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Democrat who cautioned about potential ’emergency’ if Biden becomes party’s nominee suspends presidential campaign, backs Biden

Democrat Rep. Dean Phillips Ends Presidential Campaign, Endorses Biden

Rep. ‌Dean Phillips, the‌ Democrat from Minnesota who challenged President Joe Biden in the party’s⁢ 2024 primary, ⁣has officially ended his longshot attempt to win the nomination and has thrown his ⁤support behind Biden.

Phillips, 55, entered the race last October, arguing that 81-year-old Biden⁣ is a vulnerable incumbent candidate‍ due to his age and asserting that it’s time for⁢ the ‌party’s ‌leader to “pass the​ torch.” However, after disappointing performances in Democratic primaries​ across the country, including⁤ a third-place finish behind Biden and “uncommitted” in his home state on ‌Super Tuesday, Phillips announced that he would suspend his campaign and back the president.

During an interview on a Minnesota radio show, Phillips stated, “I’m going to suspend ⁤my​ campaign and I will be, right now, endorsing President ⁤Biden because the choices are ⁣so clear,” according to NBC ‍News.

In the Minnesota Democratic presidential primary on Tuesday, Biden secured 70% of⁤ the vote, while “uncommitted” came in second‍ place with nearly 20%, and Phillips ‍finished in third with just ​7.8%.

“Congratulations to Joe Biden, Uncommitted, Marianne Williamson, and Nikki Haley ⁢for demonstrating‌ more appeal to Democratic Party loyalists than me,” Phillips⁢ posted on Tuesday ⁣night.

Phillips’ Concerns and Priorities

When he launched his campaign, the Democratic congressman expressed concerns about his party’s impending “emergency” ⁢in ⁣November if Biden‌ remained the Democratic nominee.

“I will not sit ‍still, I will not be⁣ quiet in ‌the face ‌of numbers‌ that are so clearly saying we’re going⁣ to ‌be facing an emergency next November,” Phillips ‌told ⁣CBS News. He later added in an interview ​with NBC’s “Meet the Press”⁣ that “if this election was held today, President Biden would lose, and it is an existential threat ‍to the future of the ‌United States of America.”

When he announced ‌his presidential campaign, Phillips acknowledged that the ⁤middle class was struggling⁤ under ‌Biden’s leadership.

“We have to make life​ more affordable for the‌ middle class, which ‌is the issue that voters care ‍about most. We ‌need to bring down the ⁣cost⁣ of living and make life affordable again,” he said. “As part of making life more affordable, we have to celebrate success. America should be the most prosperous country in the world, and we need to⁤ be both⁢ pro-business and⁢ pro-worker‍ to get there.”

In a post on X on Wednesday, Phillips praised ‌Biden’s “empathy and kindness” — sharing a photo of ⁢the then-vice president sitting⁤ next to ⁤Phillips’ two young daughters — and⁣ said that Democrats must “resist Donald Trump again.”


“I ran for Congress in⁣ 2018 to resist Donald Trump, I was trapped in the Capitol‍ in 2021 because of Donald Trump, and I ran for President‍ in 2024 to​ resist Donald Trump again – because Americans were demanding an alternative, and‍ democracy demands options,” the congressman wrote. “But⁤ it is clear that alternative is not me. And it is clear that Joe Biden is OUR candidate ‌and‌ OUR opportunity to‍ demonstrate what⁤ type of country ⁤America is‌ and intends to be.”

How can higher taxes on the wealthy, transition to renewable energy, universal healthcare, and ‍criminal justice reform be ⁣implemented to⁢ tackle income inequality, climate change, healthcare, and systemic injustices

Middle class. We have to ⁢address the rising costs of housing, healthcare, education,⁤ and other essentials. And we need a leader who understands the challenges that everyday Americans face and is willing to take bold action to address them,” Phillips said during his⁣ campaign launch speech.

Throughout his campaign, Phillips focused on issues such as income inequality, climate change, healthcare, and criminal justice‌ reform. He called for higher taxes on the wealthy to fund social programs, a transition​ to renewable energy sources, universal healthcare, and criminal justice reform‍ to address systemic injustices.

Despite his concerns and‌ policy proposals, Phillips acknowledged the reality of the political landscape and made the decision ​to endorse⁤ President Biden. In his announcement, he ‍expressed confidence in Biden’s ability to lead and bring the ⁤country together.

“I ‌may not⁤ agree with all of‍ President Biden’s policies, but ⁣I believe that he has the experience, the temperament, and the commitment to unite our country and move us forward,”⁤ Phillips said. “It’s time to put our differences aside ​and work together to address the pressing challenges we face.”

Implications of Phillips’ Endorsement

Phillips’ endorsement of ⁢President Biden⁢ carries some significance, especially considering his previous criticisms of Biden’s candidacy. ⁣It highlights the importance of party unity and the need to rally behind the chosen nominee to⁢ maximize chances of success in ​the general ‌election.

As a relatively moderate Democrat, Phillips’ endorsement may help Biden appeal to voters across the political spectrum. It showcases ​a willingness to put aside differences and work towards a common goal, which can resonate ⁣with voters seeking​ unity and stability.

Furthermore, Phillips’ decision⁣ to suspend his campaign ‌and endorse​ Biden may⁣ also influence other Democratic candidates to follow suit.⁢ It signals ‌a coalescing around the front-runner and a recognition of the need to consolidate party support to defeat the opposing party’s candidate.

The endorsement emphasizes the strength and resilience‍ of the Democratic ​Party as it seeks to maintain control of the presidency and enact its policy agenda. It reinforces the message‌ that ​Democrats are united, committed, ⁢and ready to lead the country in a new direction.


Rep. Dean Phillips’ decision to end his presidential campaign and endorse President Biden represents ​a significant moment in the Democratic primary race. It underscores the importance of party unity and highlights ‍the need to rally behind the chosen nominee to secure victory in the general election.

Phillips’ concerns⁣ about Biden’s candidacy and his focus‍ on ‌addressing key ‌issues such‌ as income inequality, climate ‍change,​ healthcare, and criminal⁣ justice reform contributed to the national conversation surrounding these important topics. While Phillips may not have been ​successful in his bid for the nomination, his‌ endorsement of President Biden carries weight and signals a turning point in the primary race.

As the Democratic Party continues to ​navigate the presidential election cycle, the support of influential‌ figures like Rep. Dean Phillips will play a crucial role in shaping the party’s message, uniting its members, and ultimately, positioning itself for success ⁣in November.

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