas like Shelby Park. Less than two months ago, more than‌ 14,000 ⁤illegal border crossers per day were recorded using Eagle Pass as their ‌entry ‌point to the United States.

In a filing to the Supreme Court ‌last month,‍ Biden’s Solicitor General ‌Elizabeth Prelogar asserted⁢ Texas was attempting‍ “to block Border ⁣Patrol’s ability to patrol or even to surveil ‌the border and be in a position‍ to respond to emergencies.”

A⁢ few ​days later, Department of Homeland Security counsel Jonathan Meyer followed with a cease-and-desist letter to‌ Texas ‌Attorney General Ken⁢ Paxton again ⁤claiming that the Texas National Guard’s seizure of Shelby⁣ Park has “impeded operations of the Border Patrol.”

The Biden White House and its​ allies in the corporate media amplified these accusations and even used them to fuel lies ​ that Lone Star⁣ State law​ enforcement is responsible for ⁢the ‍death of ​three migrants⁣ even though they‌ were not informed of the drownings until⁣ after they happened.

The Biden‍ administration was never truly worried ​about Texas ‍hindering border⁢ security. If it ⁢were, ⁣the ⁤White House wouldn’t have pushed so hard to keep‍ Texas law enforcement out of Eagle ​Pass. It ‌certainly wouldn’t have celebrated when the Supreme‌ Court ruled Border Patrol could cut concertina wire erected⁤ by state⁢ agents.

The Biden administration’s primary concern since the beginning of ‌the ongoing Eagle Pass standoff was always that‌ the Lone Star State’s National⁣ Guard,‍ and the many states that offered their own support to Texas, would keep ⁣Border ⁤Patrol ⁣agents from executing top-down orders ‍to “process”‌ and then release illegal‌ border​ crossers⁣ into the ⁤United States by the millions.

Since day⁣ one, President Joe Biden has ⁢ worked to​ gut every policy ​aimed at keeping our border safe and secure. Thanks⁤ to his⁢ endorsement​ of the biggest invasion this country has ever seen, illegal border crossers are pouring into the United States by unprecedented ‍millions.

While it’s ⁣true that Abbott’s border‍ actions over the last‍ few years have largely amounted to security theater, his recent self-defense⁢ stand has further exposed ‍the Biden ⁢administration’s true ​motivations for a vulnerable ⁣border.

Engaging Text:

The​ Biden administration’s blame game

  • The Biden administration‌ has been‍ quick to point fingers at Texas for interfering with border enforcement.
  • However, Texas ⁢Governor Greg Abbott’s self-defense strategy is proving effective⁤ in reducing illegal border crossings in parts of Eagle Pass.
  • Abbott​ revealed that the area where the National Guard has been stationed used to see thousands of people crossing ​daily, but now only three⁣ people are crossing on average.

“The ‍area where ⁣we have occupied this park in Eagle Pass, Texas,⁢ that we put⁣ up the razor wire, there used to be 3,000 or 4,000 people crossing that area a day. For the past three days, we’ve averaged just⁤ three people crossing that‍ area.” – ​Texas Gov. Greg Abbott

This success in reducing illegal border crossings highlights Texas’ effectiveness in certain high-traffic areas like Shelby Park.

While the data represents only a small‌ portion of the overall border situation, it is clear that Texas’ actions have made a difference.

The Biden administration,‌ however, ​has been pushing back against Texas’ efforts, ⁢accusing them ‌of hindering border security.

But the truth is, the ​administration’s⁢ primary concern has always been that Texas and other states ‌supporting them ⁤would impede their plans to process and ‌release⁣ illegal⁣ border crossers into the ⁣United States.

President Joe ⁢Biden has consistently worked to dismantle border security policies, resulting in an unprecedented influx of illegal border crossers.

While some may view Abbott’s actions as mere security theater,‌ they have ‍exposed the true motivations of the Biden administration when ‌it comes to​ border security.

What evidence supports the effectiveness‍ of Texas’s approach in slowing down illegal immigration and protecting its borders in high-traffic areas like Shelby Park?

The Biden Administration’s False ⁤Accusations Against Texas Border Security Measures”

The Biden administration has recently accused Texas of interfering with border ‍enforcement‍ by stationing ​its National Guard along the Rio Grande. However, Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s self-defense strategy⁤ has shown significant success in reducing illegal border crossings in parts of Eagle Pass. Despite‍ this, the Biden administration has continued to blame‍ Texas, revealing its true motivations and ignoring the positive impact of the state’s efforts.

Governor Abbott confirmed in an interview⁣ with Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo that​ the area in Eagle Pass, ⁢Texas, where the National Guard has been stationed, used to see thousands of people crossing the border daily. However,⁤ since the deployment of the National Guard ‌and the implementation of measures like razor wire, the number of crossings has decreased dramatically, with only three individuals crossing the area in‍ the past three days. This demonstrates the effectiveness of Texas’s approach in slowing down illegal immigration and protecting its borders.

While‌ the data from this ​particular section of the border⁢ represents only a⁤ fraction of the overall influx of illegal immigrants into ​Texas,‌ it highlights the state’s ability to mitigate the flow ​of crossers, especially in high-traffic areas ⁢like Shelby Park. Less than two months ago, over 14,000 illegal border crossers were recorded daily in Eagle Pass. Texas’s efforts have undoubtedly made a significant impact on reducing these numbers.

However, the Biden administration, through its Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar and Department of Homeland Security counsel Jonathan Meyer, has consistently accused Texas of hindering border patrol operations. Prelogar claimed in ​a filing to the Supreme Court that Texas was attempting ​to‌ impede border surveillance and patrol, while Meyer sent a cease-and-desist letter ⁤to Texas​ Attorney General Ken Paxton, alleging that the ⁣National Guard’s actions were interfering with Border Patrol operations.

The Biden administration ​and its allies in the media have amplified these accusations and used them to fuel untrue narratives, such as blaming Texas law enforcement for the deaths of three migrants, despite not being informed of the drownings until after the incidents occurred. ​This deliberate misinformation campaign further exposes the administration’s agenda and disregard for the truth.

In reality, the Biden administration was never genuinely concerned about ‍Texas‌ hindering border security. If it were, it would not have​ opposed Texas law enforcement’s presence in Eagle Pass and celebrated when the Supreme Court ruled in favor​ of the ⁢Border Patrol removing concertina wire installed by state agents. These actions clearly ⁤demonstrate the administration’s primary aim​ of processing and releasing illegal border crossers into​ the United States,⁤ rather than prioritizing‍ border security.

Since taking office, President Joe Biden has actively worked to dismantle policies aimed at safeguarding the border. His endorsement of lenient immigration policies has resulted in an unprecedented influx⁤ of illegal border crossers into the United States.⁢ The Biden administration’s response to Governor Abbott’s recent self-defense ‌measures has further exposed its true motivations​ for a vulnerable border.

While Governor Abbott’s previous‍ border actions may have been perceived as security theater, his current stance has shed light on the Biden administration’s disregard for border security and its⁢ prioritization of political considerations over the safety and‍ well-being of American citizens. It is crucial ⁣to recognize Texas’s efforts and their positive impact on reducing illegal border crossings,‌ despite baseless ⁣accusations from ⁢the Biden administration.

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