
Is the U.S. invested in the Israel-Hamas conflict

OAN’s Stella Escobedo
1:38⁣ PM –‍ Wednesday, February 7, 2024

With all the current problems in the ‍U.S., some⁤ Americans are asking why ⁣Washington⁤ is⁢ so involved​ in Israel’s affairs. ⁢One ‌America’s Stella Escobedo spoke with Michael Makovsky, President and CEO⁣ of​ the Jewish Institute for National Security of America about U.S. involvement in the Middle East.

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With all ‍the current ⁤problems in ⁤the U.S., some Americans are ⁤asking why Washington is so involved‍ in Israel’s affairs.‌

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How does US involvement in Israel’s ‍affairs help counteract the threat of terrorism in the region?

⁢ OAN’s Stella Escobedo recently conducted an interview with Michael Makovsky,‌ the President and CEO of the Jewish ⁤Institute for National Security ⁤of America, to discuss US involvement in the Middle East and why Washington is so involved in Israel’s affairs.

In recent years, the ⁢United States has faced numerous problems both at home and abroad. From economic struggles to social​ unrest, many Americans are questioning why Washington remains heavily involved in the​ affairs of Israel.

To​ understand the ‌reasons ‍behind this involvement,‍ Escobedo turned to Makovsky, an ⁢expert in national ‌security and Middle ⁤East affairs. Makovsky shed light on the⁣ historical and strategic significance of the US-Israel relationship.

According to Makovsky, the relationship between the‌ US and Israel goes beyond simple diplomacy. He highlighted the shared values and interests⁤ between the two nations, emphasizing that the US views Israel as a ⁢stable and reliable partner in an⁢ otherwise volatile region.

The Middle‌ East‍ has long been⁤ a hotspot ⁣for conflicts and tensions, which have far-reaching implications⁤ for global security and stability. For the United States, maintaining a strong presence in the region is crucial to safeguarding its national ⁢interests and those of its allies.

Makovsky pointed‍ out ‌that the rise of extremist groups, such⁢ as ISIS, ​underscores​ the need for US involvement ⁤in the Middle East. The ⁣threat of terrorism poses a direct⁢ challenge to ⁣US national security, and the US-Israel partnership ⁢plays​ a vital role in counteracting​ these threats.

Furthermore, Makovsky ‌highlighted ​how Israel serves as a valuable intelligence and ​technological ally for ⁢the⁣ US. Israel’s expertise⁢ in surveillance, cybersecurity, and military ⁢technology has proven ‍invaluable in the fight against terrorism and in enhancing US defense capabilities.

Escobedo and Makovsky also addressed the notion that US involvement in Israel’s affairs detracts⁤ from attention and resources that could be allocated to domestic ‍issues. Makovsky argued that US engagement in the Middle East does not necessarily come at the expense of‌ domestic priorities, but rather⁢ serves ⁢to protect and advance those interests.

He emphasized that the US-Israel partnership extends ​beyond military cooperation, encompassing a wide range of economic, scientific, ‍and cultural ⁣collaborations.⁢ The exchange of‌ ideas, knowledge, and innovation benefits both nations, creating jobs and economic growth on both sides.

In conclusion, Escobedo’s interview with Makovsky provides valuable insights into the reasons behind US involvement in Israel’s ⁤affairs. The historical, strategic, and shared interests⁢ between the two nations‍ necessitate a strong partnership, particularly​ in light of the security challenges faced in the ⁣Middle East.

As the United⁣ States navigates its ⁤way through a complex global landscape, maintaining strong alliances and partnerships is⁤ crucial for safeguarding its⁣ national security and advancing its interests. The US-Israel ⁢relationship exemplifies this,⁣ serving as a cornerstone of US foreign‌ policy in⁣ the​ Middle⁤ East.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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