Jewish Plot To Oust Pro-Hamas Marxist Gasbag Succeeds

Jamaal Bowman, a member of the Democratic party, ‌lost his congressional primary race in New York by a significant margin of⁤ 17 points. This defeat drew ⁣criticisms from his allies, who largely blamed the American Israel⁣ Public Affairs Committee ⁤(AIPAC) for his poor performance, suggesting undue influence ⁢on ⁤the election. Bowman, who‌ was accused of being a rape-denying Hamas ⁢apologist, made a⁢ notable error during​ his campaign by addressing a⁣ crowd in a location not within his district, falsely ‍attributing it ‌to the South Bronx. Key figures such as Bernie Sanders⁣ and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez supported Bowman, with AOC notably criticizing AIPAC harshly.‌ Despite ⁣the backlash, some commentators suggested that if AIPAC did influence Bowman’s defeat, it was a positive outcome for countering pro-Hamas sentiments⁢ within ⁤political races. The article also reflects on AIPAC’s historical moderation and widespread political​ engagement, including with past presidents and controversial figures.

Jamaal Bowman lost his congressional primary race yesterday by 17 points, and all his allies in D.C. and the media decided to blame the Jews.

Now, it’s true that a large contingent of Jews who reside in Westchester County got together and, using their free will, decided to vote against a rape-denying Hamas apologist. But let’s not underplay the fact that Bowman was also a truther, a racist, and a fire-alarm-pulling clown.

Bowman, it seems, didn’t even know where his district was located. “We are gonna show f—king AIPAC the power of the motherf—ing South Bronx,” the former middle-school principal yelled to a small crowd at one of the most cringe-worthy political rallies I can ever remember watching. Red-diaper baby Bernie Sanders, one of the most popular politicians in the Democratic party, was on hand to tell the small crowd that the Democratic primary was “one of the most important” in American history.

Bowman’s district isn’t in the South Bronx, by the way. His rally was five miles outside his district.

In any event, most leftists blamed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee for Bowman’s fortunes. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who put on some kind of wild pogo dance at the Bowman rally, has accused AIPAC of being “a right-wing insurrectionist-supporting, pro-Netanyahu lobbying organization.” MSNBC’s Chris Hayes claimed that Bowman’s race was in a “dead heat” without AIPAC’s involvement, which is a ludicrous conjecture considering Bowman was down 17 points before AIPAC ever ran an ad.

Here’s the thing: Though it is highly likely Bowman would have lost his race without AIPAC’s involvement, if the pro-Israel group was responsible for taking him down, that’s fantastic. It’s about time AIPAC — a middleweight spender at best — got more involved in races against pro-Hamas politicians.

One of the most milquetoast activist groups in D.C., AIPAC has spent decades trying to placate every political faction in the country. Before anti-Jewish progressives got their hooks into the Democratic Party, virtually every major elected official showed up at its events — including Barack Obama, the most unfriendly president in Israel’s history before Joe Biden. The organization is so sensitive to left-wing criticism that it supported a trip to Israel for antisemites Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib.

It is not AIPAC’s fault that pro-Iran allies found a foothold in the Democratic Party. It’s not AIPAC’s fault that Qatar bankrolls anti-Israel activism across the political left. Or that media outlets like The Washington Post are filled with Hamas apologists. It’s not their fault that a contingent of leftists don’t believe Israel has a right to exist. Let Soros-funded anti-Israel groups like J Street—which seems to have helped radicalize Bowman in the first place — bankroll the hard left.

Incidentally, Israel was barely mentioned in any of the political ads in the Bowman’s race. Even if it had been, foreign policy is a completely legitimate political issue. AIPAC is supported by American citizens. And just like the many leftist “dark money” activist groups that drop millions on races, its members care about an issue and have every right to organize and affect political outcomes. American foreign policy decisions are made by politicians. And voters have a constitutional right to organize and fund groups that represent their interests and moral outlook.

So, good riddance.

David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist, a nationally syndicated columnist, a Happy Warrior columnist at National Review, and author of five books—the most recent, Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent. Follow him on Twitter, @davidharsanyi.

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