The Western Journal

Judge Deals Kamala Harris a Swing State Headache, Orders Ballot Inclusion for Leftist Candidate Cornel West

The summary discusses a ⁤recent ruling by Michigan’s Court of Claims, which allowed independent presidential candidate Dr. Cornel West to appear on the state’s 2024‍ general election ballot. This decision countered a legal challenge from the Michigan Democratic Party,⁣ acknowledging West as a potential electoral threat⁤ to Vice‌ President⁣ Kamala Harris. West’s campaign celebrated the ruling as a victory for the democratic process, citing ⁢that they had submitted over 26,000 signatures to qualify. Dr. Melina Abdullah, West’s running ⁤mate, emphasized the campaign’s commitment to transformative justice and equity,⁣ asserting ​that their voices⁤ are vital in the ⁤national dialogue.

The ​article also critiques the West-Abdullah campaign, ⁣claiming its appeal might be limited ​primarily to Democrats due to its radical left ideology. It notes that West has focused on‍ the Israel-Hamas conflict, which is significant given Michigan’s large Muslim population.⁣ The article suggests that West’s candidacy could‍ draw disillusioned Democratic voters away from Harris, thereby influencing ‌the state’s tightly contested election landscape, especially‌ considering recent polling that shows Harris with only a slight lead over former President Donald Trump​ in Michigan. the article portrays West’s candidacy as ⁣a net​ positive, highlighting the ‌potential for it to disrupt the‌ Democratic​ establishment ⁢and encourage voter engagement amidst frustrations with the current political system.

Democratic Party leaders and operatives love democracy the way wolves love sheep.

The thing about wolves, however, is that they never expect the sheep to fight back.

In a decision announced Sunday, the Michigan Court of Claims ruled that independent presidential candidate Dr. Cornel West, a far-left academic, has satisfied the legal requirements to appear on the state’s 2024 general election ballot, thereby thwarting a legal challenge from the Michigan Democratic Party, which, by bringing the lawsuit, acknowledged West as an electoral threat to Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.

The West campaign celebrated the news.

“This ruling is not just a legal victory — it is a moral victory for everyone who believes in the sanctity of the democratic process. Our campaign submitted over 26,000 signatures, significantly more than required, which the court recognized as a legitimate expression of the people’s will. We are grateful for this affirmation and promise to continue championing the rights of all voters,” West said, according to a news release from his campaign.

Dr. Melina Abdullah, West’s running mate and fellow far-left academic, echoed the sentiment.

“Today’s decision reinforces that our voices, representing transformative justice and equity, belong in the national dialogue. We will not be silenced by procedural barriers and will keep pushing forward to create a more inclusive and just America,” Abdullah said.

Apart from its righteous indignation over “procedural barriers” and voter suppression, the West-Abdullah campaign has little to recommend it.

“Our aim is and will always be to unite in solidarity with movements of truth and justice, who seek a choice beyond empire, white supremacy, capitalism, patriarchy, and the confines of the corporate-dominated two-party system,” the campaign wrote.

Of course, plenty of conservative populists also object to empire and corporatism. But the West campaign’s other racist, sexist and Marxist language means that it will draw support almost exclusively from Democrats.

Furthermore, the West campaign identified Abdullah as “the first Muslim to run for the vice-presidency.”

In related news, West has made Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza a centerpiece of his campaign.

For instance, in a clip posted Friday to the social media platform X, West explained to an interviewer why he could never work with the Harris campaign or even inside a potential Harris administration.

“No way,” West said. “You can’t fundamentally change a system on the inside if you want something crucial like genocide.”

“You can’t have leaders who’ve been tied to genocide most of their career,” he later added.

In other words, the war in Gaza represents a line in the sand for West.

Needless to say, that matters in Michigan, which boasts an enormous Muslim population relative to other states.

In fact, during the anti-democratic charade that passed for a 2024 Democratic presidential primary, Michigan Democrats by the tens of thousands sent President Joe Biden a message by voting “uncommitted” as part of an organized protest over Gaza.

In short, West gives those same tens of thousands of disaffected Michigan Democrats an alternative to Harris.

And that could make an enormous difference in a tightly contested state.

The latest RealClearPolling average, for instance, shows Harris with a 2-point lead over former President Donald Trump in Michigan.

At this point in the race, however, we must take polling averages with a grain of salt. After all, final polling averages from the 2020 presidential election showed that establishment pollsters overestimated Biden’s support in states like Ohio, Iowa, Wisconsin, Texas and Florida to such a degree that one cannot help but suspect them of having done so deliberately in order to shape a pro-Biden narrative nationwide and thereby prepare the electorate for what ultimately occurred.

Thus, in light of recent history, a 2-point Harris lead in polling averages almost certainly means an actual Trump advantage.

Either way, West’s candidacy amounts to a net positive.

Of course, in their absorption and regurgitation of Democrats’ woke-Marxist claptrap, West and his voters do resemble those sheep.

Thanks to the Michigan Court of Claims, however, the sheep have a chance to help drive away the wolves.

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