Presidential Candidate Implies Democrats Offered Him a Job Working for Kamala Harris if He’d Leave the Race

Independent presidential candidate Cornel West recently revealed that he was approached about⁢ accepting a position in a potential Kamala Harris administration if he agreed to withdraw from the‌ race. During an interview with leftist podcast host Jordan Chariton,‌ West shared that he received various offers, including financial support for his campaign and a cabinet position. He⁣ emphasized his commitment to addressing critical issues such ​as ‍wealth inequality, ⁢homelessness,⁢ and criminal justice reform, stating that⁢ neither the Democratic Party nor the‍ right adequately deal with ​these matters.

Despite‌ being pressured by religious leaders to abandon ‍his ⁢candidacy for⁣ the sake ‌of historical representation, West firmly rejected the offers and expressed disdain ​for the political gamesmanship within the Democratic Party. ‍He maintained, “You’re talking to the wrong brother,” highlighting that his values are not for sale. Amid ongoing discussions about​ his candidacy, recent court rulings in Wisconsin and Michigan have upheld his right to remain ​on the ballot despite challenges from the Democratic ‌National ​Committee.

Independent presidential candidate Cornel West appeared to say that he was offered a position within a Kamala Harris administration if he dropped out of the race.

Democrats see the former Harvard University professor as a potential spoiler in battleground states like Michigan and Wisconsin.

Leftist podcast host Jordan Chariton asked West during an interview last week about alleged offers made to him to get out of the race.

“What were the offers that they made and your response?” Chariton asked.

“A number of them reached out and said I need to get on the bandwagon. This is an historic moment, especially a black moment. Have a black sister, an Asian sister, move to the head of an empire undergoing a deep spiritual decay and moral decadence and deterioration,” West answered.

He recounted that he had religious leaders questioning whether he was truly honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and other religious leaders by staying in the race.

West said his response to all the enticements and pressure was, “You’re talking to the wrong brother. You can offer resources, a position or what have you. That’s not what I’m all about. That’s not the game I play. That’s not my conception of what I’m here for.”

“The toxicity in the [Democratic Party] is so pervasive,” he added. “We see the superficial glitz and blitz” centered on money and status.

West explained the issues that are important to him are wealth inequality, homelessness and criminal justice reform.

He argued that neither the “rotting Democratic Party,” nor “fascists” on the right are adequately addressing the issues.

Chariton tried to further nail West down as to what was offered him to leave the presidential race.

“Were you offered a position in the Harris administration? Any financial incentives to drop out?” the host asked.

“There was definitely various kinds of offers,” West responded. “I won’t go into concrete details of it … I don’t even want to make that the focus.”

“Did they offer you a cabinet position, a lower position and offer to pay off any of your campaign debt?” Chariton followed up.

“They offered serious, substantive conversation about all of those that could lead toward a real possibility,” West answered.

On Tuesday, Wisconsin Elections Commission voted to keep West on the ballot, following a legal challenge filed by an employee of the Democratic National Committee to remove him.

Additionally, Michigan Court of Claims ruled on Sunday against a challenge brought by the Michigan Democratic Party to knock West off the ballot.

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