McCarthy Demands Answers On COVID-19 Origin: We ‘Cannot Trust China,’ ‘Republicans Know The Truth’

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) called out Democrats this week for their handling of China and demanded answers about the origins of COVID-19.

In an interview with Fox News, McCarthy said, “We will never fully recover if we do not rebuild and get the answers from this [COVID origins]…Democrats, you’ve got movie stars, you’ve got the NBA, you’ve got Big Tech, you’ve got mainstream media. They all trust China.”

“Republicans know the truth. These Democrats were so desperate to disagree with Donald Trump, they ignored the truth,” he said. “And let me give you a little personal experience. I spent eight months communicating with the Democrat leadership to create a China task force that was bipartisan, equal number [of] Republicans, equal number of Democrats.”

“They finally agreed. We’d locked it down. We even had The Washington Post come in to interview. [We were] about to announce it and they pulled back. You know why? ‘Cause they felt that may give a benefit to Donald Trump because what was happening with COVID,” he said.

“Now it all seems to come to fruition. Why were they so afraid? They put politics before the lives of American citizens,” he added. 

McCarthy went on, saying, “We have to know the truth to this. We have to know why it started. And why was the first action of President Biden to put money back into the World Health Organization with no penalties whatsoever?”

“Did we forget what happened in Tiananmen Square 30 years ago…?” McCarthy asked.

“You cannot trust China,” he said. “You can’t even put China in the element of the Soviet Union ‘trust but verify’ because we cannot trust them.” China, he said, was responsible for the deaths of “millions of people” around the globe. “Why did they send international flights but stop domestic flights? Why did they influence individuals? Why did they threaten Australia when Australia wants to find out where did the COVID start?” he asked.

McCarthy added, “The rest of the world needs to stand up. And America, and especially in Congress, we should be the very first. And we should be locked hand in hand. It should not be a question about Republicans or Democrats…”

In recent weeks, new information has been revealed surrounding the origins of the novel coronavirus. As The Wall Street Journal reported last week, a previously undisclosed U.S. intelligence report showed that three researchers from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology were hospitalized due to illness in November 2019.

“The details of the reporting go beyond a State Department fact sheet, issued during the final days of the Trump administration, which said that several researchers at the lab, a center for the study of coronaviruses and other pathogens, became sick in autumn 2019 ‘with symptoms consistent with both Covid-19 and common seasonal illness,’” The Journal reported. 

As The Daily Wire reported, experts “agree that the pandemic originated in Wuhan, but social media outlets like Facebook and others have, until recently, censored posts that say the virus originated in a lab. In the last few weeks, though, an increasing number of reports have presented the case that the virus may have originated in the Wuhan facility, and even members of President Joe Biden’s cabinet are demanding answers.”

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