Twitter Mob Attacks Sarah Paulson For Not Declaring Her Pronouns On ‘Trans Visibility Day’

Twitter Mob Attacks Sarah Paulson For Not Declaring Her Pronouns On ‘Trans Visibility Day’

Despite being a noted LGBTQ advocate — and in a same-sex relationship with another woman — actress Sarah Paulson (“Ratched,” “American Horror Story”) was swarmed with a deluge of hateful attacks on Twitter after she refused to name her pronouns on Wednesday’s “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

According to Gay Times, Paulson ignited a firestorm on the social media platform when she dismissed a fan who told her to name her pronouns.

“Twitter drama kicked off last night and Gay Twitter has been left divided after an online user tweeted the star ‘Put [your] pronouns in your bio, it’s not that hard,’” reported the outlet. “Paulson quickly replied to the tweet saying it wasn’t anyone’s job to tell her what to do. The star tweeted back: ‘It’s also not that hard for you to not tell what to do.’”

Shortly after the exchange, Paulson was met with a torrent of hateful and misogynistic attacks, referring to her as a “b***h,” “c**t,” and so much more.

“So your pronouns are dumb/whore?? No? Ohhh right sorry I forgot it’s ugly/b***h right?” tweeted one user.

“Oh she’s a c**t. Huh, who knew,” tweeted another.

While others were less hateful in their language, they still did not accept or understand Paulson’s reasoning for not listing her pronouns.

“It’s trans visibility day, please dont act like this about pronouns as it comes across in the wrong way and its a very simple thing to do,” tweeted one user.

“I understand where you’re coming from, but trans and non-binary people do it to avoid being misgendered, and when someone with a platform as big as yours does it too, it helps normalize it. Makes it harder for people to harass us too … It matters,” tweeted another user.

“It was kinda rude of her to ask this way but putting ur pronouns in ur bio is actually really important to make this app a more inclusive and comfortable place for trans/non binary people !!! it would mean a lot to many people if u did it,” tweeted another.

Some people on Twitter did come to Sarah Paulson’s defense.

“Trans people do not care that sarah paulson doesn’t have pronouns in her bio, we care about the fact that we don’t have equal access to healthcare, that in the uk we don’t have equal marriage rights, that trans women of colour are at high risk of murder, the list goes on,” tweeted one user.

On the very same day that the Twitter mob sought Paulson’s cancellation, she signed an open letter published by the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) denouncing feminists who refuse to accept transgenderism as hateful bigots. Paulson also openly supported the public vitriol that author J.K. Rowling received when Rowling refused to endorse certain aspects of transgender ideology.

“The fact that one of the world’s wealthiest women logs onto twitter on a regular basis to whine about being ‘erased’ by trans people… girl get a f***ing hobby. Buy an island for you and your little transmisogynist friends and leave us all in peace,” tweeted freelance editor Tyler Ford last June. Paulson responded, “Oh yes. YES YESSSSSSS.”

RELATED: Gloria Steinem, Selena Gomez, Brie Larson Sign Letter Supporting Transgenderism

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