Biden Encourages Black Graduates with a Message of Resilience Amidst Challenges

In ‍a controversial speech by a Catholic NFL kicker at a​ Catholic college, the ‍mention ⁢of ⁤women desiring motherhood‍ sparked outrage. The scrutiny continues, contrasting⁤ it with Joe Biden’s commencement‍ address at Morehouse College. Biden’s remarks, criticized for divisiveness and falsehoods, drew attention. The contrasting reactions shed​ light on societal⁢ perceptions⁣ and ⁤political agendas. The Catholic NFL kicker’s⁢ speech⁣ mentioning women craving motherhood sparked backlash, drawing ongoing scrutiny.​ A comparison ​with Joe Biden’s divisive⁢ and factually‌ disputed Morehouse College commencement address highlights contrasting societal views and political narratives. This scrutiny ‌reveals varying reactions and sheds light on societal norms and political perspectives.

It’s been several days now, but the outrage mob is still having conniptions over a speech given by a Catholic NFL kicker at a Catholic college, in which he dared to suggest that some women want to be mothers. That was too much for the Left and certainly for most media outlets, who have spent the last several days panicking and, in many cases, lying about what Harrison Butker said.

But if we were a sane culture, there’s another commencement speech that would be attracting considerably more negative attention. It was delivered yesterday by Joe Biden at Morehouse College, the historically black school in Atlanta. And in the span of about thirty minutes, Joe Biden did everything they’re falsely accusing Harrison Butker of doing — and then some.

Biden actually did demean and insult millions of Americans, very clearly. He also deliberately stoked hatred and lied repeatedly, with the apparent goal of dividing this country even more than it’s already divided. And of course, all of this is more concerning than anything Harrison Butker could possibly say, because Harrison Butker is a football player. And Joe Biden, at least nominally, is the president of the United States. What he says reflects how the Democratic Party intends to govern if they remain in power.

That said, as you’d expect, Joe Biden didn’t resemble the president of the United States at any point during this ceremony. He looked more like a half-conscious, decaying muppet on the stage, particularly as other speakers were delivering their remarks.

Take a look at Biden’s face as the Morehouse valedictorian spoke, for example:

He looks like he’s literally dying right in front of us. To be fair to Biden though, the speech from the Morehouse valedictorian wasn’t easy to listen to: “It is my stance, as a Morehouse Man — nay, as a human being — to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in the Gaza strip.”

Yes, he actually uses the word “nay,” as if he’s delivering an address in front of the House of Commons in the 18th century, and not a random college in Atlanta with an average SAT score just north of 1,000. There’s no self-awareness whatsoever. Who wouldn’t squint in pain at least a little bit, in the face of that kind of pretentiousness? In what universe would the Morehouse College valedictorian think he can “call” for a “ceasefire” in any conflict, outside of maybe a food fight in the school cafeteria?

WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show

Of course, being realistic, Joe Biden wasn’t squinting in pain so much as confusion. So he claps at the end of the remarks, presumably because everyone else was clapping. Every time Biden goes out in public, we’re reminded that he’s barely hanging on. He’s certainly not governing the country right now.

As if to underscore that point, Biden began his commencement speech with one of his trademarks: He made an outlandish claim that’s clearly false. Watch:

As a general rule, when Joe Biden says “I’m not kidding,” he actually does mean it. He’s not kidding — he’s lying.

There is no council of insightful Morehouse College graduates in the White House telling Joe Biden what to do. In fact there don’t appear to be any high-ranking Morehouse grads anywhere in the Biden administration, as far as I can tell. There are Duke grads like the White House chief of staff, Columbia grads like the press secretary, Yale grads like the national security advisor, and Oxford grads like the CIA director. But Morehouse graduates — nay, Morehouse men — don’t appear to be well-represented.

This is a recurring theme in Biden’s career, where he pretends to be an everyman populist while keeping the commoners as far away from himself as possible. It’s the same scam Barack Obama pulled, only Biden isn’t remotely subtle about it because his brain has disintegrated.

But you knew that already. The bigger issue on Sunday were Joe Biden’s prepared remarks — because those prepared remarks were written by the people who actually run the government. In particular, Biden’s team thought this clip from his speech was so profound that they proudly posted it to his Twitter page. This was the excerpt from the 30-minute speech that the White House felt really underscored the president’s message. Watch:

It is indeed a profound clip, but not in the way the White House thinks. It’s actually a profound illustration of what our leadership has become. The president of the United States stood in front of young adults who had just graduated college and angrily ranted about how America hates them, white people are out to kill them, and how democracy is a “trail of broken promises.” Biden’s message, as always, was depressing, demoralizing, unpatriotic, and most of all: false.

