
Biden falsely claims Hur mentioned Beau’s death, report finds

(Photo ‍by Mandel NGAN / ⁤AFP) (Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP⁤ via Getty Images)

OAN’s Elizabeth Volberding
10:35 ‌AM –‌ Monday, February 19, 2024

According to a recent NBC News ‍ report, United States President Joe Biden criticized Special Counsel Robert Hur for highlighting the death of his son, Beau Biden, when in reality, it was‌ allegedly‌ the president who introduced the topic regarding the‍ special ⁢report, not Hur.


Biden had blasted Hur’s discussion of Beau Biden’s passing in ‌his address to ​the nation, however, the NBC report revealed that⁤ the ⁤president had initiated⁤ the conversation in his address, while Hur​ purportedly made no ⁢mention of it in his report where he labeled ‌the president as‌ a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

As ⁤a result, the president‍ lashed out at Hur for supposedly “bringing up his Beau’s passing.”

“How in the hell dare he raise that?” Biden stated in an ⁢impromptu⁢ White House press conference. “Frankly, when I was ‌asked the question, I thought to myself, it wasn’t any⁣ of ‌their ⁣damn business.”

However, two sources acquainted with Hur’s two-day, five-hour interview with‌ the president in October 2023 claimed that Hur never posed​ that topic. The sources stated that the president had initially announced Beau’s passing rather‍ than Hur ‍or his affiliates.

Nevertheless, the ‌two sources cited in the NBC News article on Wednesday claimed Biden, not Hur, brought up Beau’s passing during the interview when discussing the classified documents ⁢discovered at⁢ a Virginia ⁣rental house. ​

A ghostwriter had‌ been assisting Biden in writing a memoir about ⁤losing Beau to brain cancer in 2015, the⁣ sources said. ⁢Biden brought up ⁣the death ⁢of his son in response to questions‍ regarding his workflow ⁤at a rental home from ‌2016 to 2018.

According to the report, investigators obtained a 2017 recording in ​which Biden informed the ghostwriter that he had discovered “classified stuff” in⁣ the residence.

The sources went on⁢ to say that Biden seemed ⁤“unsure” of Beau’s ⁤date of death at that point in the interview as ⁢he began discussing other aspects of his life in an attempt to recollect that particular time.

Biden was reportedly accurate about the date, ​May 30th, but not the year, which was 2015.

“But Hur ⁢never ‍asked that question, according to two people familiar with Hur’s five-hour interview with the ⁤president over two days last October. It was the president, not Hur‍ or ​his team, who‍ first introduced Beau Biden’s death, they said,” the NBC report stated.

“The line‌ of questioning⁣ about the memoir was directly relevant to the central issue of⁢ the investigation. Hur’s team had learned that ‍Biden was recorded‍ in ⁤2017 telling the ghost writer that he ‘found all the ⁤classified stuff downstairs,’ at the Virginia rental‌ home where the two were working on the book,” the report continued.

Hur’s 345-page ⁢report, which cited evidence that ⁤Biden brought home and retained highly ‌classified ‍material, had cleared ‍him of any criminal ‌wrongdoing due to his age and poor memory. Prosecutors came⁢ to ⁣the‍ conclusion‍ that they‌ could not demonstrate that the president ⁢knew the material was classified ⁤at the⁣ time, despite the fact that he was found to ‍have given the ghostwriter access to classified material at ​least‌ three ⁢times.

Hur’s descriptions of the president’s memory has drawn harsh criticism of the report from Biden supporters and the administration.

“Why ‌in the‌ hell are you asking that question?”‌ former Attorney General Eric Holder, a Democrat, stated on Monday on MSNBC, prompting that Hur was “a rube, perhaps,” who had “shaded” what he wrote in the report.⁣ “What does​ that have to do with the retention of classified ‌documents?”

Additionally, First Lady Jill Biden asked if Hur was using ⁢“our son’s death ​to score political points” in a letter for fundraising.

According to people who are aware of Biden’s interpretation of⁣ the ⁢interview, Hur prompted⁤ the president⁢ to mention his son ⁣by posing ⁤a number ​of intimate​ questions about Beau. Inquiries concerning ⁢Biden’s memoir, “Promise Me, Dad,” which details his son’s ‌fight with cancer and eventual passing ⁢in 2015, were ⁣among them. Hur asked further questions ‌about ‍Biden’s contributions ⁤to‍ the Beau Biden Cancer Initiative.

