The Western Journal

Patrick Mahomes’ Wife Ignores Screeching Taylor Swift Fans, Appears to Double Down on Trump Support

The Kansas City ​Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes is widely recognized ⁢as the best active quarterback, bolstered by his impressive achievements such as ‍championship rings and MVP awards. However, he often ⁣finds himself in the midst of ‍controversy, ‍particularly related to external factors involving his family. A recent incident involved his wife, Brittany​ Mahomes, who sparked backlash after liking a social media post endorsing Donald Trump. This⁣ action drew ⁤the ire of Taylor Swift’s fanbase, known as the “Swifties,” leading to significant criticism.

Despite ​this ‍negative attention, Brittany Mahomes⁣ responded defiantly, posting on Instagram that people who hate on others may be struggling with personal issues. She emphasized the importance ‍of respecting differing opinions while maintaining kindness. In‍ follow-up posts, she ⁤reiterated her stance on ​political disagreements, encouraging acceptance of differing ⁢views without animosity. The situation highlights the intersection of sports, celebrity‍ culture, and political discourse, showcasing how personal opinions​ can lead to broader public disputes, especially among prominent figures connected through social circles like the ⁢Mahomes and Swift.

On the field, Kansas City Chiefs superstar Patrick Mahomes is unquestionably the best active quarterback playing today.

His championship rings, MVP awards and overall statistics put him in rarified air, and he is realistically the only active quarterback with a chance at unseating Tom Brady as the consensus greatest quarterback of all time.

But off the field?

Mahomes can’t seem to avoid controversy — and none of it is really his fault.

(See: Mahomes, Jackson.)

Take, for instance, the veritable hornet’s nest that his wife, Brittany Mahomes, kicked when she innocuously liked a post on social media that was in favor of Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump.

While, for many, this is a non-story/hardly a surprise (for example, Trump’s “tax breaks for millionaires” the left is constantly complaining about would obviously benefit the Mahomes family), Mrs. Mahomes appears to have triggered a rather sizable fan base with her social media likes — the Swifties.

Yes, the outspoken fans of music superstar Taylor Swift have taken particular umbrage with Mahomes’ social media hijinks.

(Worth noting, both Swift and Mrs. Mahomes appear to have fostered a friendship from their time spent together rooting for the Chiefs last season. Swift, for the blissfully unaware, is dating Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce.)

As chronicled by Newsweek, Swifties and other Trump critics hounded Mahomes for her social media likes.

Typically, in this hyper-sensitive climate, one may expect an apology or a call to “do better next time” from Mrs. Mahomes.

One would expect wrong.

Mahomes’ first return salvo came in an Instagram story (which self-delete after a set amount of time) that was posted Saturday.

“To be a hater as an adult, you have to have some deep-rooted issues you refuse to heal from childhood,” Mahomes’ post read. “There’s no reason your brain is fully developed and you hate to see others doing well.”

Mrs. Mahomes — who, it should be noted is currently pregnant with Patrick’s third child, and it’s generally accepted knowledge not to mess with pregnant women — didn’t soften her stance much in a follow-up Story post on Monday, where she seemingly doubled down on her apparent support of Trump.

“Contrary to the tone of the world today … You can disagree with someone, and still love them. You can have differing views, and still be kind,” the story read, per Newsweek, with an added comment underneath the passage: “Read that again!”

Those messages appeared to be directed at a number of Swift fans complaining that their favorite musician was besties with an apparent Republican/possible conservative.

The following X exchange sums up the general complaint Swifties had about Brittany Mahomes:

“We could have different opinions about politics in 2008 when policy disagreements were about deficits, taxes, regulation, and funding,” the original poster commented. “Not when it’s about human rights.”

(That post was quoting a different X post that complained about the “tone of the world today” post.)

The original poster then accused Mahomes of leeching off of Swift’s fame: “I hate the fact this woman this hateful woman is using the good Taylor Swift name for clout.”

A response to that original post wholeheartedly agreed: “The fact Brittany supports Trump who’ll suspend the right to political disagreement should disgust people. She’s relying on Taylor to cleanse her name.”

That X user was quick to add: “I should stress though that I don’t think Taylor’s a Trump supporter by mere association with Brittany.”

Of note, Trump has never threatened to “suspend the right to political disagreement.”

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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