Last Week Revealed That Trump Is Funny And Harris Is Petulant

Despite her constant cackling, we learned last week that Vice President Kamala Harris isn’t very funny. In fact, she can be downright grouchy if you ask her a difficult question.

On the other hand, the guy the left and corporate media have painted as the next Hitler is a hoot. 

‘What are You Talking About?’ 

In the first real interview that the Democrat Party’s replacement presidential candidate has done in her Reader’s Digest campaign, the real Kamala Harris came through — a vacuous pretender who is ill-prepared for the job she is seeking. More than that, Harris came across as angry, arrogant, and self-entitled when Fox News “Special Report” anchor Brett Baier tested her empty answers. 

The accomplice media, in full cover-her-butt mode, blasted Baier for being mean to the vice president, for interrupting her when she repeatedly refused to answer the questions he had asked. Some of the usual corporate media suspects lauded Harris as brave for going into the “lion’s den” of the “right-wing” Fox News in the first place. J6 conspiracy theorist Adam Kinzinger insisted Harris “totally schooled” Baier, leading any rational person to wonder whether the bitter former congressman actually watched the interview.

She wasn’t brave, and she wasn’t equipped to handle actual policy and agenda questions on her record. That’s because that part of her political brain — if ever fully formed — has atrophied so badly from a legacy media that refuses to challenge Harris’ rainbow of platitudes and garbled sentences. At one point in the truncated conversation, Harris stumbled, as she has multiple times, over one of the most basic of questions: how would Harris’ presidency be different from Biden’s? Harris responded in part by claiming that her presidency would “not be a continuation of Joe Biden’s presidency.” But Baier continued to press, noting how Harris’ platform advertises “a new way forward” and the need to “turn the page.” He asked the candidate what she would actually be “turning the page from” after having already been in the White House for nearly four years. Harris responded by attacking Donald Trump, essentially claiming he is the reason why Americans need a change.

Baier went on to note how, according to pollsters, 79 percent of “likely voters” think the country is on the “wrong track.” He noted how “that track follows three and a half years of [Harris] being vice president and President Biden being president.”

“Why are they saying that?” he asked, clarifying once again how she has “been in office for three and a half years.”

Harris responded by noting how “Donald Trump has been running for office.” 

“But you’ve been the person holding the office,” Baier pushed back.

Clearly agitated, Harris shot back, “You and I both know what I’m talking about. You and I both know what I’m talking about.”

“I actually don’t. What are you talking about?” Baier asked. 

The confusion is understandable. Confused is how Harris leaves the listeners of her obfuscating word salad babblings, which often expose her ignorance. 

Madam Vice President was apparently reverting back to the main talking point of a candidate whose actual policy positions are wildly anti-American. That talking point: Trump is bad.

‘When did you First Notice’

Normally, Harris can get away with hammering the “Trump bad” message, while tossing in a dash of her vapid “dreams and aspirations” banter. But Baier didn’t follow the usual corporate media script. He didn’t take Harris’ gibberish nonanswers for an answer. 

“Last night, Kamala Harris once again refused to name a single policy difference between her and Joe Biden. Does that sound like a new way forward to you?” Vance said in a post on X the morning following Kamala’s Fox interview.

Last night, Kamala Harris once again refused to name a single policy difference between her and Joe Biden.

Does that sound like a new way forward to you?

— JD Vance (@JDVance) October 17, 2024

During the interview, the Fox News anchor also particularly challenged Harris on her record on the border and illegal immigration. However, Harris seemed to largely stand by the current administration’s disastrous border policy decisions and, when pressed, “only sort of apologized to the families of victims killed by illegal immigrants let into the U.S. by … Biden-Harris,” before once again attacking Trump, as The Federalist reported on Wednesday.

Baier also asked Harris what she knew and when she knew it regarding her boss and his pronounced cognitive decline, as The Federalist previously reported

“You say now [Trump is] unstable, he’s not well, you say he’s mentally not stable,” Baier said, before noting that Harris “told many interviewers that Joe Biden was on his game.”

