Washington Examiner

Key points to observe on Super Tuesday in California

Super Tuesday: California’s Golden Prize

Super Tuesday is finally here,⁤ and all eyes are on California, ‍the ultimate ‌prize up for grabs. Former President Donald Trump is⁣ determined to solidify his credentials with a resounding ‍delegate victory, while President Joe Biden⁣ is also aiming for a dominant performance. But it’s not just the top races that are ‍captivating; there are plenty of intriguing down-ballot contests, including the jungle primary for former Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s seat and several ‌House races. Welcome to Golden State Scramble, a series that will delve into all of these races and more. ⁣In Part​ 1, we’ll provide a preview of what to watch out for on Tuesday.

California Primary: A Crucial Decision

On Tuesday, voters in California will head to the polls to choose⁢ their favorites in the primary⁤ election. The stakes are⁤ high, with the ⁤presidency, ⁢governorship, and over ⁣10 closely⁣ contested congressional races on the line. These races could determine which party takes control of the House in ‌November.​ Additionally, there are several competitive local races and ballot measures that could impact criminal prosecution methods and welfare assistance requirements. It’s a day filled with excitement and anticipation.

The Battle for Feinstein’s Seat

One of the most closely watched matchups is the marquee showdown⁢ between ⁤powerhouse representatives Adam Schiff and Katie Porter for the‍ late Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s seat. The Democratic National Committee and major Democratic donors are keeping a close eye‍ on this race. If both candidates make it through⁢ California’s “jungle primary,” where the top two candidates advance regardless of party affiliation, it could lead ⁣to months of intraparty fighting over who to support. There’s even a chance​ that a Republican baseball legend with a controversial personal life could emerge victorious. The stakes are high,⁢ and the outcome will have far-reaching implications.

House Races: Determining Control

California will play a pivotal role‌ in determining which party controls the House‍ of‌ Representatives in the upcoming year. With Republicans currently holding‌ a seven-seat majority, the outcome of the 10 competitive House races in California⁤ will be crucial. These ​races include districts where victories were won by razor-thin margins in the previous election. Notably, the race for Porter’s ⁤vacated seat in Orange County’s 47th District is ​attracting significant ​attention. ‌With Porter out of the race, 10 candidates are vying for the position, including prominent figures ⁣from both‍ parties. The battle for control of the House ⁤is fierce, and⁢ California is at the center of it all.

Gascon’s Future as District Attorney

Los⁢ Angeles County District Attorney ⁤George Gascon’s fate hangs in the balance as Angelenos decide whether to keep him in office or opt for ⁣one of the​ 11 challengers. Gascon, known as the “godfather of progressive prosecutors,” has implemented‍ sweeping‌ policy changes since taking office. However, his controversial decisions ⁣have faced significant backlash. His challengers promise to reverse his policies and take a different approach ‍to criminal justice. The outcome of this race ‍will shape the future of law enforcement in⁤ Los⁣ Angeles​ County.

Key Ballot Measures: Mental Health and Welfare

California voters will also have the opportunity to weigh in on two⁣ critical ballot measures. Proposition 1 aims to address the state’s mental health crisis and‍ homelessness by raising funds for treatment facilities and affordable housing. Supporters⁤ argue that the severity of ‌the⁢ crisis ⁢demands increased investment, while critics express concerns about diverting funds from ⁢prevention services. Proposition⁤ F, ⁢proposed by San Francisco Mayor London Breed, seeks to ⁣implement‍ drug screening for welfare recipients. The ​measure aims ‌to promote accountability and encourage individuals to seek necessary treatment. The outcome of these ‍measures will have a significant impact ⁢on the state’s approach to mental health and welfare.

Stay tuned as⁤ the Washington⁢ Examiner provides comprehensive ⁤coverage of all the major news from California’s Super Tuesday. It’s a day filled with excitement, drama, and the ‍future of ⁢the Golden State hanging in ‌the balance.

How could the results of the California races in ⁣Super Tuesday⁣ impact the balance of power in Congress?

Ion cycle.⁤ The results⁢ of these races could shift‌ the balance ​of power in Congress and shape the legislative agenda for ⁤years to come. Democrats are targeting several Republican-held seats, hoping ⁣to expand their majority, while Republicans are eager to defend their incumbents ⁣and make gains in districts they lost in the last election. The battle for ‍control of the ⁣House ⁤will be fierce, and California’s races will be closely watched as ⁤key indicators ‌of national⁣ trends.

Local ​Races and Ballot Measures

While the focus may be on ⁤the top races,⁤ California’s primary also ​features several important​ local races and ballot measures that will have a direct​ impact on communities ‍across the state. ⁣These include ​races for mayors, city council members, school board members, and other local positions that shape the everyday lives of Californians. Additionally, there ⁣are ballot measures addressing issues‍ such as criminal ⁢justice reform, education funding, affordable housing, ⁢and healthcare. ‍The outcomes of these⁤ races ‌and ⁢measures will shape the‍ future of California’s policies and ‌priorities.


Super​ Tuesday is shaping up to be a pivotal day‍ in California ‍politics. The state’s primary will not only determine⁢ the nominees for key races but also play a⁢ crucial role​ in shaping national politics. With races for‌ the ⁤presidency, governorship, House, and ‌various local⁤ positions, California’s Golden State Scramble will provide plenty of⁤ excitement and suspense. The decisions made on Tuesday will ‌have far-reaching implications, ⁢and the⁢ outcomes will be closely watched by political ‍observers‍ across the country. California’s golden prize is up ​for grabs, and Super Tuesday will determine who ‍comes out on top.

Read More From Original Article Here: Super Tuesday: Six things to watch in California

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