Washington Examiner

Debunking false narratives about ex-FBI informant’s arrest for Biden bribery allegations

Republicans⁤ and Democrats Clash Over Indictment of Former FBI Informant

As‌ the Justice Department ⁣fights to keep former FBI informant Alexander Smirnov behind⁣ bars,‌ Republicans and Democrats are scrambling to fit Smirnov’s indictment ‍into their partisan narratives about President Joe Biden’s impeachment⁤ inquiry.

Republicans: Losing Their ‘Star Witness’

Several Democrats,‌ including‍ Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), have used Smirnov’s ⁢arrest to undermine the impeachment inquiry ‌by claiming Republicans have lost their most ‍important witness.

As someone⁤ who knows a​ few things about impeachment, I think I can safely say: When your star witness gets‍ indicted for fabricating his statement and repeatedly lying about the issue that is at the core of your supposed case — probably not a good sign.

But Smirnov was not a ⁣key witness in the GOP impeachment inquiry. In fact, he was ⁢never scheduled to be a witness at all.

Republican lawmakers did not know the identity of the confidential human source⁢ behind the FD-1023 form, and a source familiar with the​ impeachment ​inquiry said they did ⁤not have plans to interview ‌him.

Instead,‍ Republicans⁢ spent far more​ time hyping the testimony of other witnesses, including former Hunter Biden business partners Devon Archer and Tony‍ Bobulinski, as they built ​their case​ against Joe Biden.

Indictment as ‌’Russian Disinformation’

Rep.‌ Jamie Raskin (D-MD) said Wednesday ⁣that the charges against⁢ Smirnov revealed the entire impeachment ‍inquiry to be the product of a Russian influence operation.

“It appears like the whole ​thing is not ​only, obviously, ⁢false and fraudulent, but a product​ of Russian disinformation and propaganda,” Raskin said of the impeachment effort.

Raskin’s claim appears to be based on details revealed ‍by special‌ counsel ⁤David Weiss in‍ a court filing asking a judge not to release Smirnov while awaiting trial. Weiss noted that Smirnov had spoken with ​Russian officials about the​ Biden⁤ family.

But the⁣ impeachment inquiry⁣ was based on far more than⁣ the bribery claim Smirnov made in an FBI document. Republicans had been⁣ investigating Hunter Biden’s ‌role with Burisma since August 2019, ‍and the events that led to the start of the impeachment inquiry included testimony from IRS whistleblowers and the⁤ discovery of secret email aliases used by Joe Biden.

‘It Was Never Fact-Checked’

Claims that allegations against the Biden family had been debunked are not ‌entirely true. The FD-1023 form did go through vetting within the DOJ before the 2020 election, and the GOP’s interest in the Bidens’ activities‌ in Ukraine spanned far ⁢beyond the bribery​ claim.

Former U.S. Attorney⁢ Scott Brady oversaw an effort in 2020 to ‌vet ​information‌ related ⁤to the Biden ​family and Ukraine. Smirnov’s original interview with the ⁤FBI in 2017 was discovered during this effort, and the FBI interviewed him again⁢ in 2020.

Rep. Jim Jordan⁣ (R-OH) suggested that the DOJ had created⁢ a double standard by not charging Christopher Steele, the former British​ intelligence officer behind the⁤ discredited dossier of Russia collusion allegations against‍ former President Donald Trump, while ⁢charging Smirnov for a seemingly similar offense.‍ However, one of Steele’s main sources, Igor Danchenko, did face charges for false statements.

To what extent does the‌ indictment of Alexander‌ Smirnov contribute to the ongoing polarization and partisanship in American politics?

D), a member of the House Judiciary Committee, challenged the Republican narrative, suggesting that Smirnov’s indictment could be part of a​ larger Russian disinformation campaign aimed at⁢ undermining the⁣ impeachment investigation.

“We know that ⁣Russia ‌has a history of using⁤ disinformation⁢ tactics to ‍sow‌ confusion and discord,” ⁤Raskin said in a statement. “It would not be surprising if they were ⁣attempting to discredit ⁢the impeachment⁣ inquiry by undermining the credibility of potential witnesses.”

Raskin’s comments⁣ echo concerns raised by intelligence officials⁤ who have warned that Russia is actively trying to interfere in ⁣U.S. elections and politics. The indictment of Smirnov, a Russian national, could⁢ potentially‍ be seen as part of these efforts.

However,⁣ Republicans counter that the indictment is a‍ sign of the⁣ Justice Department’s commitment to pursuing justice and⁢ holding all individuals accountable, regardless⁤ of their political affiliations.

“This ⁣is not about partisan politics,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC). “If someone is indicted for criminal ⁢activity, it should not matter whether they are ⁤a ​Republican or a Democrat. They should ⁢be held accountable.”

Democrats have acknowledged that Smirnov’s ‍indictment does not directly impact ⁢the impeachment inquiry but argue⁣ that it highlights the need for a thorough and fair investigation into‌ allegations against President Biden.

Polarization and Partisanship

The clash over Smirnov’s indictment⁣ is reflective of the broader polarization and partisanship that⁣ currently characterizes​ American politics. Both Republicans and Democrats are quick ⁣to seize ​on any development that‍ can be used to strengthen their respective narratives and advance ⁣their political agendas.

In the case‍ of Smirnov’s indictment, Republicans see an⁢ opportunity to question the integrity of the impeachment ⁢inquiry, while Democrats view it as a reminder of the importance of conducting a comprehensive investigation.

As the ‍investigation into​ President Biden’s actions continues, it is likely that ​these clashes between Republicans and Democrats will ⁤persist, further highlighting the deep ⁣divisions that exist within the U.S. political landscape.


The indictment of former FBI informant Alexander Smirnov has ⁣become a subject of contention between Republicans and Democrats. While Republicans ⁤argue that it undermines the impeachment inquiry, Democrats maintain that it does ⁤not ​directly impact their case. This clash reflects the polarization and partisanship that currently⁣ pervades American politics. ⁤As⁢ the investigation unfolds, it remains to be seen how‌ these competing narratives will shape public‍ opinion and influence the trajectory​ of the impeachment inquiry.

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