Yang predicts ‘open convention’ as ‘dam is about to break’ in Democratic Party – Washington Examiner

The article discusses Andrew Yang’s prediction that⁣ the Democratic ⁤Party is facing turmoil ⁤over President Joe​ Biden’s‍ electability ⁢in the upcoming election. Yang ‍believes ⁣that the Democratic National Convention could potentially‍ be an ⁢”open convention” to replace Biden rather than nominating him again. He suggests that Biden should⁤ step aside for the good of the country and that there are⁣ growing voices within the party calling ⁣for his‌ replacement. Yang also praises Rep. Dean ​Phillips⁤ for standing by ⁣his principles and not supporting Biden for another term, noting that many others now agree with Phillips.

Yang predicts ‘open convention’ as ‘dam is about to break’ in Democratic Party

Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang predicted the “dam is about to break” within the Democratic Party, stemming largely from turmoil over President Joe Biden’s electability this November.

Yang, who ran against Biden in the 2020 presidential primary before endorsing him, explained how Biden once said that he would be “a bridge” for the next generation and that the time has now come for him to pass the torch to someone else. He predicted that the Democratic National Convention could look very different this year, which could be an “open convention” to replace Biden instead of nominating him again.

“I think that the Democratic Party has a lot of talent,” Yang said on Fox News’s Fox & Friends. “I think there are reasonable governors around the country; by the way, I think he’s meeting with a number of those governors today. Lloyd Doggett, member of Congress from Texas, already publicly came out and said that Joe should step aside as the Democratic nominee, and I think that there are going to be many other voices joining him. I feel like a dam is about to break, and you’re going to see more people go public in the coming days.”

Yang, who now identifies as an Independent, discussed Rep. Dean Phillips’s (D-MN) failed presidential bid against Biden in the primary race, noting how the Minnesota lawmaker has been “proven right” over his claims that Biden should not seek another term in office. He argued that Phillips “stood up for his principles in the face of his party” and that many others are now in agreement with Phillips six months after he challenged Biden.

Phillips has not explicitly discussed Biden on social media in the wake of the first presidential debate, only posting a quote from Mahatma Ghandi, that read, “Speak only if it improves upon the silence.”

Regarding the possibility of replacing Biden at the Democratic National Convention, Yang suggested that this would be better than conducting “the coronation” of Biden. He added that Biden ought to follow in the steps of President George Washington and step aside “for the good of the country.”


Yang is not the only former presidential candidate to call for Biden to step aside, as former 2024 presidential candidate Marianne Williamson has also made the suggestion. Williamson, who ran in the Democratic primary, argued that Biden “deserves our respect” but that his performance at the debate made it clear that a new candidate is needed.

Amid the discussions about potentially replacing Biden, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has suggested that both Biden and former President Donald Trump should take physical and mental fitness tests ahead of the November election. She contended that asking for these tests is “legitimate” after what voters saw at the debate.

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