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Maher criticizes far-left activists for blocking roads: calls it a blend of activism and narcissism

Comedian Bill Maher criticized ​far-left protesters blocking traffic to address ⁢the Israel-Hamas conflict. Maher slammed the tactic, suggesting it alienates rather than persuades. He‌ highlighted the protesters’‍ detachment from daily responsibilities, questioning the effectiveness of ⁢inconveniencing ⁤working ‍parents. Maher’s remarks aired on “Real Time,” emphasizing ‌the⁤ disconnect⁢ between protest actions⁢ and real-world concerns.

Comedian Bill Maher mocked far-left protesters this week who are blocking traffic on major roadways in an attempt to end Israel’s war against Hamas terrorists inside Gaza.

Maher made the remarks after the anti-Israel protesters have blocked roads in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle, Oregon, Philadelphia, and more.

“Someone needs to tell the people who blocked traffic in the name of a cause, no one likes you,” Maher said on “Real Time” Friday evening. “And you’re probably hurting your cause.”

“You have to be pretty dumb to think that the way to bring people around to your point of view is to make them late to pick up their kids from daycare,” Maher said. “And that’s what most normies are thinking, ‘I have a kid. I have a job. And yes I’m sure there are in justices on both sides in the Middle East as there are injustice is all over the world but I’m going to be late for work — something you protesters on the bridge seem to have the luxury of not having to worry about which seems kind of privileging.’”

“You can glue your hands to the street because your hands don’t have to do any work today,” Maher continued. “I’m not saying there aren’t sincere passions about Gaza, especially among people from the region, but social justice warriors, for a lot of them it seems like it’s more about the warrioring than about whatever the cause is.”

Maher then showed a picture of a woman in a burka in an Islamic country and asked: “If you really cared about apartheid so much — which Israel does not actually practice, Arabs their vote they serve in Parliament, they sit on the Judiciary — wouldn’t you start with this: With the hundreds of millions of women in the world who live under a true apartheid, a gender apartheid of the most brutal kind? I’ll wait.”


He concluded, “Are you really speaking truth to power or do you just think you look cool in a keffiyeh? Which is really just the new Che Guevara t-shirt, another historical figure you never researched and so think as a hero but was actually a sadistic racist monster fighting for communism, the worst form of government ever. But these are small matters when activism merges with narcissism, less about the cause and more about me, look at me, watch me. And if you liked the way I’m fighting injustice, remember to like and subscribe.”


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