Washington Examiner

Lindsey Graham joins GOP’s MAGA faction amidst Ukraine aid delay

Sen. Lindsey ⁣Graham’s ‍Surprising​ Vote and Political‍ Evolution

In ‌a shocking turn of events, ⁤Sen. Lindsey ⁢Graham (R-SC) voted against the defense ⁣supplemental⁤ security bill in February, leaving his colleagues and onlookers stunned. This decision marked a significant reversal​ for Graham, who had‌ previously ⁣worked tirelessly with a‌ bipartisan coalition to bring a package of aid to Israel, Ukraine, ⁢Taiwan, and the U.S. southern ​border ‌to the Senate floor.

Before⁣ the bill fell apart, Graham had been⁣ an advisor in the bipartisan border security talks for the GOP. ‍However, he eventually became an opponent of the bill due​ to‍ its lack of a border component. Despite ⁣his previous support for U.S. involvement in Ukraine’s fight against Russia, ⁣Graham made multiple process arguments against the supplemental package itself.

Previously viewed as one of the Republican Party’s strongest advocates for Ukraine, Graham’s vote against the package and⁤ his decision to skip the annual Munich Security Conference raised eyebrows.‌ He justified his actions by ​stating that he ​needed to ⁤focus on⁣ the concerns of⁣ his ⁣constituents in South Carolina, particularly regarding the⁤ southern border.

Graham⁤ also called on the House to amend​ the bill to align with‍ former President Donald Trump’s ‍suggestion of providing Ukraine aid as a conditional loan. He emphasized that Trump was firmly against the​ package and ⁤believed it should be structured as ⁤a loan‌ rather than a gift.

Currently, the legislation sits on House Speaker Mike Johnson’s ⁣(R-LA) desk, unlikely to receive a vote unless House ⁤lawmakers force floor consideration through a discharge‌ petition.

While Graham’s team declined ‌to comment on his political evolution, the senator maintains ‍that he still‍ supports Ukraine and wants U.S. aid⁣ to reach⁤ Kyiv.‌ However, his vote highlights the significant ‍transition he has ‍undergone⁣ over the past decade.

Prior to Trump’s rise, Graham was known as one of the Senate’s more liberal Republicans, with his ‌conservative credentials primarily stemming from his staunch‍ support ‌for the‍ U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He relished in engaging in battles with ‌Tea⁢ Party ⁤lawmakers, despite being a ‌former House‍ conservative himself. Even during his run in the 2016 GOP presidential primary, Graham ⁢argued that voters were ready for a conservative known for bipartisan dealmaking.

Graham’s relationship with Trump has⁢ been tumultuous. He‍ was ⁢a vocal critic ‌of Trump during the early days of⁤ the 2016 campaign and even ‌endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) to prevent Trump from becoming the party’s nominee. However, ‌in 2024, Graham finds himself voting against ‌a package aiding U.S. allies and still facing boos ​at Trump rallies.

When asked about the GOP’s continued support ⁣for⁣ Trump, Graham explained that many Republicans believe Trump ‍deserves another shot because ‌he was a good president on‍ issues that mattered ‍to them. He also expressed the belief that Trump is ​a victim‌ of⁢ politically motivated attacks from the left.

Some Republican colleagues are perplexed by⁤ Graham’s behavior, particularly his ‍shift on NATO ​and European security. They hope to bring ⁣him back to his previous stances or⁣ find a⁣ way to pass the Senate-approved supplemental bill in the House.

Others argue that Graham’s actions align with the changing trends within the ⁢Republican Party. They see his vote⁤ against the supplemental and support for Trump’s idea of providing⁣ Ukraine assistance through conditional loans as evidence of his⁢ evolving fiscal⁣ conservatism.

Sen. Brian Schatz (D-HI) offers a simpler explanation‌ for Graham’s vote and the actions of other Republicans: “It’s⁤ Trump.” He believes that many Republicans are trying to come up with sophisticated explanations when the truth is much simpler.

In conclusion, Graham’s surprising vote and political evolution highlight the complex dynamics within the Republican‍ Party and the ⁢influence ‍of former President‍ Trump.

What implications does Lindsey Graham’s vote against the​ defense supplemental security bill and his prioritization of domestic issues have on his relationships with key‍ allies and partnerships, particularly with regards to Ukraine and ​its conflict ​with Russia

Y centered around​ his stance on national ‌security⁤ and ‍foreign ‍policy. He was‍ a vocal advocate ⁢for⁢ comprehensive immigration reform,​ working across​ party lines on the‌ issue. He also⁤ supported the ⁤Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal and was a⁤ champion for criminal justice ⁢reform.

However, Graham’s political‌ evolution began during the 2016 presidential campaign. Initially a critic of then-candidate Trump, he⁤ eventually became a staunch ally and defender of the president. This shift ‌in allegiance was ‌met with surprise and criticism from many, ‌as Graham’s previous positions seemed to be at odds with Trump’s policies ⁣and rhetoric.

Since then,⁤ Graham has become one of Trump’s ⁢most ‌loyal allies in Congress. He has been a ‌key player in advancing Trump’s agenda,‍ particularly in areas such as immigration and⁢ judicial‍ appointments. He has consistently supported Trump’s border wall and‍ has remained a strong opponent of illegal⁣ immigration.

Graham’s surprising⁣ vote against the defense supplemental security ⁢bill ‌fits ⁤into this⁣ broader political‍ evolution. While he has previously shown support for ​aid to Ukraine and other countries, his shift in focus to the concerns of his constituents in South Carolina, especially regarding the southern border, reflects his alignment with Trump’s hardline immigration stance.

The decision to skip the Munich Security Conference, an annual gathering of world leaders and policymakers, also demonstrates Graham’s prioritization of domestic issues over global diplomacy.‌ This move has raised questions about his commitment to maintaining strong alliances and partnerships, particularly with regards​ to Ukraine and its conflict ⁤with Russia.

Graham’s call for the House to amend the bill to align with Trump’s suggestion of providing Ukraine aid as a conditional loan further showcases his unwavering ⁢loyalty ‌to the former president. This position contrasts with many⁣ of his previous‌ statements and actions in support of Ukraine,​ highlighting the extent ⁢of his political transformation.

While⁤ Graham’s ⁢exact motivations for this political evolution remain unclear, his shift ⁢towards a more conservative and Trump-aligned ideology is evident. This transformation has puzzled many, especially considering ⁣his ‌previous reputation as a moderate Republican willing to work across party‍ lines.

As the legislation remains in limbo, it⁣ remains to be seen how Graham’s surprising vote ⁣and political evolution will continue to impact his‍ career and influence within the GOP. Nevertheless, this development serves as a⁢ stark reminder of the shifting dynamics within the Republican ⁢Party and the influence of Trump’s presidency on its members.

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