He says George Floyd was murdered. No, he wasn’t. George Floyd was one of a rapidly growing number of black men who died of a drug overdose in 2020. You rarely hear it mentioned — Biden certainly didn’t talk about it at Morehouse — but overdose deaths among blacks jumped by nearly 50% that year. The overdose epidemic is a real crisis that is killing thousands and thousand of Americans of every race, but our political leaders can’t even pretend to care about it. Biden certainly can’t pretend. Then again, he can’t do anything.

Rather than address that problem in any way, Democrats like Joe Biden decided to blame police officers. In fact, in their platform in 2020, the DNC claimed that millions of people have “good reason” to fear being murdered by police officers. So, the police pulled out of black communities, resulting in even more crime and death.

Biden doubled down on this approach at Morehouse on Sunday. He said black men are being “killed in the street.” That’s true in a sense. But Biden’s implication is a lie, because he wants us to believe that black men are being killed by white people (including all those white supremacist police officers). But the truth is the opposite. Nearly all black victims are killed by other black people. And a black person is far more likely to kill a white person than the reverse. Last year, for example, 86 black people were murdered by whites. But the number of whites who were killed by black assailants was more than five times higher, at 488.

This is data that holds up year after year. Here’s a chart that the National Conservative has prepared on this. It shows the number of interracial homicides so far this year. What do you notice?

Courtesy: National Conservative.

Black-on-white crimes dominate the chart, followed by Latino-on-white and black-on-Latino crimes. You have to willfully ignore all available evidence to come to the conclusion that white supremacy is the problem here.

But willfully ignoring all available evidence was a theme of Biden’s speech. Joe Biden went on to say that the black community is being “left behind” by “broken promises.” What broken promises, exactly? Democrats have run many major cities in this country for a long time, without any real opposition. And without exception, they’ve all become much less desirable places to live. Go for a walk after dark in Chicago or Selma or Baltimore or D.C. some time if you don’t believe that. The black community is leaving itself behind through rampant crime, violence, drug use, and fatherlessness. Also by continuing to vote into office Democrat politicians who promise to make everything worse — and do. So there are no broken promises. Only bad promises, faithfully kept.

But instead of telling the truth to his audience at Morehouse, Joe Biden kept lying to them. He also declared that as a nation we “say” that we are going to “end racism and poverty.” Really? When has the nation ever said that? I’m in this nation and I never said it. Nobody I know has ever made this declaration. Neither racism nor poverty will ever be ended. There isn’t a country on the planet, at any point throughout history, that’s eradicated racism or poverty. It’s impossible to do so.

You have to wonder how long Democrats will buy this messaging. In order to believe Biden’s pandering at Morehouse, you’d have to ignore the fact that he’s been in the White House for the past several years. You’d also have to ignore the fact that Barack Obama had eight years in office — at the beginning of which, all the way back in 2008, he promised to build a, “more equal, more free, more caring and more prosperous America.’”

Now Democrats aren’t even pretending to want any of that. Instead, they want absolute power. And they intend to obtain that power by lying and dividing this country as much as possible. Whenever institutions get in their way, Democrats intend to ignore them.

At Morehouse yesterday, Biden made that explicit. Watch:

He’s talking there about “forgiving student debt,” meaning redistributing that debt to taxpayers. Forcing working class Americans to pay the debts of college graduates, who on average have a higher net worth than they do: “When the Supreme Court told me I couldn’t, I found two other ways to do it.” Nowhere in his speech does Joe Biden even pretend that this is legal. He just celebrates that he got it done, to applause from his audience.

In 2024, that’s what “democracy” means to Biden and the White House. When they say they’re preserving democracy, they mean they’re enacting Democratic Party agenda items by force, without regard to checks and balances.

Implementing policy like this only works if a majority of the country despises the other side — to the point that they’re not willing to play by the rules anymore (otherwise known as the Constitution). Biden’s speech at Morehouse makes it clear, once again, that this is the strategy the White House has chosen for the upcoming election.

I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t effective. Other than a few Morehouse students who turned their backs on Biden, pretty much everyone in attendance seemed on board with this. Millions of Americans see no problem with it, either.

They can’t tolerate Harrison Butker’s message emphasizing personal choice and fulfillment because it’s the polar opposite of Biden’s screed pushing racial animosity and lawlessness. Only a deeply broken country, careening towards more division and more chaos, would make a scandal out of the former commencement address and cheer for the latter.

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