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Democrat blames Trump for Navalny’s death, says he encouraged Russia’s reckless actions

How low‌ can Ted Lieu go?

The radical Democrat ‍from California has a​ record of hating former ‌President Donald Trump that’s impressive⁣ even for a leftist that keeps⁣ him familiar with controversy.

Watch: Dem‍ Rep Blames ​Trump for Death of Putin’s⁤ Opponent ⁤Alexei Navalny, Says He‌ Gave Russia ‘Green Light’ to Do ‘Crazy⁢ Stuff’

The⁤ post Watch: Dem Rep Blames Trump for Death of Putin’s Opponent Alexei Navalny, Says​ He Gave Russia‌ ‘Green Light’ ⁤to Do ‘Crazy Stuff’ appeared on The Western Journal.

​ What ‌evidence does Ted Lieu have ⁤to support his claim ⁢that Trump is ​responsible for the death of Alexei Navalny?

Title: How Low Can Ted Lieu Go?


In the realm of American politics, it is not uncommon for politicians ‍to express ‍strong opinions and engage in heated‍ debates. However, there comes ⁣a point when the pursuit⁣ of personal vendettas and political agenda‍ takes ‍precedence over rationality and decency. This brings us ⁤to Ted Lieu, a radical Democrat from California, who has⁣ gained notoriety for his unwavering hatred⁤ towards former President Donald‍ Trump. His record‍ is impressive, even by the standards of‌ a‌ leftist who is familiar with controversy.

Lieu’s Latest‍ Accusation:

Recently, Ted⁣ Lieu found himself at the center of attention once again, this time blaming Trump for the death of Putin’s‌ opponent, Alexei Navalny. In a shocking display of political bias, Lieu went so far as to claim that Trump gave Russia the “green ⁢light” to engage in ⁣”crazy stuff.” Such an accusation is not only baseless but also reveals a disturbing trend within Lieu’s political style – making outlandish⁣ statements to further his own agenda.

The Western Journal Report:

The incident was ⁢reported by‍ The Western Journal, which highlighted Lieu’s unsubstantiated claim. The article titled “Watch: Dem‌ Rep Blames Trump for ⁣Death of Putin’s Opponent Alexei Navalny, Says He Gave Russia ⁣’Green Light’ to Do ‘Crazy Stuff'” delves into ⁤the details of Lieu’s accusation. ‌The fact that such a publication felt the need to report on this issue underscores its gravity ​and the ⁤need to⁤ hold ‌Lieu accountable for​ his irresponsible statements.

Lieu’s Record of Controversies:

Unfortunately, Lieu has⁢ developed a reputation for his divisive rhetoric and questionable⁢ actions ‌during his political career. As a self-proclaimed leftist, Lieu consistently⁢ falls back on his hatred for⁢ Trump to fuel his political agenda. He seems to have no qualms about making⁢ unfounded claims against his political rivals, all in an ‍attempt to score political points.

The ⁢Danger of Political Extremism:

While political discourse and differing opinions are vital for a healthy democracy, there is a fine line between passionate advocacy and outright extremism. Lieu’s repeated display of animosity towards Trump showcases a ‍worrying trend within the current ⁤political ⁤landscape, where ​personal⁣ vendettas and ideological biases prevail over reasoned debate.‍ It is essential to recognize ‌that​ this behavior from ​influential figures ⁣can have a detrimental impact on public perception and damage the ‍fabric of our democracy.


Ted Lieu’s relentless attacks on Donald Trump have reached​ new heights in recent⁢ times. ‌As a radical Democrat from ⁢California, ⁣he has consistently shown a willingness to engage in controversial behavior and make ⁤baseless accusations, as evidenced by his latest‍ claim regarding the death of Alexei Navalny. Such actions only serve to further polarize the political landscape and undermine the trust of the American⁤ people in their elected representatives. It is⁤ crucial for political leaders to‌ rise above personal animosities and focus on serving the best interests ‍of the nation, rather than‌ indulging in inflammatory rhetoric. Ultimately, the question remains: just how low will Ted‍ Lieu go

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