College Nightmare: Student Walking to Class Gets Viciously Stabbed by Classmate in Bloody Attack

An Arizona State University student, ‍Mara‍ Daffron, was stabbed on September⁢ 19 while on her way to​ class at the West Valley campus in⁣ Phoenix. Another‌ student, Kaci Sloan, ‍was arrested in connection with the attack. Daffron’s injuries were‌ severe⁣ but non-life-threatening, requiring surgery for a ruptured spleen; ⁤she is currently‌ in stable condition.

During ⁢police questioning, Sloan claimed she ‍had acted without ​provocation and had planned the attack the day before, stating that she intended to hurt someone. ‌Witnesses reported that ​two individuals tried to intervene during ‍the stabbing but were overpowered. Sloan is charged with first-degree‍ attempted murder among other offenses and is being held on a $250,000 cash-only bond.​ Daffron expressed her confusion and ‌fear after the incident,​ questioning why she was ⁢targeted.

An Arizona State University student was stabbed while heading to class, with another student arrested in connection with the incident.

Mara Daffron was stabbed on Sept. 19 at the West Valley campus of the college in Phoenix. Student Kaci Sloan was arrested, according to KPNX-TV.

Although police described Daffron’s injuries as non-life-threatening, they underwent surgery for a ruptured spleen, according to the Arizona Republic.

She was reported in stable condition.

As of Saturday, Daffron’s mother, Launi, said, “Mara is still recovering,” according to KPNX.

Sloan told officers she acted “without provocation or any words spoken,” according to court documents.

“The defendant admitted she came to class to hurt somebody and was planning the attack since the night prior,” the documents say.

“This planning included placing the knife used in the attack in her backpack to bring to school. The defendant told detectives she knew the victim’s first name but did not know anything else about her. She knew the victim from a prior class and d a class with her this semester,” court documents said.

Court documents also said on the night before the attack, something happened to Sloan “that caused her to believe by hurting someone her problems ‘would go away,’” according to court documents.

According to KPHO-TV, witnesses to the attack said two individuals tried to stop the attack, which took place as Daffron was entering a classroom.

The two people fell to the ground, but one was able to get the knife away from the suspect and kick it away.

Daffron told police, “I’m just scared because I don’t know why the f*** she would stab me.”

KPHO reported that police said the suspect had planned to attack one of two people, but picked the one who was attacked because she was an easier target.

The college said Sloan was arrested.

“Kaci Sloan was immediately detained and arrested on suspicion of first-degree attempted murder; aggravated assault with a deadly weapon; interfering with an educational institution; and disorderly conduct,” a college representative said, according to People magazine.

“She is being held on a $250,000 cash-only bond,” the representative noted.

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