Watch: Kamala Harris Immediately Regrets Making Gun Threat Live on Air – ‘Should Not Have Said That’

The article ⁣discusses Vice President Kamala ⁤Harris’s comments on gun control made during a ​recent town hall event in Farmington Hills, Michigan, where she stated, “If somebody breaks in my house, they’re ‌getting ‌shot.” ‌Despite her attempt to soften her​ stance on gun control for ⁢political reasons, this remark sparked considerable⁣ media attention ‌and public debate. The author critiques Harris’s past views on gun rights and her position as head of the newly created ​White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, highlighting her endorsement of Australian-style gun‌ confiscation and past statements suggesting the government ⁢might inspect legally owned⁢ firearms in private homes.

The piece claims that while Harris may present herself as supportive of Second Amendment rights, her⁢ history suggests ‌a totalitarian inclination⁤ toward gun control measures. The narrative ‍blends mockery⁣ of⁢ her speaking​ style ​with a serious warning about‍ the potential implications of​ her policies, ultimately urging‍ readers to⁢ consider these‍ factors when voting. The author⁤ implies that⁤ Harris’s political maneuvering‌ could pose a threat to constitutional ⁢freedoms, particularly the right​ to bear arms, if not closely scrutinized by voters.

A person who holds Vice President Kamala Harris’ views on gun control cannot hold high office in a free republic.

No matter how she attempts to soften those views to appeal to low-information voters in swing states, Harris poses a threat to the Second Amendment, which, more than any of the Constitution’s other wise provisions, distinguishes free citizens from subjects.

On Thursday in Farmington Hills, Michigan, during a town hall moderated by billionaire Harris supporter Oprah Winfrey, the vice president caught herself going too far in the direction of softening her views for the sake of political expediency when she made an offhand comment about shooting any intruder who entered her home — a comment she instantly regretted, though not before cackling about it as usual.

“If somebody breaks in my house, they’re getting shot,” the vice president said in a clip posted to the social media platform X by journalist Collin Rugg.

Uncomfortable laughter from both audience and candidate ensued.

“I probably should not have said that. But my staff will deal with that later,” she said mid-cackle.

The vice president’s staff members will have their hands full trying to “deal with” that one.

In fact, as of Friday afternoon, Rugg’s clip had more than 1.7 million views.

One hopes that all of those viewers will the clip with their friends and contrast it with Harris’s record, including some of her most recent activity and statements, on the subject of gun control.

Last September, President Joe Biden appointed Harris to oversee the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention.

Naturally, that appointment resulted in heightened interest around the vice president’s views on gun control.

Thus, alarm bells sounded for freedom lovers everywhere when, at a State Department event little more than a month later, Harris praised Australian-style gun confiscation.

Meanwhile, clips of the vice president threatening to shred the Bill of Rights have resurfaced and circulated this week on X.

“Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible,” then-San Francisco district attorney Harris said in a 2007 press conference, per Fox News.

Of course, Harris’s threat to enter people’s homes would violate not only the Second Amendment but also the Fourth Amendment.

“This is openly totalitarian. If we don’t resist this, we’re done,” conservative commentator Tucker Carlson posted in response to a clip of those comments from Harris.

In a 2019 interview, Harris called for a “mandatory” gun “buy back” program. That is the language of tyrants, for government officials never owned those guns in the first place and thus cannot buy them back.

The vice president has a well-documented propensity for speaking in word salads. In fact, she demonstrated that talent again at Thursday’s town hall.

Thus, one cannot help but mock her.

On the other hand, our inability to take her seriously might prove to be her secret weapon.

For instance, at last week’s presidential debate, Harris claimed to own a gun and to support gun rights.

In light of her past comments on confiscation and invading people’s homes, that seemed impossible to believe.

But she said it. And then she amplified the claim at Thursday’s town hall. Not only does she own a gun, but she would shoot an intruder, she said while cackling.

“She was a much slicker liar than I realized,” former Republican congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul said of Harris’s debate performance in a clip posted to X. “But she could tell lies pretty well.”

Therein lies the danger.

On one hand, we are dealing with a cackling moron who cannot speak coherently. She strings together words that mean nothing, and we rightly mock her.

On the other hand, the vice president very obviously will say anything to get elected. And that makes her a soulless tyrant-in-waiting.

Vote accordingly.

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