With America, Alex Clark Is Waking Up To The Lies Of ‘Big Food’

The author reflects on their family’s decision to adopt a gluten-free diet⁣ when they were 12 years old, noting significant health improvements for ⁤their parents, including weight loss and relief from various ailments. This change prompted the ‍family to explore health and ⁢wellness more deeply, moving‌ away‌ from fast food and researching dietary supplements. The ⁣discussion led by Alex Clark at a senator panel on chronic illness resonated⁣ with the author’s‍ experiences, emphasizing⁢ widespread misconceptions about diet and health in America.

Clark, a contributor to Turning Point USA and host of the “Culture Apothecary” podcast, shared her awakening to systemic issues within food and medicine following⁤ her COVID-19 experiences and a diagnosis of Hashimoto’s disease. The ⁢author expresses gratitude for parents who passionately ​pursued a healthier lifestyle despite social ridicule. They argue that major corporations should be held accountable for not disclosing harmful ingredients in⁤ food.

The text critiques the traditional⁣ food pyramid, labeling it‌ a “manipulated work of fake public health” that has led to​ increased⁣ obesity rates while⁢ promoting unhealthy dietary practices. It highlights the dangers of hormonal ‍birth⁢ control, particularly for young‌ women, and the alarming ⁢rise in ​childhood illnesses, attributing these trends to poor dietary habits and a⁢ lack of informed healthcare practices. the author advocates for a reevaluation of conventional dietary guidelines ⁣and‌ greater awareness of the impacts of modern medicine.

When I was 12 years old my parents decided to try a gluten-free diet. Within weeks, my dad’s indigestion disappeared, both parents lost weight, and they were free from muscle pain. Although they were in their mid-30s, they felt better than they had in years.

They were astonished but also confused. Why had no one suggested this to them before? Why was our food made with such harmful ingredients?

My parents had always been relatively healthy, but from that point on, our family embarked on a journey into health and wellness. We stopped eating fast food, began researching vitamins and supplements, and started uncovering the lies that government was, quite literally, feeding us.

Alex Clark’s discussion at a Senate panel on chronic illness on September 23 validated everything I had grown up learning. I am so grateful for that panel’s efforts to shine a spotlight on what my family and many others have practiced for years.

Alex Clark is a TPUSA contributor, strong MAGA supporter, and host of the new Culture Apothecary podcast. In an interview with Evie Magazine, she shares the reasoning for her recent re-brand: Covid-19 plus a personal medical diagnosis.

As with many Americans, the misinformation about Covid-19 opened her eyes to the deep problems with food and medicine in our society. Also, in early 2024 she was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, an increasingly common autoimmune condition affecting the thyroid and hormones. Due to this shocking diagnosis, she began to investigate ways to heal her body naturally.

My family faced ridicule from doctors, friends, and even relatives for embracing what others called “quirky diet culture” or “hippie stuff.” But for my parents, it was not a fad; it was a way of life. As with Clark, who formerly called herself the “chicken nugget princess,” they came to believe that the standard American diet is lethal to health, contributing to disease, allergies, and mental health issues. I am thankful for parents who remained steadfast in their beliefs, even when it wasn’t easy or popular.

I’d like to hope that this can change, for all Americans. Big corporations should no longer be able to hide behind large marketing firms trying to addict us, fatten us, and convince us that food like hydrogenated-soybean-oil-filled bread is a “great source of fiber.” Here are some key concepts from Alex Clark’s testimony.

1. The Food Pyramid Is a Scam

Many people are waking up to the fact that Americans are getting sicker and sicker each year while spending more time and money than taxpayers in any other country on health care. Clark began by explaining how the food we eat is poisoning us. She calls the food pyramid a “manipulated work of fake public health.”

The food pyramid was created in the 1970s and adopted by the United States in 1992. It has had disastrous results for American health, particularly by minimizing the role of healthy fats and proteins and increasing low-nutrition carbs.

Nutrition expert Dr. Paul Mason has an excellent video detailing the history of the food pyramid. It was created by flawed and inaccurate studies, and heavily influenced by politics and not research. Since the food pyramid was set as a guideline, the average American adult weighs 30 pounds more than Americans did previously!

Secondly, the pyramid’s suggested protein intake is much too low, even though protein is necessary for maintaining and growing muscle, can help decrease unhealthy weight gain, regulates blood glucose, and so much more. Finally, the pyramid’s neglect of healthy fats has led to a misunderstanding of dietary fat, causing many to avoid beneficial fats even though unsaturated fats help lower the risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death in America.

These are just a few problems with the food pyramid. It has had devastating effects on the health of this country.

2. Birth Control Pills Have Serious Side Effects

Millions of women take the birth control pill every single day. Clark listed an astonishing statistic: women on birth control are 80 percent more likely to develop depression or anxiety than women who aren’t on hormonal birth control. Sadly, according to a study of 1 million women in 2016, this statistic is true.

Millions of women have been encouraged down this dangerous path with, as Clark so aptly stated, “no informed consent.” Doctors encourage girls as young as 11 years old to take the pill just to treat acne.

According to Healthy Children, a website from the American Academy of Pediatrics, a new birth control pill released this year has, “no minimum age limit; so, like condoms and emergency contraception, adolescents will be allowed to purchase the new OTC pill.” OTC means “over the counter,” or without a prescription. This means minors can take this medication without their parents even knowing.

Instead of finding the root causes of acne or painful periods, doctors, powered by Big Pharma, are encouraged to send young women down a path that can destroy their hormones, give them depression, and cause infertility.

3. Dramatic Increases in Childhood Illnesses

Allergies, obesity, psychological disorders, autism, asthma, and diabetes have all increased in children more than ever before. It is truly a public health crisis.

The media won’t touch the subject, schools continue to feed children inflammatory ultra-processed junk, and big food companies create products scientifically designed to create addicts of their consumers. Unless parents have access to organic healthy food and educate themselves on these topics, children in America don’t have a fair shot at a healthy life.

In one of several comments that provoked standing ovations, Clark shook the room exclaiming, “Who cares about politics if the next generation is dead or close to it before they can even vote!”

America is the greatest country on earth. We have more wealth, freedom, and ingenuity than anywhere in the world. In such a privileged country, the next generation deserves the chance to live a healthy, long life, free from disease and illness.

I am grateful to Clark and others like her who have taken on the fight against the food lies we’ve all been fed for years. It’s time to push back against the money and power trying to harm the American people, and help the moms and dads who are dealing with devastating autoimmune issues and trying to save their kids from disease.

I’ll end with my favorite quote from Clark’s testimony: “Does this all seem overwhelming to you? Good! This is what the American mom deals with every day!”

Abi Dills is a Christian, committed wife to Jacob Dills, and in her free time she enjoys cooking, reading, and watching “Love is Blind.” 

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