Washington Examiner

Senate Democrats weigh pumping money into Texas and Florida races – Washington Examiner

Senate⁢ Democrats are strategizing to maintain their majority⁤ as they face challenges, particularly ‍with the potential loss of Senator Jon Tester’s seat in Montana. Currently holding a narrow ⁤51-seat‌ advantage, the party must navigate ‌the impending retirement of Senator Joe Manchin⁢ and dwindling support for Tester, who is trailing⁢ in polls. To bolster their chances, Democrats are considering reallocating ​resources to Texas and ‌Florida, where challengers to Republican incumbents Ted Cruz and Rick Scott are gaining ground. Although Scott leads ⁣his opponent by 4.3 points and Cruz ⁣leads by 5 points, heightened enthusiasm for⁢ Democratic candidates could shift the dynamics. While the Democratic Senatorial ‍Campaign Committee has provided support for grassroots efforts, there are‍ calls for more ‍significant investment in ads and outreach in these states, especially since expanding the​ map could serve as a strategic ⁤backup given the‍ uncertainty ‌surrounding​ Tester’s seat. Despite skepticism from some Republicans regarding⁢ this approach, ‌Democrats​ remain committed to defending their positions and adjusting their tactics as necessary to⁢ safeguard their ‌majority.

Democrats weigh pumping money into Texas and Florida Senate races as Tester seat slips away

Senate Democrats are beginning to look for a backup plan to retain their majority in the upper chamber as they acknowledge that keeping Sen. Jon Tester’s (D-MT) seat has become increasingly more difficult. 

Senate Democrats hold a 51-seat advantage, but are projected to lose their slim majority with the retirement of Sen. Joe Manchin (I-WV), and with recent polling showing Tester lagging in the state, Republicans stand a good chance of flipping control of the upper chamber in November.

Originally, Democrats planned to defend eight Democratic-held seats seen as the most competitive. An eight-for-eight performance would still leave the Senate deadlocked at a 50-50 majority, which could allow Democrats to keep their majority if Vice President Kamala Harris wins the election. However, things get more difficult if Tester loses his seat.

Now, Democrats are considering spending resources in Texas and Florida after recent state polls have shown Democratic challengers cutting into Sens. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) and Rick Scott’s (R-FL) leads could be pickup opportunities. 

“We want to put resources in Florida, that part isn’t new. But, certainty the numbers continue to trend there, and you’re seeing increased enthusiasm for folks, so I would expect that trend to continue,” said Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI) while speaking with reporters Wednesday.

A RealClearPolitics polling average shows Scott currently leading his challenger, former Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-FL), by 4.3 points. Meanwhile, Cruz is leading Rep. Colin Allred (D-TX) by 5 points.

While the Democratic Senate campaign arm has yet to make a move, those familiar with discussions expect they could begin airing ads soon. Investments in Florida and Texas, states with many media markets, will be expensive. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee did provide funds for staff in Texas and Florida as part of a $25 million get-out-the-vote push in 10 states.

Top Democrats are adamant that they will continue to defend Tester’s seat, but emphasize they need to do everything in their power to try and hold on to the majority. 

“We can walk and chew gum at the same time. I think it is worth it for us to attempt to expand the map as a security policy especially since it looks like we’re a little more competitive than we had originally expected,” said a former Democratic Senate aide who currently works on K Street.  

Several Republicans mocked any decision to pump money into the Florida and Texas Senate races, calling it a “foolish decision” to go after incumbents in races that most view as long shots for Democrats.  

“I think I’ve seen the polling — Senator Cruz and Senator Scott are going to win. So, on one hand I think that’s kind of a foolish decision, but that’s up to them,” said Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-MO). “I do think we’re going to win Montana. I think we are going to win Ohio and we’ve got great candidates across the board and I think we’re going to take the majority, so I’ll leave it up to them.”

“It sounds like they might be bailing on one of their incumbents in Montana, and he’s in real trouble, no doubt,” he added.

Republicans emphasize they will continue to vigorously defend their incumbents.

“Democrats sound like they are considering pulling resources from Jon Tester, who looks like a lost cause and is trailing badly in the polls,” said Mike Berg, a spokesman for the National Republican Senatorial Committee. “We are prepared to defend Rick Scott and Ted Cruz if they make a move on Florida or Texas.”

Ramsey Touchberry contributed to this report.

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