Biden’s Brother Disputes Official Dropout Story, Inner Circle Attacks Him as an ‘Alcoholic’

Ent’s health was not a factor in‍ his decision to suspend ⁣the campaign. What he said about President Biden’s health‍ being a factor in his decision is‌ completely untrue,” the source added.

It is unclear why the Biden ‌family would‍ throw one ⁣of their own under the bus like this,‍ especially considering Frank Biden’s comments were relatively tame and did not seem to suggest anything scandalous.

However, this incident does highlight the tense and chaotic nature of the current‍ state of Democratic⁢ politics in the wake of President​ Biden’s shocking announcement.

As the country continues to come to grips with the fact that President Joe Biden has dropped out of the 2024 race with only a few months left to go, the situation for Democrats continues to go from bad to worse.

On Sunday, the president announced in an X post that he would be stepping aside from the race, despite having won his party’s nomination.

Yet another complication reared its head on Monday when President Biden’s brother chose to comment on the situation.

CBS News asked the president’s brother, Frank Biden, whether he thought the president’s health was a factor in the decision to suspend the campaign.

Frank Biden didn’t seem to hesitate much with his response.

“In my humble opinion, absolutely,” Frank Biden answered.

He went on to suggest the president’s health is even worse off than has been thus far reported, saying, “Selfishly, I will have him back to enjoy whatever time we have left.”

Now, nothing in CBS News’ coverage of the president’s brother seemed untoward or out of the ordinary.

CBS News very openly reached out to Biden family members.

Frank Biden responded and before giving the above answer, gave a series of glowing compliments to his brother the president.

But, even though all Frank did was confirm what all of us already can infer, President Biden’s team seemed to have a meltdown over his comments.

A “source close to the Biden family” threw Frank Biden under the bus, going as far as to blame his alcoholism.

“Frank Biden … is an alcoholic. He hasn’t spoken to the president, in weeks,” the source said, according to CBS News.

“The president’s health has nothing to do with his decision to leave the race.”

This news tells you just how dire things have become over in Democrat-land.

Not only are Democrats reportedly scheming up machiavellian-level plots to backstab Kamala Harris (just after they conspired to pressure Biden out), but even those within the Biden family can’t keep it together without betraying each other with leaks to the news media.

The Democratic Party continues to fracture.

For the good of the country, hopefully it stays that way.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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