Kamala Harris Mocked for Her ‘Last Minute Desperation’ Play as She Turns to Hitler Fearmongering

In a recent speech, Vice President Kamala Harris aimed to connect former ⁤President Donald Trump with Adolf Hitler, ‌amidst concerns over‍ Trump’s rising popularity in the⁣ polls as the presidential election approaches. ⁤This attack was based⁢ on comments made by John ​Kelly, Trump’s former chief of staff, who is cited by Harris to suggest that Trump‍ preferred a military loyal to him rather than the U.S. Constitution. Harris‍ characterized Trump’s approach as both “deeply troubling” and “incredibly dangerous,” arguing⁢ that he desires a military that would obey unlawful ⁤orders.

Critics quickly‍ condemned Harris’s remarks as⁤ exaggerated⁤ political rhetoric, with some suggesting it reflects desperation from the Democratic Party as the election nears. They noted that past attempts to link Trump with Hitler have not proven effective. Various commentators mocked⁢ Harris’s strategy as ​ineffective and indicative of the Biden-Harris administration’s overall‍ failure. Additionally, ‍Harris faced backlash for her claims, as many argued they were⁢ unfounded and stemmed from a politicized interpretation of Trump’s​ past comments and relationships with military figures. The ongoing controversy highlights the polarized nature of political discourse in‍ the U.S. as⁤ the election ⁣approaches.

Democrat Kamala Harris, apparently seething over her opponent’s surge in the polls, is now trying to tie former President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler in the closing weeks of the presidential election.

Harris turned to reporting from the far-left shill The Atlantic and disgruntled former Trump White House chief of staff John Kelly as the basis of her ridiculous attack.

Speaking Wednesday in front of her vice presidential residence in Washington, D.C., Harris said, “So yesterday we learned that Donald Trump’s former chief of staff John Kelly, a retired four-star general, confirmed that while Donald Trump was president he said he wanted generals like Adolf Hitler had.

“Donald Trump said that because he does not want a military that is loyal to the United States Constitution, he wants a military that is loyal to him,” she added.

“He wants a military who will be loyal to him personally. One that obeys his orders, even when he tells them to break that law or abandon their oath to the Constitution of the United States,” Harris argued.

As a West Point graduate who swore an oath to defend the Constitution upon being commissioned as a U.S. Army officer and someone who has been around military people from all branches my entire life, Harris’ claim is among the most ridiculous I have ever heard.

It’s obvious that it’s over-the-top political rhetoric, and that’s all. The Biden-Harris administration’s Justice Department has gone to extraordinary measures to bypass the law and the Constitutional to try to “get Trump.”

And even if Trump had any inclination to disobey the Constitution using the military, where would he find even one general officer, who by attainment of that rank has served decades in the military, to follow such an order, much less the officers and rank-and-file below him or her to carry it out? 

The vice president then quoted Kelly as saying he believes Trump is someone who falls into the “general definition of fascist.”

Keep in mind, the former president reported firing Kelly, saying he could not stand the guy, and Newsweek confirmed at a bare minimum the retired general left the White House because the relationship had soured between the two.

The Atlantic story quoted Kelly regarding Trump’s alleged appreciation for Hitler’s generals from the 2022 book. “The Divider: Trump in the White House, 2017-2021.” The book’s title conveys its anti-Trump message.

It recounted Kelly having to explain to Trump that some of Hitler’s generals, like Erwin Rommel, tried to kill him. Further, he said Trump did not even know who Rommel was.

That doesn’t even ring true, given Trump’s oft-stated love for World War II Gen. George S. Patton, whose chief rival was Rommel. The German general played an important part in the plot of the 1971 Academy Award-winning best picture “Patton,” which Trump must have seen. It seems most people’s affection for the general begins from watching George C. Scott’s portrayal of him in the movie.

Patton, by the way, did much to help defeat the Nazis, and his forces liberated some of the concentration camps imprisoning and killing Jews.

Many mocked Harris’s push to tie Trump to Hitler.

One wrote on X, “The last minute desperation is epic to watch…. This is all they have left because every single thing they have tried has failed MISERABLY!!!!”

The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro, who is Jewish, posted, “So the actual closer is, after all the Joy™ and the I’m Not Biden™ and the Let’s Come Together™…Trump is Hitler. Wow, are they bad at this. And boy, do they deserve to lose.”

Podcast host Clint Russell added, “Two weeks out from the election and this is the October surprise they are going with. More made up quotes that never happened. This is pure desperation.”

Democrats have been trying to link Trump to Hitler since the 2016 race. It didn’t work then, and it won’t work now.

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