However, these sources did not reveal⁢ if Biden ‍or Hur initially ‌mentioned a date or announcement for Beau’s death.

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Were ⁣there any indications of Special Counsel Robert Hur manipulating the report or using Beau Biden’s death for​ political gain, as suggested by⁣ critics

⁤ A Controversial Discussion: President Biden and Special Counsel Robert Hur

In⁣ a recent report by NBC ⁢News, it⁣ was revealed that United States President Joe Biden⁤ criticized Special Counsel Robert⁣ Hur⁣ for bringing up the death of his son, Beau Biden, during their discussion. However, the report suggests‍ that it was Biden himself who introduced the topic, not Hur.

President Biden had previously condemned Hur’s discussion of Beau Biden’s ‍passing during his address to the nation. ⁤The NBC report undermines Biden’s​ claims​ by stating that the president initiated ⁢the conversation in his address, while⁣ Hur allegedly made no‌ mention of it⁣ in his report. In ​fact,‌ Hur described Biden as⁣ a “sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man ​with a ⁢poor memory.”

Outraged by this perceived ‌betrayal, President Biden lashed‌ out at Hur during a press conference. He expressed his astonishment at Hur daring to raise such a sensitive ​topic and ⁣stated that it was none of their business.

However, two sources familiar with Hur’s interview with the president claimed that Hur never brought up Beau Biden’s passing. Instead, they alleged that it was Biden himself‌ who initially mentioned it during their discussion on the classified documents found at a rental house⁢ in Virginia.

According ⁢to these sources cited in the NBC News article, Biden was working on a‌ memoir about losing Beau to brain cancer in 2015, and a ghostwriter was ‌assisting him. During the interview, Biden brought up the death of his son when questioned about ⁣his⁢ workflow⁢ at the rental home between 2016⁢ and 2018. Investigators obtained a 2017 ⁤recording in which Biden mentioned finding “classified stuff” in the ‍residence.

The sources further stated​ that Biden appeared⁣ unsure of Beau’s date of death⁢ during the‍ interview, focusing⁢ instead on other aspects of his life as he ⁢tried to remember that specific time. While Biden​ got the date correct, stating it was May 30th,‌ he mistakenly said⁣ it was 2017, not 2015.

“The line of questioning about the ‍memoir was directly​ relevant to the central issue ⁣of the investigation. Hur’s team had learned that Biden was recorded‌ in 2017 telling the ghostwriter that he⁤ ‘found ⁤all⁤ the classified stuff downstairs’ at the Virginia rental ​home where the⁤ two were working on⁤ the book,” the NBC report explained.

Hur’s 345-page report, which mentioned evidence of Biden bringing⁣ home and retaining highly​ classified material, cleared him of any criminal wrongdoing due to his ⁣age and poor ‍memory. Prosecutors concluded that they⁢ could not ​prove that the president ​knew the material was classified at the time. However, they did find that Biden⁤ had given the⁢ ghostwriter ⁤access to classified⁢ material on at least three occasions.

The ‍report’s depiction of the president’s memory has faced harsh criticism from Biden supporters and the administration. Former Attorney General Eric Holder questioned why the⁤ investigation was focusing on such matters and suggested that Hur may have manipulated the report.

In​ addition, ⁤First Lady Jill Biden raised concerns about whether Hur ‌was using their son’s ⁣death for political gain​ in a fundraising letter.

Sources familiar with Biden’s interpretation of the interview claim that Hur prompted the president ⁢to mention his son by asking questions about Beau. Inquiries about Biden’s‍ memoir and his contributions to the Beau Biden Cancer Initiative were ‌among those ​posed by Hur. However, these sources did not reveal⁤ if Biden or Hur initially‌ mentioned a date or announcement regarding Beau’s ‌death.

This controversial discussion between President Biden and Special Counsel⁣ Robert Hur ⁤has ignited a heated debate. While Biden claims that​ Hur brought‍ up the topic of Beau Biden’s passing, the ‌NBC News report‌ suggests otherwise. As ‌more details ⁣emerge, it remains to be seen ⁣how this will impact public opinion ⁢and the perception of the president’s memory.

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