Reporter’s Notebook: Not everybody is going to the Republican National Convention – Washington Examiner

The article discusses the fact that not everyone is attending the Republican‌ National Convention. ⁤It is written by the Washington Examiner Staff and⁤ was published on July ⁣14,⁣ 2024. The article sheds light on different perspectives and reasons why some ‍individuals may choose not to attend the convention. Some conservatives have opted not to attend the Republican ​National Convention this year for a ⁤variety ​of reasons.

One ​reason for not attending could be‍ concerns about the COVID-19 ‍pandemic. With cases still‌ on the rise in some parts‍ of the‌ country, some delegates ​may feel uncomfortable attending a large gathering like the convention. This ‍may be particularly true for older delegates or those with⁢ underlying health conditions.

Others may simply feel disillusioned with the current state of the Republican Party. Some conservatives have expressed frustration with what they ‍see as a lack of true conservative principles in the party, particularly after the tumultuous presidency ⁣of Donald ​Trump. As a result, they may choose to ⁣sit out the convention ​as a form ⁢of protest.

Additionally,⁤ some conservatives may feel that their ⁤voice is not being heard within⁤ the party. With the rise of populist and nationalist elements within the GOP, more ⁣traditional conservatives may feel marginalized or ignored. This could lead some to feel that⁣ attending the convention is not worth their time or ⁣effort.

while the Republican National Convention is meant to⁤ be ⁣a unifying event for the party, it is⁤ clear that not everyone is on board. Whether due to health concerns, ideological differences, or feelings of disenfranchisement, some conservatives have chosen to skip this year’s convention.

Reporter’s Notebook: Not everybody is going to the Republican National Convention

Washington Examiner Congressional Reporter Samantha-Jo Roth joins Magazine Executive Editor Jim Antle to discuss the Republican National Convention coming up and who is going to it, the nature of President Joe Biden’s health, and how the Biden campaign is reassuring Democratic senators.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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