Washington Examiner

Biden confronts progressive backlash over Senate border agreement failure

President Biden’s Support for Failed Border Deal‌ Could Further Imperil His​ Standing with the Progressive Left

President Joe Biden’s relationship with the progressive Left is at risk due to his endorsement⁤ of the Senate’s unsuccessful bipartisan border agreement. This comes at a time‍ when Biden’s poll numbers have been⁢ declining and surveys indicate that he could lose to former President Donald Trump ‍in the upcoming election.

The president’s support for Israel’s actions in Gaza has also drawn criticism from progressives, particularly ⁣Arab communities in Michigan, a crucial state for ⁤Biden’s⁢ electoral success. This opposition ⁣has led to concerns that these voters ‌may choose to‍ stay home in November.

In ⁣addition, Biden has faced backlash⁣ from ⁣Democratic-aligned organizations ⁣like the American Civil Liberties ⁤Union, who have condemned the border compromise as “cruel.” The ⁣failed Senate deal would have effectively closed the southern border for ‍most of the ⁣year, prompting Hispanic Democrats and immigrant rights groups‌ to express their‌ disappointment at being excluded from negotiations.

Outrage Grows as Bill Text ⁤is Revealed

The outrage intensified ‌when the bill text was released on Sunday​ evening. The chairwoman of​ the Congressional Hispanic ⁤Caucus, Nanette Barragan, criticized the deal for not aligning with ‍their ⁤values and failing to protect “Dreamers” ⁤and the undocumented community.

Senator Bob Menendez has been vocal about his ⁣frustration with the ⁣White House​ and Senate leadership for excluding Hispanic members from the talks. He believes that important stakeholders, such as immigrant communities and their representatives, should have had more input in shaping⁣ the legislation.

Biden’s⁢ Acknowledgment and Commitment

Biden acknowledged ⁢that the deal did ⁤not ⁢address all of his concerns, particularly ⁤the issue of Deferred Action for ‍Childhood Arrivals recipients. However, he‍ still believed that the reforms in the‌ bill were necessary for a more orderly, humane, ‌and secure border.

Despite the challenges, Biden remained committed to the​ bill ⁢until the end, urging Republicans to pass it even after they walked away from the deal. Senator Ed Markey, a leading progressive Democrat, expressed confidence that ‌Biden would be able to mobilize⁤ the same coalition that⁤ helped ⁤him win in 2020, citing the stark contrast between‍ Biden and Trump.

Detractors from both sides of the⁤ aisle criticized the negotiators​ and the bill’s⁤ contents, with House GOP leadership vowing to kill⁤ the ⁢deal in their chamber.⁤ Former‌ President​ Trump⁢ also actively lobbied members of the House⁤ Republican Conference to reject ⁢the⁢ bill.

The bill ⁤has also caused tension within the Senate Republican‌ Conference, particularly among hard-line Republicans. Senators⁤ Mike​ Lee and Ted Cruz have called for the ousting and replacement⁤ of GOP leadership over‌ their support for the supplemental ⁢bill.

With​ over half​ of the Senate Republican Conference opposing‌ the bill, it became clear by⁤ Tuesday that it would not have ‌enough votes to pass. ⁣Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell⁣ essentially declared ‌the bill dead.

Read more from the ⁤Washington Examiner: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/biden-progressive-left-border-deal

What are the potential consequences for President Biden’s political future as a result of his​ support for​ the compromise deal?

He border agreement, stating, “We cannot settle for half measures and band-aids when it comes to our immigration ‍system. This deal does not address the root causes of‍ migration and fails to ⁤provide a pathway ‌to citizenship for millions of undocumented individuals living‌ in fear.” Menendez’s stance reflects‍ the‍ sentiment ⁢of many progressive Democrats who⁣ feel that Biden’s support for the compromise goes against their values and principles.

President Biden’s endorsement of the failed border‌ deal has further strained his already tenuous relationship‍ with the progressive Left. His​ decision has not only alienated ⁣key voting blocs like Arab communities in Michigan and Hispanic Democrats, but it has also drawn criticism from⁤ influential Democratic-aligned organizations like the ACLU. These groups see the⁤ compromise as a betrayal of their values and a failure to protect vulnerable communities.

Impact on Biden’s Political Future

The fallout from this endorsement could have significant ⁣consequences for President Biden’s standing with the progressive Left and his political⁣ future. The declining poll numbers and the threat of losing to Donald Trump in the next election are already causes for concern.‍ Now, with his support for the failed border deal, ‌Biden risks further alienating the progressive base that played a crucial role in his election.

The progressive Left has been⁢ a driving force behind the push for ⁣progressive policies like⁣ universal healthcare, ⁣a Green New Deal, and criminal justice reform. These issues align with the⁣ values and⁢ priorities of many ‍young voters and marginalized⁢ communities who turned out in record numbers to support Biden in the ‌2020 ‍election. However, ⁣the president’s endorsement of the border agreement undermines⁢ his credibility as a champion for progressive causes, potentially dampening enthusiasm and turnout in future elections.

Furthermore, the president’s support for Israel’s actions in Gaza has only ​added to the discontent⁢ among ​progressive voters. Arab communities in Michigan, who strongly oppose Israel’s aggression, have expressed their disappointment and⁤ frustration with Biden’s⁣ stance. This could have serious implications for the president’s electoral success in crucial​ swing states like Michigan, where every vote is⁤ crucial.

It is clear that President Biden’s support for the failed border deal and his stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have placed ⁣him at odds with the progressive Left. To regain⁢ their trust and enthusiasm, Biden must take ⁣decisive action to prioritize their concerns and address their core ​issues. Failure to do so could result in a loss of support from ⁤the progressive base‌ and further jeopardize the⁢ president’s standing, both within his own party and with the American electorate as a whole.

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