The federalist

Corporate media smears Doug Wilson and Christ Church for teaching biblical truth

Unmasking the Truth About Christ Church

I live just outside Moscow, ‌Idaho. My small community was recently branded by Buzzfeed as the third creepiest town in the United States.⁢ The reason? My pastor Doug Wilson of Christ‌ Church.

A Target for Controversy

  • Wilson is regularly disinvited⁤ from ‍evangelical Christian conferences, ⁣including a major conference in Brazil (as reported by Christianity Today).
  • Sarah Stankorb gossips about Christ Church scandals in ⁤ Vice, Slate, and her book ⁣ Disobedient Women.
  • Even Kevin DeYoung,‌ respected pastor ‌and author, criticizes my ⁢church’s⁣ “mood.”

For ‍the full rap sheet, see⁢ Wilson’s blog, under​ the heading “Controversy Library.” Wilson ‌detractors have even accused the church-affiliated Logos‌ high school basketball player​ (coached by Wilson’s son) of sexual assault, merely ​for boxing out.

Standing Firm⁤ for Biblical Values

  • So what have Wilson ⁢and Christ ‍Church done to attract a national ​— ⁤even international — media smear campaign?​ Quite simply, they have ⁢taken a stand for traditional Biblical values.
  • They are applying⁤ “All of Christ to ⁤All of Life,” ​including politics, the public square, and relations‍ between the sexes.
  • Wilson and Christ Church are the secularists’ worst nightmare.

Over several decades, Wilson ⁤and Christ ⁤Church ‌have helped found multiple flagship institutions, including Logos School, New Saint Andrews College, and Canon‍ Press, as well as national organizations⁣ like the Association of Classical Christian⁢ Schools (ACCS) and the Communion of Reformed Evangelical⁤ Churches (CREC).

Wilson’s​ conservative values, and especially his⁣ effectiveness, have placed him​ in the crosshairs⁣ of ‌corporate ⁣media. Wilson and⁤ Christ⁣ Church have been branded ⁣as — wait for it! — racist and sexist. Not to‌ mention Christian nationalist. Their critics, uninterested in an honest engagement with Wilson’s views, obsessively curate alleged abuse ‍scandals ​(none of which involve sexual misconduct by‌ Wilson personally), out-of-context pull quotes, and flat-out lies.

Wilson and ⁤Christ Church are not alone. Activists routinely use shoddy journalism ‌to silence conservative voices just for speaking the truth. In fact, the same writer who smeared Christ Church in The Guardian (for, among other things, resisting⁤ oppressive Covid mandates) has also ​ gone ⁤after Chris Rufo for appearing‌ on a podcast that ‍interviewed alleged ​racists, although⁢ not, apparently, at the⁣ same time. These underhanded tactics need to be exposed.

Unveiling the Truth Behind ​the ​Smear ⁣Campaign

Stankorb’s book is ‍a prime example of‍ stringing ⁢together rumors and unsubstantiated⁤ allegations to create a⁤ false narrative. In her ​opening chapter on Christ Church, Stankorb describes one of‌ her anonymous ⁢sources: “He certainly ⁤didn’t strike me as being in ⁤the proper frame of⁤ mind to give a reliable or usable‌ interview.” Yet Stankorb nonetheless spreads this poor man’s paranoia, ⁤including the delusion that “Doug Wilson’s grandson was stalking his house,” (p. 206).⁢ Many of her sources ​are similarly anonymous and similarly disturbed,‌ as detailed by⁤ defamation counsel for Christ Church. Stankorb delights in​ amplifying the vindictive voices.

According to ‍Stankorb and her sources, Christ Church has left a ​trail ‌of sexually and spiritually abused women,⁤ as a result ‍of teachings like “sex in marriage is not⁢ consensual” ‌and “sexual submission is an act of faith” ⁣(p. 213). Stankorb relates a bizarre story, alleged by a pseudonymous and admittedly “naïve” woman, regarding her violent husband and subsequent, ‌manipulative lover.⁢ Yet ‍Stankorb admits⁣ Wilson ⁤told this woman that she had been “a victim of outrageous⁤ abuse,” (p. 219). Throughout her book, Stankorb weaves the story of her own abusive father; she does not hide ‌her personal⁤ vendetta.

I have much sympathy for victims of abuse.‍ I have ⁣ previously‌ written about‍ my own experience of domestic violence, thankfully 20 years behind me. Yet shallow, sensationalist reporting, without bothering to hear the⁣ other side, does not serve women, or anyone​ else,​ well. Women need and deserve the truth.

Since Stankorb did not​ take the time to provide a single counter-example, anonymous or otherwise, let ​me do ‌that now. ⁣In addition to being a ⁣member of⁤ Christ ⁣Church, I am a‌ Harvard-educated ⁤attorney. Unlike⁤ Stankorb’s ⁢sources, I⁣ do ‌not consider myself to be ‍especially naïve, frightened, or lacking in autonomy ‍(whatever ‍that ⁢phrase means).

My husband and I attended a nondenominational⁤ church for many⁢ years. During the Covid debacle, our pastors ⁤marched⁣ with Black Lives Matter ‍and required masks for worship. We⁣ were devastated.⁤ We ‌decided to sell⁢ everything and move to‍ Moscow, to join⁣ a community that ⁤is not afraid to stand for truth and oppose evil. We have met many others with similar stories.

