Washington Examiner

DNC sends money to all state parties for downballot races – Washington Examiner

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is allocating funds to all ⁣state parties for downballot races for the ‌first‍ time in ‍its history. The organization plans to ⁤invest $2.5 million to assist all‍ 50 state-affiliated Democratic parties. This strategic move aims to disrupt Republican supermajorities in strongly conservative states‍ and enhance voter engagement nationwide. DNC spokesman Cameron Niven emphasizes the ‍critical⁣ impact that financial support ‌can have on ‍state ⁢legislative district‌ races,​ highlighting the importance of⁣ statehouses in ‌effecting change.

DNC sends money to all state parties for downballot races for the first time

The Democratic National Committee is sending money to each of its state counterparts for the first time in its history. 

The DNC will spend $2.5 million on all 50 state-affiliated Democratic parties, according to Politico. The investment looks to break up Republican supermajorities in deep-red states and increase voter engagement across the country. 

“Money like this can really make or break state legislative district races,” DNC spokesman Cameron Niven said.

“The statehouses are really where change can happen, where a strategic investment like this can make a difference,” Niven continued.

The DNC is sending more than $400,000 to Florida, which it believes is “a priority state that we know Democrats can win.” The DNC will focus on Puerto Rican voter engagement there.

It is also investing in deep-red states like Missouri and Idaho. In Missouri, the DNC will spend nearly $100,000 to hire organizing staff in hopes of breaking up a GOP supermajority in the Missouri House and Senate. Idaho will see a $70,000 investment. It’s a state in which Republicans control every branch of the state government and Democrats haven’t won a seat in over four decades.  

“It’s a huge boost to targeted organizing and get-out-the-vote efforts we’re running,” said Lauren Necochea, a state representative and chairwoman of the Idaho Democratic Party.

“This is also about electoral accountability, which matters in deep-red states. Idaho is a terrifying cautionary tale for our nation,” Necochea continued. “When Republicans hold the trifecta of power, they cater to the fringe.”

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