Kamala Is The Most Queer-Promoting Presidential Candidate Ever

The article discusses the Biden administration’s approach​ to gender ideology,⁤ labeling‍ it as the most extreme in U.S. history. It emphasizes Vice President Kamala Harris’s commitment to continuing this agenda in ‍her presidential campaign, highlighting her support from pro-LGBTQ+ organizations like the Human ‌Rights Campaign and Trans Equality. The text expresses concern over the impact of transgender policies on children, criticizing the administration for implementing a Title IX overhaul that allegedly undermines‌ female spaces and free speech.

The piece references instances where Harris has openly supported LGBT causes and criticized opposing views, particularly focusing on laws aimed at protecting children from what the article describes as harmful practices related to gender transition. It concludes with Harris’s assertion that legislation aimed at safeguarding children from ‍irreversible medical ⁣consequences angers her, framing the issue as part of ​a broader attack on identity.

The Biden administration is by far the most extreme gender ideology regime in U.S. history, and that doesn’t stop just because President Joe Biden has been pushed out of the presidential spotlight and 2024 race. Vice President Kamala Harris will no doubt proudly take up the transgenderism torch and make the extremism that comes with a hallmark of her newfound presidential campaign.

Already, Harris’ run and pro-LGBT track record has “energized” and earned the support of transgender celebrities, lawmakers, and activist organizations who openly hope she will continue “the most pro-LGBTQ+ administration in history.” Human Rights Campaign, the largest LGBT lobbying group in the United States, not only plastered its endorsement on its front page but asked anyone who visits its website to do the same.

Trans Equality (A4TE) took things one step further when it declared in its endorsement that a Harris administration “would not only uphold but also expand upon the protections for transgender Americans established by the Biden Administration.”

growing number of people — especially children — who undergo social or physical “transitions,” such as adopting false pronouns, undergoing mutilation, or taking sterilizing drugs, suffer harrowinglife-threatening consequences. The irreversible damage transgenderism does to kids and adults alike, however, hasn’t stopped the Biden-Harris duo from making it a centerpiece of their bureaucratic agenda.

Under Biden and Harris’ watchful eyes, the Democrat regime introduced a Title IX overhaul that obliterates female spaces, free speech, and due process, forced biologically inaccurate pronouns on federal workers and visitors to federal facilities, celebrated imaginary transgender holidays, and sicced the Department Of Justice and Department of Health and Human Services on states, hospitals, and individuals who oppose “transitioning” minors.

Harris didn’t hide the Biden administration’s LGBT activism. In fact, she was often its face. She attended and spoke at pride events that often feature sexual deviancy including transgenderism, celebrated the castration and mutilation of children as ill-named “gender-affirming care,” and offered oodles of statements of support for radical gender ideology from her personal and VP social media accounts.

On this Transgender Day of Remembrance, we must honor those we’ve lost to anti-trans violence. We will continue to protect our trans community and stand up against hate, violence, and bigotry wherever it exists. pic.twitter.com/jgamKHzZ7Y

— Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) November 20, 2022

When a gender-confused woman shot up a Christian school in Nashville in March 2023, Harris blamed gun violence, not the radical leftist ideologies that spurred the shooter to action.

In a June 2023 sitdown with self-proclaimed pro-LGBT media outlet Advocate, Harris claimed to “feel very strongly” about pushing transgenderism alongside her abortion extremism and effort to undermine election integrity.

“And so the intersection on the issue of reproductive care and trans care, and the ability of families to be able to have care for their children and their families is really, again, an intersection around attacks that are on an identity,” Harris began.

She added that Republican laws designed to protect children from the irreversible harms linked to chemical castration and mutilation “pisses me off more than anything.”

Even before she was vice president, Harris routinely elevated gender confusion. In 2019, Harris repeatedly expressed concern about “trans women of color being hunted down and killed.”

An audience member at the #EqualityTownHall spoke from the heart of their fears about trans women of color being hunted down and killed.

As DA of San Francisco, I tackled this crisis head-on. As president, I’ll impose a national model to ensure they are protected from violence. pic.twitter.com/QQX73mUNOE

— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) October 11, 2019

Harris’s full-fledged endorsement of Biden’s pro-transgenderism track record and her own LGBT activism make her the perfect candidate to carry Democrats’ child-transing torch into November. Not only do her supporters expect her to keep up Biden’s attack on the people and states trying to protect kids, but they hope that she will take that attack even further.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on X @jordanboydtx.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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