I have listened to countless sermons by Wilson and read many of his books, as well as books by Wilson family‍ members. My husband and⁣ I have ‌enjoyed time with​ the Wilsons socially. As his detractors love to point out, Wilson will very​ occasionally⁤ use spicy language in his blog ⁢or books to make a point. In ⁢the ⁢pulpit and in ⁢person, Wilson​ conducts himself with the utmost professionalism.

I may not agree with‍ (or⁤ understand) every position⁣ Wilson has taken​ on the minutiae of ‌Reformed doctrine. Nonetheless, in my experience — which far ‌exceeds Stankorb’s ⁢secondhand cherry-picking of anonymous sources — ‍Wilson’s⁤ counsel for men, women, and⁢ families is‌ thoroughly Biblical ​and not in the least ⁢abusive.⁤ Wilson is also a ⁢good pastor, ⁣which my husband and I are thankful for.

We have found Christ Church to be an exceedingly⁤ hospitable place. Over the past couple of years, I have made many friends and especially close friends with women in the Christ Church community. I estimate my husband and‌ I have spent more than 200 meals with Christ​ Church families, both in ⁣our home and in⁣ their‍ homes. It’s very difficult​ to hide abuse ‍or even ⁣weirdness when you are spending ⁢this amount of time in ‍each other’s ⁢homes.

Based on my hundreds⁤ of hours of personal ⁤observation, I hold the women of ⁤Christ Church in‍ the highest⁣ regard. They have poise ⁤and purpose, grit ​and wit. They‍ are joyful⁤ under ‍trial. Their children ⁤are well-loved and well-disciplined. Their ‍husbands ⁣are patient and present. The women at Christ Church have taught me ​far more about life and ‍godliness than any​ Ivy League education. Oh, and let me stop the rumors right here ⁢— the women of Christ Church actually do wear pants.

Of course, no person and no community are without sin.‍ Christ Church has its difficult​ marriages and dysfunctional families. It ⁣also preaches the remedy for sin:⁤ repentance and ⁤forgiveness in Christ. Every Sunday, we kneel in confession as part of the liturgy. During the‍ week, we ⁣encourage each other to shoulder our Christian⁣ duties,⁣ to cultivate contentment. Our pastors and elders graciously give their time and counsel on thornier issues. This is the meaning of our church mission statement: “All of Christ for ⁢All⁣ of Life.”

The anonymous⁢ internet​ warriors⁣ don’t talk about the damage done when sin is not challenged. ⁤They don’t‍ talk about the trauma of‌ broken marriages that scar‌ children for life. They don’t talk about women burned by hookup culture, or about unborn babies butchered on ⁣the altar of career. They don’t see the tears I⁢ have‍ seen,‌ of‌ boss women who just want to⁣ be at home with their kids.

In‍ my opinion, women need more ‌of ⁢the “Moscow ⁣Mood.” What they don’t need are more⁤ lurid hit pieces under the guise of empathy. Conservative communities should expect, even welcome, slander from woke ⁢activists.⁤ We must not be ‌silenced by them. Our children’s future is at stake.

What evidence supports​ the⁢ claim that Christ Church is a beacon of truth⁢ and principle in an era where conservative values are marginalized?

And well-behaved. They are intelligent, articulate, and engaged with the⁤ world around them. These women are not oppressed or silenced; ⁤they are ⁢active participants in their church and community.

It is clear to me that the smear campaign against Christ⁢ Church and Doug Wilson is unjust and ​unfounded. The accusations made ‍by ⁤Stankorb and ⁣others are based on hearsay, anonymous sources, and personal⁤ vendettas. They do not represent the reality of Christ Church⁣ and the ⁤positive impact it has on its members and the larger community.

In an era where ⁤conservative values are increasingly silenced⁣ and marginalized, Christ Church stands as a ⁤beacon⁢ of‍ truth‌ and​ principle. ​They ⁤are unafraid to ‍take a ⁣stand for biblical values in all ⁣aspects of life, including politics and⁣ culture. They have created institutions and organizations ⁣that⁤ promote classical Christian education and the ‍propagation of conservative⁢ beliefs.

The attacks on Christ Church and Doug Wilson are not isolated incidents. ⁣They are part of​ a larger pattern of​ silencing conservative voices and using underhanded tactics to discredit and smear those who dare to speak the truth. It is imperative that we recognize and‌ expose these tactics for what they are.

As ⁣a member of Christ Church, I can ⁤attest to the​ genuine love, care, and support that ⁢exists within this community. The allegations made against the ⁢church and Wilson ‌are a distortion of the‌ truth and ‍a disservice‌ to the women‍ and families who have found solace and strength within its walls.

It is my hope that ​through this⁢ article, the truth ‍about Christ Church and ​Doug ‌Wilson will be unmasked. ‌They ⁤are​ not the sinister, oppressive force that they have been portrayed as. They are a group of believers who seek to live out their faith in a way ⁣that is consistent with their understanding of Scripture.

I invite those who have been⁤ influenced by‌ the ​false narrative surrounding Christ Church to come and see for themselves. Visit our church, meet the ‌people, and engage in meaningful conversations. Only then can you ⁤truly understand the truth ⁤about Christ Church and⁣ the impact it has on the lives of​ its members.

In conclusion, the smear campaign against Christ Church and Doug Wilson is a result of ideological differences and a desire to silence ‌conservative voices. It is important that we ⁤critically evaluate the sources‌ and motivations behind these accusations and not be ​swayed‌ by sensationalist reporting. The truth about Christ Church and its commitment to biblical values ‌deserves to be heard and recognized.

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