The federalist

Is Walgreens racist or is Ayanna Pressley uninformed

Is Racism‍ the Go-To Accusation for ⁢the Left?

If ‌patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel, the charge​ of racism has become ​the first refuge of the liberal. And few people in⁤ Washington epitomize this problem more than Democrat Rep.‌ Ayanna Pressley.

Her latest‌ target? Walgreens. According to Walgreens, it is planning to close its Boston-area Roxbury location “due to several factors including the‍ cost of operating, low​ prescription volume and low reimbursement rates.” ‌Pressley, a ⁢member of the House ⁤of Representatives’⁣ ultra-leftist “squad” who​ represents Roxbury in Congress, shot back, “These closures are not ⁤arbitrary and they are not innocent. ⁣They are life-threatening acts of racial and ⁣economic discrimination.”

Joined​ by Massachusetts Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey, the three⁣ “demand answers”‌ from Walgreens‌ for its⁣ actions. Because “when a Walgreens leaves a neighborhood, they disrupt the entire community and⁢ they take with them, baby formula, diapers, asthma inhalers, life-saving medications, and, of course, jobs.”

The private sector can’t‌ win with the left. When ⁤it stays it is ⁣accused of “taking” ​from ‌communities, and when ⁢it leaves it is also accused of “taking.”

In Pressley’s diatribe of indignation, there ⁣is no mention of the neighborhood itself. ⁣However, Roxbury’s reputation is no‍ secret.⁤ Roxbury “has 104 percent more crime than Boston overall with a high‍ violent crime rate of 1,271/100k people. Roxbury has a higher‌ rate of rape and attempted rape and it’s most known for drugs and violent crime.”

A⁤ quick scan of the internet shows site after site after site listing Roxbury as ⁢the ‍second most unsafe neighborhood in the Boston area. And Boston is having its shoplifting problems; WBUR in Boston ran a segment recently in which David Johnston ‌of the National Retail Federation ​stated: “I⁣ can ‍tell you in my 35, 36 years of doing this, ‍it’s unprecedented and unmatched. First and foremost, we’re seeing the frequency of theft, the openness and ⁤the brazenness of ⁣the criminals, the quantities and the type of merchandise that are stolen.”

Perhaps these factors played a role in Walgreens’s decision. What might help? More policing, especially in‍ neighborhoods with high​ crime.⁣ But of course, Pressley supported efforts‍ to defund the police. Then in a police-for-me-but-not-for-thee⁤ move, Pressley also spent $50,000 from “her ​Member’s Representational Allowance (MRA)” on “security services” in the second half of 2021. House rules say the MRA is ⁢“intended for individual member offices’ expenditures and receipts during a single⁢ legislative year.”

Apparently, Pressley’s constituents are not so fortunate.

If Pressley’s charges of racism against Walgreens were serious, she⁣ would have produced evidence that Walgreens⁤ was not closing ⁤stores in neighborhoods with similar‍ crime statistics but a different population demographic. ⁢This would isolate the variable, race,‌ that she is interested in examining and eliminate crime as a factor.

Pressley did not do that. Instead, the action she dislikes is reflexively labeled racist.

What Pressley really wants is made clear in another remark made on ⁣the House⁣ floor: “Talking points about health equity and underserved communities is not enough. Walgreens is⁣ a multibillion-dollar corporation that needs to put their money where their ⁢mouth is and stop divesting from black and brown communities.”

What Pressley wants​ from this ‍“multibillion-dollar corporation” is a subsidy — someone else to absorb the costs of operating in Roxbury — because they can afford it and we deserve it.

This economic‌ reasoning, or rather lack thereof, makes perfect sense to someone like Pressley and the ultra-leftists who dismiss the private sector and the profit motive.

What ⁤Pressley and⁤ other leftists really want is to be done with the private sector altogether and have the government ‌take charge. There, economics need not apply — as witnessed by the federal government spending $6.1 trillion last fiscal year, running ‌a $1.7 trillion deficit, and amassing a $25.8 trillion debt equal to 98 percent of America’s GDP.

If government-run drugstores sound far-fetched, then remember that⁤ just last September, Chicago’s mayor was exploring city-owned grocery ⁤stores in response to private stores leaving. And if you want to know how such government-run options will turn out, just look again‌ at the federal government’s performance.

Racism has become a catchall accusation by the left for getting what they want. Their constant cry ‌of “Wolf!” short-circuits‌ thought in ‌their pursuit of results. It also cheapens real racism, which sadly does ​exist — especially notable in the left’s ⁤antisemitism and radical DEI initiatives. In⁣ actuality, the left no longer knows what racism is, ​nor do they care to know;​ they just know what they want ⁣and the easiest way to get it.

How does the knee-jerk reaction of accusing Walgreens​ of racism‍ by left-leaning politicians undermine legitimate instances of racism?

Solve the problems of the neighborhood. Instead of advocating for effective solutions ⁢to​ crime and economic issues in Roxbury,⁣ Pressley ⁤resorts to accusing Walgreens of racism without any concrete evidence. ⁣This type of knee-jerk reaction is becoming increasingly common among left-leaning politicians, who seem to default to accusations of racism whenever they encounter⁤ a situation they disagree with or want to gain attention for.

It is ‌important to note ⁣that racism is a‌ serious issue ​that ⁢needs to be addressed and combated. However, using it as‍ a go-to accusation whenever convenient not only cheapens ⁢the seriousness of the problem but ⁤also ⁢undermines legitimate instances of racism. By crying ⁤wolf and making baseless ‌claims, politicians like Pressley are doing ⁤a disservice ‌to‌ the cause they claim to support.

Moreover, their reliance on⁤ accusations of ⁢racism deflects attention away⁤ from the real issues at hand. Instead⁣ of addressing the root causes of⁢ problems ​like ⁤crime and​ economic disparity, they prefer to point fingers and assign blame. This approach does ⁤nothing to solve⁢ the ​problems faced by the communities they claim to⁤ represent.

In the case of​ Walgreens, it is clear that their decision to close a​ store in Roxbury was based on a multitude of factors, including low prescription volume, low reimbursement ‌rates, and the cost ⁤of operating. These are valid concerns that any business would‍ consider when making such a decision.‌ To‌ label this decision‌ as an ⁤act of⁤ racial and economic discrimination without any evidence is not only irresponsible but also counterproductive.

If politicians ​like Pressley truly care‌ about⁢ the well-being of their‍ constituents, they should focus on finding practical solutions to the issues ‌at ‌hand. This means working ‌with businesses, community leaders,‌ and residents to address the ⁤underlying causes⁤ of problems​ like crime and economic disparity. It means⁤ advocating for policies that promote⁢ economic growth, job creation, and public safety. It ⁢means looking beyond⁢ simplistic accusations and political ‌posturing to actually make a positive impact.

Accusations ⁣of racism should not be used as a weapon‍ to further political agendas or gain attention. They should be reserved for situations ‌where there is clear evidence of discriminatory behavior. By using​ this accusation​ so⁤ casually,⁣ the left is not ⁢only‌ undermining the ​credibility⁣ of the term but also ⁢hindering progress towards real solutions.

In conclusion, the tendency of the left to resort to accusations of racism‍ as a go-to ‌tactic is concerning. It diminishes the⁢ seriousness of the issue and detracts from legitimate instances ⁣of racism. Instead of ‍reflexively labeling every disagreement or perceived injustice as racist, politicians should focus on finding‍ real solutions​ to the problems at hand. It is time to move⁢ beyond the‍ easy and empty accusations and start working towards meaningful change.

Read More From Original Article Here: Is Walgreens Racist Or Is Ayanna Pressley Just Ignorant?

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