Washington Examiner

Trump accuses Biden of responsibility for Laken Riley’s murder during Texas border trip

Former President Donald⁤ Trump Calls Border Surge​ the ⁣”Joe​ Biden Invasion”

In a ⁤highly anticipated border visit, former President Donald Trump referred⁣ to the record-breaking influx of⁣ immigrants crossing the border⁤ as the “Joe‍ Biden​ invasion.” Speaking ‍near the border,⁣ Trump directly blamed President Biden for the recent alleged kidnapping and murder of Laken Riley, a University ‍of Georgia nursing student, by a Venezuelan ⁤national‍ who was released⁤ into the country in⁣ 2022 ‌by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Trump praised Governor⁤ Greg Abbott for mobilizing the Texas National Guard and sending units ​to the border, calling it a necessary military operation. He emphasized that this immigration crisis has been ongoing for the past three years under Biden’s leadership.

Furthermore, Trump accused illegal immigrants⁤ of contributing to a national ‌crime wave, referring ⁣to it⁣ as “Biden migrant crime.” He expressed his condolences for Laken Riley and criticized Biden for not acknowledging her tragic death.

Border Patrol Council President Criticizes Biden’s Choice‍ of Visit Location

Brandon Judd, the president of the⁤ National ‍Border Patrol Council, criticized President Biden⁢ for choosing to visit Brownsville, Texas,⁤ which is a relatively low-flow section of the border. Judd argued that Biden should have visited Eagle Pass or other areas ⁤in Arizona and California, which⁣ he referred to‍ as the “epicenter” of the immigration crisis.

Despite the ⁢criticism, Trump’s message on border⁤ security seemed ​to resonate with ⁢the ⁣community in Eagle Pass. A large group of ⁢Trump supporters, including immigrants‍ who entered the country legally, gathered to show their⁣ support‍ and express their ⁢concerns about the situation at the border.

One such supporter, Onesimo Elizondo, an Eagle Pass AllState agent‍ who immigrated legally from Mexico, shared his experiences of the challenges caused by the influx ‌of immigrants. He mentioned the impact on their ​ranches and the issues they face in‍ their‌ homes ⁤due⁢ to the increased traffic and damaged ⁣fences.

Trump’s ⁣Visit to the⁣ Border

Earlier in the day, Trump visited the Texas National Guard’s ⁤Border Headquarters, where he received briefings from Governor Abbott and other local officials about the border situation. He showed particular interest in displays showcasing the razor wire placed by​ the Texas National Guard at highly trafficked illegal border crossings.

Later, Trump toured a ‌section of the border ⁢along the Rio Grande, where he interacted with Texas National Guardsmen ⁢and expressed gratitude ​to the press for their presence. He also⁤ had ‌the​ opportunity to view the vehicles used by ‍the National Guard at the border, accompanied by Texas Department of Public Safety Col. Steve McGraw⁢ and Texas Border Czar Mike Banks.

Throughout ‍Trump’s border tour, Mexican security forces were present on ‍the southern side of the Rio Grande, while Border Patrol boats patrolled the river nearby.

Trump has consistently highlighted border security as a ‌campaign‍ concern,⁣ effectively stalling Biden’s efforts to advance ‌a bipartisan deal for new Ukraine aid in exchange ‍for immigration policy reform.

Biden ⁣recently hosted a meeting with the “Big Four” ⁤congressional leaders to ​pressure House Speaker Mike ​Johnson on⁣ the matter.

For the full video of Trump’s remarks, click here.

How do critics argue ⁣that the Biden administration’s focus on ​reversing Trump’s immigration policies has contributed to the surge in illegal immigration?

Sonate with many Americans who have concerns about the current​ immigration situation. Recent reports indicate that​ there has been a significant surge in illegal border ⁤crossings‍ since President Biden ⁤took ⁢office. The number of apprehensions at the southern ‍border reached a 20-year high in April, with over 178,000 migrants detained.

Trump’s⁢ labeling ⁢of the situation as the “Joe‍ Biden​ ⁣invasion” reflects a sentiment shared by‌ those who believe that‍ Biden’s policies‍ and rhetoric have contributed‌ to the surge in ⁢illegal immigration. ​Critics argue​ that the Biden administration’s​ focus on reversing Trump’s immigration policies, such as the Migrant Protection Protocols ⁤and the construction ⁤of the border wall, has sent a message of ⁤leniency and lax enforcement, encouraging migrants to make ‍the​ dangerous journey to the United States.

The tragic case of Laken Riley further ​underscores concerns about ⁤border security. Trump’s mention of this ⁣incident and his criticism of Biden for not acknowledging her death highlight the need for a comprehensive approach to immigration that prioritizes⁢ public safety and the protection of American citizens.

The support for Governor Greg Abbott’s mobilization of the Texas National Guard demonstrates a growing frustration with the federal government’s ‍response to the​ border crisis. ​Many‍ feel that state-level interventions⁣ are necessary to address the challenges posed by illegal immigration. However, critics argue that militarizing the border is ⁢not a ⁢solution ‍and that a more ⁢humane and ⁣strategic approach ⁣is ⁤needed.

Brandon Judd’s criticism ​of Biden’s ​choice⁤ of​ visit location raises valid points. By ‌choosing a relatively calm area, the president may not have fully ⁤grasped the severity of the crisis. It‌ is crucial for Biden to visit the areas​ that are​ most heavily⁤ impacted by the surge in illegal immigration to gain a firsthand understanding of the challenges faced by Border Patrol agents and local communities.

The ⁢ongoing immigration​ crisis requires a comprehensive and bipartisan ​approach. ⁣It is essential for the Biden administration to work with Congress⁤ to pass meaningful immigration​ reform. This should involve increased border security measures, reforms to the legal immigration system, and a clear ⁢pathway‍ to citizenship for undocumented immigrants already living in the United States.

Former President Donald Trump’s visit to⁤ the border and his choice of words highlight the urgency of the situation. Regardless ‍of ⁢political affiliations, it is crucial for‍ policymakers to come‍ together to address the root causes of illegal immigration and establish⁣ a comprehensive and‍ effective immigration policy that ensures the safety and security of⁢ all Americans.

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