The federalist

AOC Acknowledges Big Tech Algorithms as a Form of Election Meddling


In‌ a stunning admission, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shed light on the power ‌wielded by Big Tech—notably how altering algorithms could influence ⁢political landscapes, tantamount to “election interference”.

Commentator Tucker Carlson brought to the fore ⁢details from a highly ⁢confidential‍ briefing in ‍which justice officials and Ocasio-Cortez participated, hinting at‌ the undercurrents of ​technological influence.

“Today’s briefing unveiled how the ‍influence of Big Tech extends⁣ to changing algorithms to sway⁤ election results,” Carlson revealed, with AOC suggesting ⁤that recent algorithmic‌ changes⁢ were a play of political power.

AOC Acknowledges Big Tech Algorithms as a Form of Election Meddling

Elon Musk, ⁣the visionary at the helm of Twitter, promptly countered, championing transparency ⁢and neutrality‌ in algorithmic changes, a​ contrast to a past shrouded in selectivity⁣ and ⁤bias.

Ocasio-Cortez’s critique ‍may roam off-target. While she points a ⁢finger⁣ at Musk, previous gatekeepers were indeed guilty of throttling essential voices and narratives—betraying true ‘election interference’.

Behind the Veil: The ​‘Twitter Files’⁤ Expose

The day Musk took the reins, a surge of internal emails and data came to light, exposing Twitter’s secretive liaisons with federal agencies. The infamous suspension of pivotal accounts revealed a⁤ deeper agenda, where the lines between discourse and distortion blurred.

An exposé unearthed ​ how governmental⁢ tendrils extended to media manipulation. Entities⁢ like the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) colluded with academics ‌to police online speech, marking an era where satire, truth, and opinion all fell prey to censorship.

Wielding ​the narrative, these​ operations weren’t shy about flagging even innocuous ‍content, including a tweet from Mollie Hemingway that merely recounted media aversion to acknowledging electoral developments –‌ a ⁢stark reflection⁢ of unchecked⁤ power.

Moreover, Sean Davis found himself in the crosshairs, his content unfairly branded as ‘misinformation’ simply for ‍invoking a discussion on the integrity of elections.

The events following​ Musk’s acquisition of Twitter peeled⁢ back layers of obscured truth, revealing a dialectic battleground where Big Tech ‌held the ⁤reins. The narrative is clear: transparency is⁣ not just expected—it’s demanded ⁣in safeguarding the sanctity of our digital forums.

Please note that⁢ the above content references events and ‌situations as placeholders and ⁤its accuracy or truthfulness should be verified independently.“`html

Sean Davis of The Federalist raised alarm ‌bells, suggesting that the Pennsylvania ‍Supreme Court ‌provided⁢ an ​opportune mechanism for potential electoral manipulation in favor ‌of Biden, by allowing⁣ the counting of undated ballots.

In a fiery critique, Davis​ decried Big Tech’s censorship as a ⁢clear indicator of an ​attempted heist of democratic processes.

Algorithmic Control ⁢and Narrative Shaping

Throttling Reach, Molding ⁣Perception

Big Tech’s pervasive influence extends to Facebook’s contentious response to the Hunter Biden laptop ​saga. The platform’s policy communications director took to Twitter with a measure intended to curtail ‌the story’s reach, thereby shaping public perception.

Facebook later ‍confessed to algorithmic manipulation aimed at suppressing what it deems as ‘hate speech’ and ‘misinformation,’ lumping credible stories with the false, according to‍ Zuckerberg’s​ own admission.

A Call for Transparency: Voices across the digital landscape are pressing for an overhaul of the opaque practice of algorithmic curation to ensure user exposure to a full spectrum of viewpoints.

Tech’s Overarching Censorship

From Algorithms to Economic Pressures

But it’s not just social media feeds​ that are under scrutiny.⁢ There’s a⁤ trend of economic censorship targeting independent media through methods like Google’s demonetization, ‌which puts alternative voices at the mercy of ad revenue policies.

With traditional media sometimes playing​ the assist, the scales of digital⁤ discourse tilt alarmingly. ⁤NBC News’ attempt to nix The ​Federalist’s ‌revenue stream underscores the peril awaiting media that don’t​ toe the line.

This suppression isn’t relegated to direct action; it ​permeates through ⁤ostensibly neutral entities. Take “NewsGuard,” a watchdog⁤ bathed in taxpayer ‌funds⁣ that metes out reliability scores ⁤with a stark bias, as identified by ​the MRC.

While mainstream⁣ outlets, marred by the spread of the ‘Russian disinformation’ narrative, receive flawless grades, contrarian platforms are slapped with woeful marks and suffer ‌ad revenue ⁢hits that threaten their very existence.

The Bottom Line: ⁢ Censorship in the social media era cuts deeper than just silenced​ voices; it wields the‌ potential to transform media into monoliths of monochrome thought,⁢ chaining the very essence‌ of a free press.

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