“When did you first notice that President Biden’s mental faculties appeared diminished?” he asked. 

Harris appeared defensive.

“Joe Biden, I have watched in — from the Oval Office to the Situation Room. And he has the judgment and the experiment — experience to do exactly what he has done, in making very important decisions on behalf of the American people,” Harris said.

She refused to acknowledge what most of the country has watched over the past four years. After all, if Biden is still so sharp, why did he drop out of the race? 

Down Deep, Everybody Knows

Harris’ handlers know better than anyone what a train wreck she is. That’s likely why the vice president has done relatively few interviews — fewer still in which her nonsense has actually been challenged. After the interview, Baier claimed the vice president ultimately showed up late for the interview after her campaign team “pared the allotted time he had with her,” as the New York Post reported on Wednesday.

“We were supposed to start at 5 p.m. This was the time they gave us. Originally, we were going to do 25 or 30 minutes. They came in and said, ‘Well, maybe 20.’ So, it’s already getting whittled down. And then the vice president showed up [at] about 5:15 [p.m.]. We were pushing the envelope to be able to turn it around for the top of the 6 o’clock,” Baier said following the interview.

Baier also said that “multiple Harris campaign aides were signaling him to end the interview — halting the tough questioning minutes before the half-hour mark,” the New York Post reported. In a post-interview follow-up with Fox News Host Sean Hannity, Baier noted how “[Harris’] people — like probably four people” were motioning for him to end the interview and were “very animated.”

“Madam Vice President, they’re wrapping me very hard here,” Baier said in the interview, as the final awkward seconds came to an end. 

It was not a good look all around for Harris, who has been losing ground in the polls. Yes, making the vice president finally answer real questions exposed her many inadequacies. But more so, Harris’ agitated responses punctuated by her indignant sense of victimhood showed voters the kind of hot-tempered politico that so many of her former staff members apparently had the misfortune to know. 

A Truer Snapshot of the Candidates 

Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump left them laughing at the New York City political event of the season that Harris decided to skip. 

The GOP’s presidential nominee showcased the biting sense of humor he’s known for at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Dinner in New York City. Even CNN’s Trump-hating Brian Stelter had to admit the man that he and his corporate media pals have long villainized “was funny.” 

“I thought he actually got a few great jokes in. I thought the best moment was [when] he talked about the assassination attempts and made light of what he’s experienced,” Stelter said on CNN following the annual benefit for Catholic charities.

Trump, who was nearly assassinated when a gunman shot him in the ear during a July campaign rally in Pennsylvania, told the assembled New York City elite he couldn’t come up with the usual self-deprecating lines expected of the participants. 

“I guess I just don’t see the point of taking shots at myself when other people have been shooting at me for a hell of a long time,” the former president joked. 

“I think he’s experiencing real trauma, real PTSD as a result of the shootings,” Stelter said. “But he’s still able to have a light moment in this room, and he took advantage of the fact that Kamala Harris wasn’t there.” 

Harris skipped the event, something few presidential candidates have done over the fundraiser’s long run. She did record a video for the festivities, appearing with comedian Molly Shannon who brought back her 1990s Saturday Night Live character, Mary Katherine Gallagher, an armpit-sniffing Catholic school student. It was hard to say what was creepier and cringier — a 60-year-old Molly Shannon in a Catholic girl uniform, or a pretend presidential candidate badly acting in a hastily produced “comedy” clip. 

The Fox News interview and the Al Smith dinner might just combine to be the real October Surprise, showing voters the real presidential hopefuls — a funny former president who commands the room and an angry vice president not ready to lead. 

Matt Kittle is a senior elections correspondent for The Federalist. An award-winning investigative reporter and 30-year veteran of print, broadcast, and online journalism, Kittle previously served as the executive director of Empower Wisconsin.

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