The Western Journal

School Bus Drivers Will Now Blow Past Stops Where Immigrants Are After Groups of Illegals Try to Storm Buses

In a concerning series of events⁢ in California’s Jamul-Dulzura Union School District, school bus drivers and ⁤parents⁤ intervened to protect students‍ from attempts by illegal immigrants to board their buses. The incidents began when a driver on​ Route A noticed a group of ⁢three ⁣men walking ​on Highway 94 ⁢who attempted to board ‍the bus. The driver successfully maneuvered around them to ensure‍ the safety of the children. The next day, on Route B, ⁣a larger group of around 20 individuals attempted to do⁢ the same at a bus stop. Parents at the scene stepped in to ⁢prevent the boarding.

Following these events, the school district communicated with families about the incidents and expressed gratitude to the⁤ bus drivers and parents for their quick⁣ actions. The ⁤district is now ‍implementing additional safety⁣ protocols, instructing drivers to bypass stops if migrant groups are present, ensuring safer transport for students. Meanwhile, local law enforcement has been notified and is investigating the situation.

This incident reflects broader concerns regarding border security and the implications of illegal ‍immigration in the country,‌ particularly as the political landscape evolves leading up to the ‍2024 presidential⁢ elections.

The actions of two school bus drivers and parents saved students from groups of illegal immigrants, a shocking series of events that now has district buses refusing to stop anywhere a migrant group is sighted.

Groups of illegal immigrants along school bus routes A and B in California’s Jamul-Dulzura Union School District have attempted to board occupied school buses since Tuesday, according to KUSI-TV.

In the first incident, a route A driver realized something was amiss as he approached a group of three men walking in the middle of Highway 94.

The men, identified as migrants, attempted to board the bus.

The driver maneuvered the bus to “go around” the group of men, effectively moving the kids aboard his bus out of potential danger.

The next day, a crowd more than six times as large attempted the same thing along route B.

On Wednesday a driver on that route came across a group of 20 people at a stop where children were waiting to be picked up. This time, nearby parents intervened.

These adults ensured all students were safe and halted any boarding by the group of illegal immigrants.

Following the second encounter, a message was sent to families in the district alerting them to the suspicious encounters.

“Earlier today I notified transportation families about two recent incidents involving our school buses on Highway 94. Both incidents involved people either trying to stop or board a bus at a bus stop,” the district’s message said. “First I want to say thank you to our bus drivers for keeping our students safe and to the parents who helped to ensure the bus was not boarded.

“We have been in contact with Border Patrol, the Sheriff’s Office, and CHP throughout the day,” the district’s alert continued. “In addition, multiple news organizations and Rep. Darrel Issa’s office have reached out.”

The district’s director of transportation has also followed buses to ensure safe travel for the children.

The message says “additional protocols” are being put in place to prevent similar incidents occurring in the future.

According to KUSI-TV, one of the changes will see drivers blow past stops where a group of migrants is present. Students at the stops will be ignored, with the driver only stopping at the next waiting area clear of illegals.

Right now, it’s unknown if the groups behind the attempted boardings are linked in any way.

“The San Diego Sheriff’s Office was made aware of this incident today,” a San Diego Sheriff’s Office representative told KUSI-TV. “We are conducting a follow up investigation to determine if a criminal act has occurred.

“The Sheriff’s Office takes issues regarding student safety very seriously and are working with the school district in order to keep the students and our community safe.”

This incident highlights a growing change in the nation as our porous border allows millions of unknown people into our country illegally. The failure can be laid at the feet of political leftists, who have fought to keep the American interior open and accessible to all.

Border czar Vice President Kamala Harris, now the Democratic nominee for the 2024 presidential election, has overseen the last three years’ rapid collapse along the border.

Now with a direct shot at the White House, the threat to our border and national sovereignty is immeasurable.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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