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Housing crisis leads to marriage and parenthood postponement

Failed ‌Public ⁢Policies Undermining Marriage in America

The institution of marriage in America is being undermined‍ by failed public ‌policies. Rates of marriage and childbirth have been declining for decades, and the current cost-of-living crisis⁤ is set to worsen this trend. If you ‍can’t afford a place to live, ⁢getting married and starting a family become increasingly difficult.

The Financial Strain on Young​ Americans

This is the reality for ⁤millions of⁣ young⁣ Americans today, who struggle to⁢ make ends meet‌ despite working multiple⁤ jobs. A staggering ⁢sixty ⁣percent of them are living paycheck to paycheck, burdened by record-high credit card debt and unable to cover even basic necessities.

But it’s not just debt that’s plaguing Americans; defaults and delinquencies are ⁢on​ the rise at an alarming rate. The strain on American families is evident in their pessimistic ⁢view of⁣ current economic conditions, particularly when it comes to​ the housing ‌market.

The Nightmare of Homeownership

The ‍dream of homeownership has turned into a⁢ nightmare. The⁢ monthly mortgage payment⁤ on ​a median-priced ‍home has doubled in just three years, making it increasingly unaffordable‍ for the average American. The median price ‍of both new and ⁤existing homes has skyrocketed, reaching levels that were​ inconceivable just a few years ago.

In fact, the typical family buying a home today will spend around half of their median ​household income on homeownership costs alone.‌ This has led to the Federal‌ Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s homeownership affordability index hitting a ⁤record low.

In several major metropolitan areas, owning a median-priced home requires ‍more than 100% of the median household after-tax income. Only in‍ a‍ single⁣ metropolitan area with at least 500,000 people is the median-priced home considered affordable in ⁢America.

The Impact on⁤ Family Formation

Homeownership is not ‌only a means of building wealth but also a precursor to major life milestones, such as starting‍ a family. However, ‍with homeownership⁣ becoming⁤ increasingly out of reach,⁤ an entire generation of young people‍ is unable to buy⁤ a home ‌and consequently delaying ⁤family formation.

This isn’t just a ​theory; empirical research conducted by Federal Reserve economists has shown that higher mortgage⁤ interest rates negatively affect ⁤birth rates. The increased cost of homeownership due ‍to these rates has a direct impact on family planning.

The ⁤Deadly Combination‌ of Impolitic Public Policies

So, ⁤what‌ led to this unfortunate state of affairs? It‌ was⁣ a deadly combination of misguided public policies.

Since‍ 2020, the federal government has been ⁤spending trillions of dollars it doesn’t have, resulting in massive deficits. ⁣The Federal Reserve has covered these deficits⁤ by creating money for Congress to spend, devaluing the dollar and fueling inflation, including housing prices.

Additionally, artificially low interest ‌rates set by the ⁢Fed ⁢gave‍ homebuyers a boost. ​Lower rates allowed ⁣people ⁢to take on larger mortgages for the same monthly payment, leading to intense bidding wars for ​homes.

However, when‍ interest rates eventually rose to ‌combat inflation,⁢ monthly mortgage payments became unaffordable for most⁢ Americans. This trapped millions of homeowners in their properties, unable to move​ or downsize.

Furthermore, those who bought ⁢homes a‌ few years ago are now faced with significantly higher mortgage rates, causing their monthly payments ‌to skyrocket. This has contributed to a severe⁣ shortage of⁢ homes for sale, ⁤keeping prices ⁢high ⁣despite the higher interest rates.

The Far-Reaching Consequences

While the failures of public policy are often measured in dollars,‍ the⁤ unaffordability of ⁤housing today demonstrates that the consequences can be far-reaching. Families are not formed, ​and lives are ‌left unlived.

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E.J.‍ Antoni is⁣ a public ⁢finance economist at the Heritage Foundation and a senior fellow at the Committee to Unleash Prosperity.

The views expressed in this ‍piece are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

How has the lack of⁣ regulation and oversight in ​the housing market impacted homeownership rates in America?

Firstly, there has‍ been a ⁣lack of effective regulation and oversight in the housing market. This has⁣ allowed for unchecked speculation and artificially inflated prices, ​pushing homeownership out ⁢of reach for many⁣ Americans.

Secondly, there has been a failure to address the underlying issues of ⁢income inequality and stagnant ‍wages. Despite ‍a growing economy,‍ wages have remained ⁢stagnant for the majority⁣ of Americans, making it increasingly difficult to‌ afford the rising costs of housing.

Additionally, the high cost of healthcare and education has placed ⁤an ‍even greater ‍burden on⁤ young Americans, making it near impossible to save enough‍ for⁣ a⁤ down payment⁣ on a ‌home.

The Need for Comprehensive Solutions

To address these failed public policies and the declining rates of marriage⁣ and childbirth in America, comprehensive solutions are‍ needed.

Firstly, there needs to be stronger regulation and ​oversight in the housing market to prevent speculation and ensure that homes remain affordable for ⁤the average American. This could include measures such as stricter lending standards and increased​ investment in affordable housing.

Secondly, there needs to be a ‌focus on addressing income inequality and stagnant wages. This could involve ⁤policies such as increasing the ⁢minimum wage, promoting unionization, and implementing ⁣tax‍ reforms that benefit working‍ families.

Additionally, there needs to be greater investment in healthcare and ⁣education to reduce the financial burden on ‍young Americans and enable them to save ‍for homeownership. This could include measures such as expanding access to affordable healthcare and implementing tuition-free ⁢college or trade school options.

The Impact of Marriage and Family Stability

It is important to recognize the broader societal benefits of marriage and family stability. Research has consistently shown that individuals in stable marriages⁤ experience greater economic security, better health⁤ outcomes, and improved emotional well-being.

By undermining⁤ marriage through failed public policies, we are not‍ only harming individuals and families but also weakening‍ the​ fabric of our society.


The decline⁣ in marriage rates and the increasing financial strain on young Americans are alarming trends that ​must be addressed. Failed public policies,⁣ including the lack of regulation in ‌the housing market and the failure to address income inequality, have‌ played a significant role in undermining marriage and family formation in America.

Comprehensive solutions are needed to tackle these issues, including stronger regulation in the housing market, measures to address income inequality and stagnant wages, and greater investment in healthcare and education. By prioritizing marriage ⁤and family stability, we‍ can create a ​stronger and more prosperous society for all Americans.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."
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