The federalist

Nanny-Impregnating Emhoff Is Poster Child For Toxic Masculinity

The article discusses Doug⁢ Emhoff, the Second Gentleman​ of⁣ the United States and husband‌ of Vice ⁢President Kamala Harris, in light of revelations about his past infidelity during his first‌ marriage. This infidelity involved an affair with Najen Naylor, a nanny for his children, which resulted in a child. Reports indicate that Naylor did not⁣ keep the baby, but details⁢ remain unclear⁤ regarding⁢ whether it was‌ due to miscarriage, abortion, ⁣or adoption. Emhoff has acknowledged that his actions damaged his first marriage ⁣but has not confirmed details ‌about the child born from the affair.

The piece critiques Emhoff for his public stance against “toxic masculinity,” arguing⁢ that his personal history contradicts the image he promotes. Despite​ his ‌condemnation⁣ of toxic masculinity, including remarks about its prevalence and⁤ confusion around‍ gender roles, his actions suggest a failure to embody the responsibility and fidelity he espouses. ⁤

Emhoff has also been involved in‌ pro-abortion advocacy, despite the ethically ⁣complicated nature of his‍ own family background. the article portrays Emhoff as an ​example of the very toxic masculinity he seeks​ to oppose, calling into question the sincerity ⁣of his public persona​ in light of his private ⁤actions.

Ever since Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff entered the White House at Vice President Kamala Harris’ side, corporate media have lauded him as the perfect husband and ideal person to denounce what Democrats deem “toxic masculinity.” Emhoff’s recent confession that he impregnated his children’s nanny while married to their mother, however, suggests it’s the Second Gentleman who is guilty of the toxic masculinity he routinely condemns.

A new report from The Daily Mail published over the weekend exposed Emhoff for engaging in an affair that resulted in a child with Najen Naylor, a teacher at his kids’ private school who moonlit as a nanny. At the time, Emhoff was still married to his movie producer ex-wife and the mother of his children, Kerstin Emhoff. The article quotes several sources who confirmed Naylor did not keep the baby but ultimately does not specify whether the child was lost through miscarriage, killed via abortion, or given up through adoption.

Emhoff confirmed the infidelity and the fact that it wrecked his first marriage in a statement released shortly after the report surfaced, but did not mention the alleged child that resulted from it.

“During my first marriage, Kerstin and I went through some tough times on account of my actions,” Emhoff said. “I took responsibility, and in the years since, we worked through things as a family and have come out stronger on the other side.”

Taking responsibility, of course, does not entail what at least one unnamed source claimed to the Daily Mail was “a financial settlement with Naylor.” In an ideal world, responsibility means pursuing fidelity to your wife and children above all. In cases like this one, responsibility looks like ensuring the survival and fatherly care of the child he helped create.

On its face, Emhoff’s behavior during his extramarital affair strongly contrasts with the brand he has built condemning toxic masculinity.

“There’s too much toxicity. It’s masculine toxicity out there, and we’ve kind of confused what it means to be a man, what it means to be masculine,” Emhoff told MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart in March 2023.

Kamala’s husband Doug Emhoff: “There is too much toxic masculinity out there”

PS: He impregnated his kid’s nanny

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) August 4, 2024

The same day the interview aired, Capehart penned an opinion editorial for the Washington Post hailing Emhoff as “the antidote to toxic masculinity.” Capehart claimed that celebrating Emhoff during Women’s History Month was appropriate because the Second Gentleman is “not only shattering perceptions of gender roles; he is also taking a sledgehammer to toxic masculinity.”

Emhoff’s history of breaking up his own family paired with his continuing role as the face of his wife’s abortion extremism campaign, however, makes him the truly toxic male.

Emhoff knocked up his kids’ nanny, mysteriously rid himself of the responsibility of that child, and has repeatedly lamented pro-life efforts to protect women and children from the irreparable harm caused by abortion.

Now, he spends his time on nationwide tours telling other men to embrace a gruesome practice that harms women and kills children because it protects and preserves their ability to be sexual degenerates.

“[Abortion is] affecting [men’s] ability to plan their lives. And it’s also an issue of what’s next, what other freedoms are at risk. And these freedoms are affecting all Americans, not just women,” Emhoff told NBC’s Yamiche Alcindor ahead of a Men4Choice event in Atlanta in May.

Emhoff’s attempt to win over single women and men by pushing abortion puts him in the ranks of several other Biden administration and Harris for President shills such as Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg. Together, they believe the proliferation, normalization, and celebration of abortion gives men the agency to be noncommittal side pieces, husbands, and fathers — and that’s a good thing.

No amount of corporate media puff pieces praising Emhoff for being the first female Vice President’s feminist wingman can shield the Second Gentleman from his truly toxic motivations.

Emhoff is clearly willing to put his sexual desires above his marital covenant and fatherly commitments. He also promotes an ideology that promises men can use women for their bodies and rid themselves of any children so long as abortion on demand is legal and normalized.

The news of Emhoff’s adultery will likely not have a huge impact on voters weighing whether to throw their support behind his current wife, the 2024 Democratic presidential nominee, but maybe it should. After all, Harris has embraced and even elevated Emhoff’s anti-woman track as an asset to her abortion-for-all agenda.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on X @jordanboydtx.

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