Mean Girl Chrissy Teigen Was Just Exposed. But Her Liberal Privilege Is Protecting Her. 

Model and Democrat mouthpiece Chrissy Teigen is a nasty Mean Girl. Anyone who’s checked out her Twitter feed would be able to figure that out after a few moments of scrolling.

But it’s far worse than we thought.

Teigen was exposed this week for harassing a troubled then-16-year-old girl named Courtney Stodden, telling the minor that she has a “fantasy” for her to take a “dirt nap,” a reference to the girl’s death. She even sent the teen death threats via private direct messages, Stodden claims. Teigen, notably, has not denied the allegations.

Teigen issued a quick apology via Twitter only after the fiasco went public. Though Teigen claims she tried to reach out to Stodden privately, the now 26-year-old says this is untrue. Moreover, Stodden posted a screenshot showing that Teigen has her blocked on Twitter — typical cry-bully tactics here from Teigen. 

As highlighted by some right-leaning politicos online, Teigen will not face any repercussions for her actions. She will not be kicked off Twitter for apparently violating its terms of service, nor will she be blacklisted by Hollywood or canned by corporations that sell her cookware.

Teigen will not be canceled or even scrutinized entirely because of her identity, or her liberal privilege, to borrow a phrase from Donald Trump Jr.

Teigen routinely fashions herself a victim, quitting Twitter (only to get back on weeks later) ironically because people are “mean” to her, and, also ironically, whining about bullies as she bullies people. Aside from her Victim Status, Teigen preaches the Leftist agenda. She’s promoting Planned Parenthood, echoing leftist talking points, and attending and hosting Democratic events like the good liberal she is.

Meanwhile, everyday Americans and public figures with the wrong identity and/or political views are canceled and punished immediately for supposed infractions. They are never offered space to apologize or give their side of the story, and they darn sure aren’t offered any redemption.

Actress Gina Carano comes to mind, as does Papa John’s founder John Schnatter and canned CEO Sam Johnson.

When redemption and grace and understanding are offered one way, it’s not really about redemption and grace and understanding; it’s about punishing people for their identity and views while protecting others with the right identity and views.

Mean Girl and liberal mouthpiece Chrissy Teigen is just the latest example.

Related: Chrissy Teigen Apologizes For Harassing Minor, Wishing For Her Death

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